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Air Transat Refund Amount - Help!

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The response I received from my TA wasn't very clear but I thought I would share anyways...


"The free passenger credit is calculated by the supplier, but it is minus taxes and surcharges. It is based on the least expensive package. Their base fare, amount pre tax includes surcharges that are not included in the credit and not calculated in the taxes.


At final payment, as long as no one requests extensions or we have payment issues, Transat will let me know what the amount is. Prior to taking your final payment or anyone who will be receiving a credit, I will let you know what the amount owing is. You will receive the credit on your invoice at the time of final payment, to avoid refunds and cheques.


When I give you the amount, you can let me know how much you will keep for yourself and how much to apply to other invoices".

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I should be finding out tonight from my TA what we got be he did tell me that both he and the AT rep thought it would be 4060.00 and we got the maximum (4 free trips) so it definitely seems like you should be getting more!

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@@calgarybride2015 She hasn't said much yet, just that the amount we will be refunded is lower due to surcharges and that ideally it would have been more clear what our refund amount was when we signed the contract in order to set expectations... I've followed up with her again this morning for more details and will be calling her this afternoon if I don't hear anything.


@@ashhtayy Thanks for providing your TA's response. I agree the response is not abundantly clear, but they seem to be saying that there are surcharges built into the base price (which matches what my TA is saying). However when I looked online at Air Transat's website, they specifically break out the extras on top of the base price as "taxes and fees" and those match our contract. Not sure how they can bury extra costs in the base price and not call them out or provide a breakdown to prove that they aren't just pulling numbers out of their asses  :wacko:


@@nkavanaugh Awesome that you got the 4 free trips! That amount back seems to line up pretty well with our expectations, given that your trip is a month after ours and at the same resort. Do you mind telling me what the base price was listed as in your contract?


Thanks so much ladies  :wub:

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@@krystalball have you taken a look at the Consumer Protection Act for Ontario? here's the page where it talks about contract and additional fees:




Not sure if this will help you but I know when ever I mention the Consumer Protection Act to companies that are giving me the run around they suddenly become more accommodating :)


Good luck!

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@@krystalball with Transat the free passenger credit is usually based off double occupancy (triple, quad don't apply), in the lowest room category (sometimes certain categories do not apply) and with everyone booking 7-night packages.  If any guests in your group booked less than 7-nights or resort only they do not count towards your rate.  The $1089 rate may possibly have the surcharges, extra taxes and connector fees included.  Or if your quote was priced match through another supplier this will vary your calculations as well.  As @@TADarci mentioned it is hard to confirm without seeing your contract and knowing the exact terms as it varies with each resort brand as well.  

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@@krystalball we had people coming from everywhere but our lowest would have been from Toronto and that rate was $!032.00 (not including taxes) so I feel like you should've been somewhere along the same lines as us! I hope you end up getting sorted something definitely seems off!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I finally have an update on this saga - though not what I was hoping for.


We had a couple who last minute (days before the final payment deadline) had a work obligation come up and while they are still coming, had to move their package from Toronto to Montreal - leaving 2 days earlier than the rest of the group. Since this happened before the payment deadline, my TA has said the refund amount is calculated using their base price. When I check today's pricing, the all-in cost between the two trips is less than $50, but flying out of QC means that the airline doesn't have to break out the taxes and fees online like they do for ON....


I asked my TA to contact Air Transat for a breakdown of the fees used to calculate the Montreal trip and all I got was: "Montreal fees and taxes beyond what are listed for legal purposes are different than Toronto. Other reductions in the price - not shown are agency taxes, commissions and fees."

@TAPreety @TADarci What do you think of that response? Am I interpreting that correctly that they are including my TA's commissions in the fees? That doesn't seem right to me for the purposes of the "free trips" but I don't want to respond back to my TA until I understand if that's normal or if I am reading the statement incorrectly.
Thanks again for everyone's input on this!
Edited by krystalball
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@@krystalball sorry for the delay as my name was not @ correctly so I didn't know see your response till now.  I am based in BC so not familiar with Quebec laws but I do know they vary.  Also group pricing is different than what you find online as individual pricing but it is given to us agents in a lump sum amount so we do not have any breakdowns either.  So we are unable to say how much of that base price is the air portion vs the hotel portion.  And if the free credit is a resort promotion then that doesn't mean it will always cover the air portion either.  It will be best to talk to your agent for better clarification as we said before we cannot confirm anything without seeing your contract and knowing all the terms when you signed.

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@@krystalball did you make any progress? I clearly spoke to soon as Transat is now coming at me saying they are removing $1000 dollars of our credit.. so sour over it. We used a big portion of our credit for family members and so there goes the tiny bit I was using for us. Seriously annoyed with them at this point!

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