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Azul Fives By Karisma Brides 2016

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Hey Ladies!! Did either of you take note of the timing for walking down the aisle on the sky deck? I know it would depend on how fast you walk but even just a estimate. Thanks :) 

Edited by KBrown
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Theres a video on Facebook someone said it took 55 seconds but it depends on how fast or slow u walk. Hope this helps xx





@TinkerSofi @sassylouxx  

Great thanks! So for the music is  there  someone there that will swtich the music for you? Do people normally let there full songs play through? It would be weird if the music just stopped mid song no???


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@@kristinejasmin I searched another AF forum and found this...


"My wedding coordinator sent me the dimensions of the gazebo with a picture of it. If you want me to email you the picture, let me know. It's 8.10 ft wide, 9.4 ft long and 8 ft tall. I hope that makes sense".


The picture she attached was of the gazebo on the Sky Deck so it's likely accurate but to be sure I would email your Wedding Designer.

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@@snswedding2016 mentioned this to me but I can't remembered where so I'm sharing here in case it helps any of you out.


The water glasses on the table at dinner come in three different colours - clear with red, clear with blue and all clear. If red or blue are in your colour pallet then this is perfect, but be sure to specify what you'd like to your wedding designer. We've opted to go with the all clear water glasses.

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Here is a pic of the blue water glass. These worked perfectly with our colour scheme.



There is a person that runs the music that will fade down the music for your ceremony. We were really specific and had built in the fade times etc so we had a friend run the music but there is a person available to do that for you. It comes with the "always & forever" package.

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