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Hey ladies.  As we all know, hindsight is 20/20.  I'm hoping that our blissfully married brides could share to us brides-to-be the wisdom that they gained from their experiences.  Looking back is there something you would have done differently?  Worn different shoes?  Paid for a vendor with different currency?  Had something shipped, or purchased on site instead of carrying it with you?  Let us know before we make your same mistakes!

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For the most part I wouldn't do anything differently. People tried to talk us out of going to Jamaica especially after our group plans fell apart but thanks to Doug we stuck with what we wanted and didn't let anyone talk us out of it.


I think I would have looked around a bit more for someone for my makeup and hair. I went with the spa at the resort and they were totally unimaginative. My makeup was overdone and I didn't speak up. Plus, my plan had been to have my hair down but it was so much hotter when we got there than I was expecting that I decided to have it up bit it definitely needed more imagination. The lady that did it just basically pulled it all together and stuck it on the top of my head. I wish I had opened my mouth more.

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My best advice is don't sweat the small stuff because it seriously will not matter! Did everything go perfectly as planned? Absolutely not! It was perfect weather all week until an hour before the wedding. It was torrential downpour and since we were getting our hair and makeup done off the resort they were calling the guys all day to see if we wanted to move inside. It cleared up and we went with our gut and stuck with the plan to get married on the beach which thankfully was the right call. But looking back on the day it was beautiful and perfect because I was marrying the love of my life surrounded by so much love from our family and friends. 


Oh and carry on your dress and make sure you have a clear plastic cover for your dress just in case security needs to look/touch it. That way their grubby hands won't get it dirty!

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Great topic and advice for sure!


One thing we like to emphasize to our wedding couples is that if photography is important to them at all, to choose a professional photographer - rather than the resort guy wearing a "Photographer" t-shirt.

After all, when the party's over, and your guests have all gone home, what's left are your memories and the photos that captured your day. You don't get a "do-over" on this......your photographer needs to capture your day as it unfolds.


With a professional photographer, you will have a Wedding Day Love Story in images that can transport you right back to those magical wedding moments that matter!!! You will feel all the intensity of the feelings you had at the time - Priceless!!!! ....and something you'll cherish for a lifetime :)


To show a comparison of how different the results are from a professional vs a random resort guy with a camera, we've created an album we'll share here: Professional Photographer vs Resort Photographer Album





Which one captures the emotions and tells the better story filled with beautiful light and gorgeous details ??? It's your choice - however there are no "second chances" to go back and "get it right"......it's a one-time shot.


Wishing everyone happy research, and the most Wonderful Wedding Celebrations ever!!! team MTM :)

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