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Deecol's Planning Thread - Gbp - April 30Th, 2016

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Sorry I'm a bit late jumping on the band wagon but...Wow! I love your story! It's amazing when you 'just know'.


Love your dress, you look stunning and with that beautiful setting everything will be gorgeous xx



14 /10/2015 - R R C, Mexico

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@@acw271011 - Thank you so much!!!  I agree about the colour change, buffet & paint-change to the ceremony location... Everything is coming together :)  Thanks for the note about my Mom... I get her emotions, but it's hard for me to see why she can't just put it aside for one day.  Hoping she'll surprise me and everything will be fine.  I mentioned you in a comment on the GTA meet-up post - were you able to put the room in that bar near your work on hold for Oct 2?  I can't wait to meet everyone!


@@Wafflesmom - Thank you :)  I love my dress so much!  The price was such a bonus!  I have to stay organized, it was killing me not to be haha, if you're like me you'll feel like a weight has come off your shoulders, but it also put into perspective how much I still have to do!  Fingers crossed on my parents!  I'm not worried about my Dad, my Mom is the feisty one, but my girlfriends promised to help diffuse if necessary.


@@maybeoneday -  Thank you!  Us North Americans love a good English accent  ;)  And thank you for your comments!


@ - Ahhhh thank you!  I'm so in love with my dress I want to wear it everyday!  All the girls I show that know me say "That dress is so you".  I think with the veil thing, it was just easy to picture without because it's a tropical setting, but I know what you mean - once you put it on, the game changes.  I love that it's my best friend's mom's veil too, it makes it so special.  And it's so simple, which is perfect with the bottom of my dress being so dramatic.


@@Janjin - Thank you  :) Who knew being thrown into a pool would change my life forever!  Thank you so much for the comment about my dress!  It has some similarities to yours!  Great minds!

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...Well, some of the flowers.


In May I went to Michaels and found these gorgeous flowers!  They feel almost real and have that simple, romantic feel I'm after.  As I'm very Type A, I decided from the start that I was going to have fake flowers for my bouquets and boutonnières, it sounds really bad but it's one more thing I can have control of.


I found these on sale from $5.99/flower reduced to $2.39/flower and my best friend got me her 15% teachers discount.  I decided on 5 flowers in each bouquet (me and two bridesmaids) and then once i got my girls dresses I would add to mine based on those colours.  So in the end, 15 flowers cost me $35 and that's 2 1/2 bouquets sorted.  I plan to either tie them with a single thick ribbon in white or to somehow fuse them all together with glue or something so it has that "just picked these from the garden" look.


This is the lovely associate holding three of the flowers against her shirt because at the time I was thinking about our previous red colour scheme.





A few months later I was in Michael's again... aka my second home... and found these beautiful boutonnières for the guys.  We needed 5 total (Col, 2 groomsmen and our dads).  They were $4.99 each, I used a 50% discount coupon on one and my friends teachers discount on the whole purchase, all 5 came to about $20.




I still have to get the rest of my bouquet, the mothers corsages, my aisle flowers, and sort out the reception and ceremony flowers with the WC.  Shouldn't be too much as I'm planning to keep really simple.  Will be swinging by Michael's sometime this week, as @@yycbride2016 reminded me there is a fall decoration sale!  And I seem to be finding stuff when I'm not necessarily looking - my dress, the flowers, Colin... lol  So hoping to keep up this momentum and pop into Michael's every so often with no direct intentions. 

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@ That's a great price for all your flowers!  I agree, the flowers in Mexico can be really pricey, and sometimes what you have envisioned isn't available because of the season.  I went to a wedding 5 years ago in Cuba and I remember hearing that the pink bouquets she chose weren't the same pink she ordered.  It wasn't a big deal in the larger scheme of things because it was the only pink in her whole wedding decor so it was fine, but what if it did need to be a specific shade?  That's what made me want to opt for the fake flowers.


For my bouquet, because Colin wants a light pink tie and the idea is to have the groomsmen in coral pink ties to match the bridesmaids dresses - I still need to post these! - I would like to find roses (both tight and full opening) in both light and coral.  I've pinned some examples from pinterest and I think because we are using different shades of pink instead of one, I can get away with everything not all matching the one colour.  And the same with the aisle flowers - small bouquets of roses. Do you think that sounds good?

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@ I absolutely agree.  I always wanted to keep it fairly simple and just have the red and white but I'm glad we changed so I can be a little more crafty and not have to worry about the one colour being so consistent.


So, here's the breakdown I have envisioned:

Bridesmaides Dresses - Coral pink (already purchased, will post a pic in my next update)

Suits - light-med grey pants and vest with white long-sleeved collared shirts.  Colin with a light pink tie (his request surprisingly) and the boys in a coral pink tie to match the BM dresses

Flowers - Lilies & roses, unless I find something else that catches my eye.  Mostly white, (half of my bouquet, BM bouquets, boutonnières and moms corsages.  Light pink and coral flowers for the other half of my bouquet, aisle flowers.  Combo of about 50% white, 50% pink mixture in decor flowers which I imagine at this point to only be at the reception table, head table, and for centrepieces.  I'd like to use the BM bouquets as reception decor, putting into vases but this will depend on timing with pictures etc and the overall reception decor.

Hits of metallic silver - Cake topper, my reception sandals (already purchased, need to post a pic), centrepieces (haven't decided on these yet), frames for social media signage etc


So far that's what i have pictured... 

How does that sound?

Edited by deecol
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@ That's perfect!!!  Great minds think alike!


My package also includes a brides bouquet and grooms boutonnière, so it's not confirmed with the WC but the Wedding Manager I've been communicating with through said that I may be able to use that cost towards wedding decor.  We get a floral arrangement for the ceremony (on the table) that I plan to move to the reception and possibly place on the head table depending on the size.  Using the aisle flowers as centrepieces is an amazing idea!!!


As for tables, I'm not sure of the size yet - I presume we'll find out once we book the reception.  Since we have 40 booked as of now (me and cool, 4 wedding party and 34 guests I'm not sure how it would work... we have a potential 10 more booking so I'm waiting until closer to the day to sort all that out, and that will help me determine centrepiece numbers as well.  If I do find something I love for the centrepieces, I'll probably purchase about 8-10, that will definitely cover the amount of tables and leave us with some extra for the head table and welcome table.  It's hard to try and get ahead with some things until you have the numbers... that's why getting the wedding playlist and things like that out of the way will be super helpful.

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Those don't look like fake flowers at all! They're really beautiful and elegant and will look beautiful against the coral bridesmaid dresses. And I can't believe the price, what a steal! You've done so well with your flowers and your dress.


Reusing flowers and decor is definitely a great idea, and I plan to do the same. All the flowers from our ceremony location will be reused for our reception. We're going with real flowers do it's even more important to reuse!!

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@@Wafflesmom Thank you!  I couldn't say no to that price, and I knew those were the flowers I was looking for.  We are hoping to be either in a new home or very close to it this time next year - with that in mind I knew I could use the white calla lilies as decor. Re-using is soooo worth it!!

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