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Deecol's Planning Thread - Gbp - April 30Th, 2016

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We did post cards and honestly I've read them numerous times since we got married. I think you should consider it :) such a great memory but that's just me :)



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@@deecol - I'm so happy you directed me to your planning thread to check out your centerpieces. I had no idea that these planning blogs even existed, but yours is SO helpful! I've enjoyed reading your story/experiences to date and look forward to reading the remainder until your wedding day!

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@@amanda88 thank you! Everyone on this forum is so helpful and full of so many great ideas I could only hope that I was able to help someone as well! I will be sure to keep updating as I go :)



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41 Days until we say I DO!  34 until Mexico!


It's been an emotional, stressful week... my best friend is no longer in my wedding party.  She is not in the right frame of mind to be thinking about whether or not she would be able to handle coming to Mexico let alone being a bridesmaid and walking down the aisle when she was supposed to be getting married 4 weeks before, of course totally understandable.  When we did speak about it (only when she brought it up, I didn't want to push) I really nicely asked her to let me know as soon as she can because she is on my wedding application as a witness for my legal ceremony and I would need to have her dress altered to fit someone else in 5 weeks.  My travel agent called her to get her ex-fiancé's contact info because he was definitely cancelling and she advised my TA that she was "considering" cancelling as well.  I asked her about it as it was news to me, again told her I totally understood if she did cancel and she told me to find someone else, because that's what is important to me right now (couldn't believe she said that) and the dress is at her mom's for me to pick up.  I contacted her mom and made arrangements to pick up the dress, a couple of hours later her mom texted me and asked me for the veil she lent me back... I was more hurt than anything as I've known them since I was 6 years old and she had now taken the veil back 5 weeks before I leave for Mexico... I became the enemy to them and I don't know how.  My friend then cancelled her trip the next day, I found out by being CC'd in the reply to her from my travel agent... I dropped off the veil the following day, picked up the dress and sent her a message letting her know I loved her and am here for her... she replied the next day saying that I made her do it and I made the decision... I've left it at that and I genuinely wish her the best.  I can't emphasize enough how devastated and heartbroken I am for her.  I know it will get better for her, and I hope when it does and she starts to see some clarity after what she's been through that she will see that I wasn't the bad guy... Sorry for the novel, that was the shorter version.




Onto happier news... I have 3 girlfriends who I couldn't choose between and they were all a bit hurt they weren't bridesmaids in the first place.  I messaged all 3 at once in our group chat and told them I need a huge favour, couldn't choose between them and asked if one of them would do me the honour of standing with me on my wedding day.  They were all so happy and said they would all love to, but in the end they all agreed on one of my girlfriends who I had a feeling it would be and we both couldn't be happier about it, it just feels right.  We are having the dress altered to fit her, and she is soooo excited!



Few more things crossed off the list:



· Dress alterations (corset added)

· Chose processional, father-daughter dance, first dance (will post when the rest are chosen)

· Picked up beach bags from Total Advantage

· Cake Topper

· Passport renewed (I was a couple weeks shy of the 6 month validity period)

· Bridal Party gifts *Need to get another bridesmaid gift

· Groomsmens suits sent back with Colin's Mom to England for the guys to have altered

· Wedding wishes and marriage application sent to WC

· Downloaded Wedding DJ App and WedPics App

· Confirmed reception details with WC - dinner from 6-9pm at the Hibiscus Pool, extend until 11pm

· Made nail, pedi, & waxing appointments for the Thursday and Friday before we leave - we leave on a Saturday morning

To Do:

· Receive the remaining 40 beach bags and waterproof phone cases - My girlfriend confirmed that the bags are arriving next week, still waiting on the phone cases, should arrive by April 1st

· Colin's suit alterations, picking up his altered suit this weekend along with a dress shirt We picked up the suit, he now decided he wants to have the vest taken in a little more (worse than me I tell ya  :P )

· Card Box/Cage – I found the box I want to use, need to turn it into a “card box” Done.  Pic below.

· Find cheap paper fans for chairs at ceremony May not as the ceremony is so short... 

· Engrave Col's wedding band, and see if they could do mine (might be too thin?) - still need to go to engravers

· Choose recessional song & document signing songs (2) and the rest of the dinner/reception playlist and download to app - We are having a joint Father/Daughter - Mother/Son dance and chose our song:

  • Bridal Party Entrance:  “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
  • Bride Entrance: “A Thousand Years” – Christina Perri
  • Document Signing:  “Marry You” – Bruno Mars & “I Do” – Colbie Caillat
  • Recessional: (this was all Col and I love it!):  “Higher & Higher” – Jackie Wilson
  • First Dance:  “Thinking Out Loud” – Ed Sheeran
  • Joint Father/Daughter - Mother/Son Dance: Have I told you lately - Rod Stewart

· Exchange currency, the dollar has been creeping up slowly so we might start now

· Finish welcome letter, I spy and signage for beach, I want to have a sign that says "Choose a Seat Not a Side" or something along those lines, but worry about where to put it... this is TBD.  I worked the "weekly itinerary" text into the welcome letter, I'll post a photo once these are finished 

· Buy a selfie stick for the go-pro, an external iPhone charger, and batteries for the walkie talkies Col has from his Lake Louise snowboarding days, I think the wi-fi situation there is primarily in the lobby and only for an hour so these will really come in handy, especially on the wedding day so we don't bump into each other

· Confirm photo package with the photography company one month before.- Confirm package this week

· Paint our table numbers 

· Make a binder of correspondence with the resort

· Ring box/bag Done. Pic below.

· Timeline:

· MC Script - Done.  Need to write out.

· Thank you speeches

· Seating Chart – Even though it's done, it will definitely be a last minute thing with all the changes, something that is finalized in the last week

· Shopping with my sister this weekend:

  • Buy a second white dress to change into during the reception if I get uncomfortable
  • Outfit for the bachelorette
  • A blue garter - we're not doing a bouquet toss or the garter thing but I wanted to wear one anyway, and some lingerie
  • Buy chicken cutlet/sticky boob things (I'm sure I nailed the terminology) for my dress
  • Clothes for dinners etc

· Figure out vase situation for the centrepeices - I've asked the WC to send a picture of what they were going to rent us, we may just buy 3 more from the dollar store and bring those

· Send out email to guests regarding wedding day attire 

· Hair Trial – scheduled for Mar 29, & Final hair dye scheduled for Apr 19

· Book eyelash extension appt

· Continue tanning, started the week before my shower and starting again this week – started tanning again, only once a week, I tend to get dark really fast

· Ties Got Today.  Pic below.


Ties!  I'm so happy with these and think the guys will look amazing!



Card Box.  It's a storage box I got from Michael's, I cut out cardboard hearts and we spray painted them using the same paint from the table numbers.  We will tie the ends when we get to Mexico.  The box can double as storage and help with packing the smaller things.



Ring Box.  It's really simple in comparison to some of the other ladies, we just spray painted the lid of the white ring box my engagement ring came in silver with the same paint we used for the numbers and card box hearts.



NEW to-dos (I seem to always be adding something):

  • Get bridesmaid gift for my new bridesmaid
  • Write packing list
  • Get vaccines
  • Add the guests to the WedPics app that haven't downloaded it 1 week before we leave


A side note:  I'm finding the communication with my WC very difficult.  In my last email to her I've actually suggested that we just speak face to face when we get to the resort because of the miscommunication... I've sent her my new bridesmaid's information for the marriage application and asked her to confirm a rehearsal ceremony time and date.  I know everything will work out and be perfect  :)

Col is travelling for work to Cuba (Lucky guy) for 10 days so I imagine while I'm having a bunch of girls nights I will also be able to get a lot of the more boring stuff out of the way and download the music.

Edited by deecol
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You're getting so close to your big day!!!! I can't believe it is so soon!!! Very excited for you!


I'm sorry to hear about your friend and I'm sorry that she can't see that you didn't force her out of your wedding. Hopefully in time as she heals from her breakup she will see that you were there for her when she needed you. One of my initial bridesmaids felt like I forced her to back out of my wedding (which wasn't the case), I just needed to know if she was coming. Since then we've been able to talk about it and she now sees we were both just doing what we needed to do in that situation. I'm sorry to hear about the veil too. Do you still need a veil? I'm happy to lend mine out to you. Not sure if it is the style you're looking for though. I can send you pics if you're interested (but no pressure either way).  :)


It looks like you are really tackling that to do list!! Way to go! Your big day will be here before you know it! :D

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You are SO close!


BFF - I am so sad for you, your friend and your friends mom. It's really too bad that she can't see through her sorrow right now. She's going to look back on this time and your wedding day and feel such remorse for what she's put you through and for not standing by you. I can't even begin to imagine how she is feeling but blaming you is not right. Not sure if she told her mom a different story and that's why she took the veil back but at this point, you don't need her veil. @@snswedding2016 is so sweet to offer you hers. I teared up reading that. Anyways, I'm so sorry she's made you out to be the villain. Keep your chin up and focus on you and Col.


Cheap Paper Fans - Have you been to Creative Bag? If you decide you want to do this still, they have some at reasonable prices and various colours. I know there is one in Mississauga so may be worth checking out.


MC Script - If you get around to writing this out, I'd love to see it. We need to start working on this too.


Your ties, ring box and card box look great! Aren't fiancé work trips the best thing for wedding planning? lol I miss Mike like crazy when he's gone but I find I'm 50% more productive.


Good luck with the rest of your list. Seems like you are on top of every detail. Your day will be here in no time :)

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Awe Hun ((hugs))

I'm sure the actions of your friend and her mother are out of despair for what she's going thru. That's still no excuse for the way they've treated you. Your wedding still must go on and they need to appreciate and accept that. I hope once the hurt and confusion and grief passes her and the family she can see that you've done no wrong here and wanted the best for her.


I really hope that Stephanie's veil will work for you or you find something so last minute. Such a sweet offer.


I think all you've done looks fantastic!!! It is going to all come together great!


Your to do list is manageable especially with ten days alone! What does he do that he gets to go to Cuba? Lucky man. Can work on his pre Mexico tan haha


I got my fans from Michaels. They had a 50% coupon so I went 3 times. For 45 fans I paid $45. Oriental trading had cheap ones too but it's not Canadian so time may be short


I got a blue garter at Michaels for pretty cheap. Under $10. I didn't do a toss either but wanted it anyways :) by the end of the night it was off and being passed around. No idea who had it now lol



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@@snswedding2016 I can't believe how close we are getting!  I hope that my friend will be able to reason with me at some point, it obviously wouldn't be any time soon of course.  Thank you sooooo much for offering your veil - that is so sweet of you!  @ also offered hers to me, you ladies are beyond incredible.  I have my eye on a different hair style that wouldn't suit a veil, and probably more of a hair piece or flower.  Thank you so much though, I really appreciate it  :)


@@ashhtayy soooo close omg!  You're getting closer too!  Well for my friend to say back to me "you asked me to step down, you made the decision" when I never ever asked her to step down proves that what she told her mom is completely different from the truth... The action of her mom asking for the veil back hurt so much, people I have known my whole life... but you're right, focus on me and Col and all the people who are so happy for us!  I'll def keep looking into the paper fans and will send you a copy of my MC Script, it's nothing fancy, will basically just be a guideline for when he needs to speak, I'll likely get this done when Col's away.  OMG I am sooo productive when Col's not home lol, even if he works an hour later or a Saturday, I miss him obviously but I get so much done lol


@@calgarybride2015 I think you're right, they are so devastated by everything that their judgement is slightly skewed, my friend had a lot of displaced anger towards me during this, which I didn't ever take personally knowing what she was dealing with.  I'm feeling more now that it somewhat had to do with knowing that I am still getting married, shortly after her.  I hope she can see more clearly in a few months (or however long it takes) and realized I wasn't the bad guy in this.  So sweet of Steph to offer her veil I know!  Perian did as well, you girls are all so amazing. I'm hoping to get the most i can done while he's away, he works for a adventure travel company and it's a requirement to go on these trips, he's actually travelling the whole of Cuba, eating with local families, rolling cigars... but yes, he will get a super base tan, while I'll be visiting the tanning beds lol.  I saw the fans at Michael's, I'll check them out a bit more and that's so funny about your garter!!!  :lol:


I've kept things pretty simple but I am so excited to see it all come together!


Today when I was leaving the gym, one of the ladies from my spin class (who teared when I told her the story, and also offered me her veil!) stopped me to give me a present - Mary Kay hand cream, make-up remover wipes and finishing spray & translucent powder (that I was going to buy anyway!).  So sweet of her - I can't believe how amazing some people can be  :)

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@@deecol Us brides...well some of us now wives ( ;) ) gotta stick together! Happy to help out where I can! Can't wait to see it all come together! Post a pic when you have your new hair piece!! :)


I was just saying to Sean this morning how crazy the time is flying by. I remember thinking all of you April/June brides were far after our wedding and somehow here we are just around the corner from your weddings!! I still feel like I just got married last week - haha! So so excited for all of you and can't wait to hear about how it all goes!

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That was too sweet of her to hook you up with those beauty products!! You have so many people looking out for you because you are a great person. 

I still have the veil if you need it. It's actually the style that has the comb so technically if you still wanted to wear it you could even wear it styled underneath your bun.


like this..



Let me know! :)

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