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Don't let that get you down. You worked out hard - obviously because your body was sore!!!  I bet if you get back on track today that you won't even notice anything on the scale. I really do believe that!!  With all that exercise you gave yourself some wiggle room :)     Days of rest are def good to repair the muscle.. hahah I love the 'omg I can't sit down to pee' feeling :)


I didn't work out this weekend, I suck I know! hahah!  Great intentions.  I did get up and get the DVD in the player yesterday AM as the gym was closed, but it wasn't hooked up since we moved ha!   I am committing to 2 times this week (Thursday and Friday) due to my work schedule.


I also had a small blip on Saturday - too much beer!  The story of my life, but I did get on the scale this AM and was down a little so I  know the slip didn't give me a gain.


I kind of wish I knew what I was right after Vegas because I have no idea what I have lost!!!  But I will use my weight now as a starting point and I still have the 20lbs to go.  I am losing small amounts and I know once I get myself back into the gym it will be easier!!


Have a great week ladies!

Edited by calgarybride2015
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@@calgarybride2015 thanks for the support! I think I needed to hear that. I find my will power is always weak when my FI is weak. I will get back on track today and stay away from the scale haha.


Well done on attempting to workout. At least the thought and intention was there. That's always a good start! I know you can do it. You set a very reasonable goal for the week!


@ haha I know, thank goodness it's over for a while



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Hahaha I agree. I told the husband I needed him to come to push me out of bed (kids are away and was easy to sleep in) soooo you see how far that got me. I used to be so disciplined but I'm getting back there. Nothing I mean nothing used to get in my way. Then I met a man :)



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@@yycbride2016 you have been so good, do not let a weekend get you down. Like @@calgarybride2015 said, you've been working out so much that I hardly doubt a weekend would cancel it all out. Just consider the last weekend d as even more motivation to get you going!


And @@calgarybride2015 I had a bad weekend too. Camping meant too many roasted marshmallows, chips and a whole lot of drinking. My body is not happy with me right now, I haven't been able to retain anything in the last two days.

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@@cruisebride2016  Welcome!  So glad we have inspired you to join the group!  Keep up the good work :)


@@yycbride2016 I know you feel guilty, I did after my goldfish/crisper party last week.  But this feeling is what will push you even harder.  Don't give up, I see your instagram - you're doing awesome!


@@Wafflesmom @@calgarybride2015 Like you ladies told me after my binge... it's a new day!  We all have our moments, but you're stronger than you think!  Keep it going!


I've had the flu since Thursday night, so I'm completely off track... I have maybe lost a couple lbs but it's only due to not eating, I haven't weighed myself because I don't have the energy to stand long.  I had to cancel my ribfest shifts this weekend (aka wedding money) and feel so awful.  It's still lingering now... hoping that sitting at my desk for 8 hours will knock me out when I get home and I can finally sleep through the night.

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@@deecol thanks so much for the encouragement. Hard to forget the binge when I'm still feeling gross. Tummy is still very upset with me lol


I'm so sorry to hear you've been so sick. I hope you get well soon. It's definitely not fun getting the flu. Take care of yourself and drink plenty of liquids xoxo

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@@Wafflesmom Thank you :)  I'm going straight to bed when I get home.  When I'm sick I'm more motivated than ever to get back into the gym.... so as soon as this gets out of my system I am all over it!

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