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So on the flip side of the weekend I can report that I didn't eat insane CNE food.  We were STARVING and when we got in to the food building the lines were crazy long.  So as I was trying to pick out what we could eat that had a smaller line Sean decided we were having roti and there was no changing his mind.  There are certainly worse options in life.  I ate half, and a bit more the next day.  Yesterday I behaved all day!  Still not feeling motivated, but I'm trying to make good choices a habit.

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@@calgarybride2015 – Thanks.  Eating out is something we both struggle with.  It affects our waistlines and our budgets.  It’s just too convenient to do that in our neighborhood.  Good goals – I may borrow one.


I didn't have a great weekend food-wise.  I did manage to have 1 meal at home - breakfast on sunday (yay to fiance for making me pancakes before he left for the day).  So hard to keep on plan with all of the social parts of the weekend.  Oh well today is a new day.  

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@@yycbride2016 great job with sticking to your daily allotted calories and for losing 2.5 lbs! You have such great motivation, I love it!


@@deecol you go girl! Can you share healthy work lunch ideas? I always get stuck thinking of healthy options!


@@JoannaBanana I would argue that you're showing quite the motivation with your restraint. Food's my weakness!


@ I was bad with you! I'll blame it on the power outage I was gonna workout yesterday but I had to take Waffle to the vet. The poor girl was whimpering in pain and scratched her ears raw, she has an ear infection. Unfortunately the only available appt they had conflicted with bootcamp. My little Waffle is more important than working out! But today I'm happy to say I did Pilates and have not eaten out! Woohoo


@@Janjin weekends are so hard on our waistlines. We're going camping this weekend so I'm not gonna be the healthiest.

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Hi all, yesterday went well however I know I did not eat enough. I managed a diet shake at around 3pm and then a low fat pasta with carbonara sauce and small roll. Max calories - 600. Time just ran out. I did manage 20 minutes on my exercise bike and 20 minutes of ab crunches and resistance bands to tone arms.

Will eat more of the good stuff today



14 /10/2015 - R R C, Mexico

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I love that everyone is checking in, accountability goes a long ways!


@@maybeoneday -- you must have been starving!!! I eat that many calories by lunch time!!!   Then to work out, you are my hero!


@@JoannaBanana -- you have come a long ways and 11 lbs is totally doable and you can do it!!


I am on day 10 of logging my meals and have stayed on track!  I didn't weigh myself after Vegas because I knew that would be discouraging so I am not quite sure where I started at, but I know what I was before I went to Vegas. I am up a couple lbs still but have no doubt I can get that off this week/weekend!    I got back to the gym as well, yay!  


I am really seeing it in my clothes now and my husband posted a picture of my daughter and I on FB from the weekend and I shed a tear. I was horrified at how much you can see 20 lbs on the body :(  It's super motivation to keep plugging away and see my clothes go back to being loose/comfortable, instead of tight!!!


Keep up the good work everyone.

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@@maybeoneday Yikes! I'm a small person and I don't think I could function on only 600 calories. Although I know what you mean. Lately I've been struggling to eat enough calories and then I have to find healthy snacks at the end of the day to hit my goal. I know under eating isn't good so I need to be better about eating more too. Lets do this!


@@Janjin Aw thats so cute that your FI made you pancakes! I'm not sure mine even knows how to do that haha. I'm lucky if I get a cup of coffee in the mornings from him haha. Eating out has also been my FI and I's weakness. We went to vancouver just about 3 weeks ago now and we've only eaten out I think once since we've been back. I don't know what changed but we've been really diligent at making dinner at home and eating healthy. It definitely helps the bank accounts!  


@ We all have slip ups. But it's how you recover from them that makes the difference. Take this week to make healthy choices and get back on track! You can do it! 


Thats so awesome @@JoannaBanana You should be so proud of your 33lbs. You are so close to your goal! I know you can do it!


@@calgarybride2015 don't feel discouraged. Let that photo be your motivation. You have been so good at tracking your food and sticking to your calories. Like the saying goes, you didn't gain the weight over night so you can't expect to lose it overnight (as much as I seem to expect it also haha). 


So far my food wise has been mostly good this week. Monday I had no excuse really for not working out. I accidently spilt hot wax (sentsy) all over the floor in my kitchen and because I was cleaning it up forever I used that as my excuse to not workout :(. Yesterday, The starbucks barista poisoned me :o Well.... sort of. I asked for a skinny cappuccino and he made me a soy cappuccino. I have a soy intolerance. I haven't had soy milk in 3 years because of what it does to me. And I think because its been out of my system for so long now it affected me so much worse. I ended up laying in bed almost all night feeling like garbage. So far today isn't much better but i'm hoping by the time i'm done work i'll feel good enough to go for a run or lift some weights. Mid week girls! Keep it up! 

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@@maybeoneday omg I don't know how you didn't pass out.  Maybe get some protein bars to keep with you for situations like that when you don't have time to eat.  Or nuts?  They are high in good fats and protein, have a good amount of calories and will keep you full.


@@JoannaBanana That is amazing!!! Good for you!  How did you add your ticker?  I'd love to add my wedding day ticker.


@@calgarybride2015  Well done on keeping track of your meals.  I find that's by biggest downfall for me because of the time it takes me to do it, I've tried and failed at both MFP and Weight Watchers for those reasons.


@@yycbride2016 Nice job on the weight loss so far.  Sorry to hear about your soy attack, sounds awful!  You sound like you're doing amazing otherwise :)


@@Wafflesmom Absolutely I don't mind sharing some lunch ideas.  I tend to make a bulk of food on a Sunday/Monday and have that for a couple days, then again on Wednesday night.  We bbq'd up a bunch of chicken breasts and I made a bunch of quinoa.  So I've had that most days this week along with either a salad with a bit of extra virgin olive oil and pinch of sea salt, or with veggies sauteed in coconut oil.  If I'm short on time and don't get to do my meal prep, I buy those thin-buns and stack it with tuna mixed with plain greek yogurt with a side salad or veggies.  I eat about every 3 hours, so I keep my meals somewhat small, and I'll bring snacks like hard-boiled eggs, nuts, unsweetened apple sauce, fruit etc with me to snack on.  I'm addicted to Coffee Pur'eh from David's Tea, I get my dose of healthy fats by blending coconut oil in with it and it comes out like a creamy latte!  Once the fall and cooler weather comes I use my crockpot and make a batch of chili with either extra lean ground beef or ground chicken and tons of beans and veggies that will last me for days.  Sometimes I'll have it with rice depending on how hungry I am or the type of workout I've had.  I also batch slow-cook chicken breast and they come out really juicy.  I also bought these frozen turkey burgers, I think Marc Angelo is the brand - they cook from frozen in under 20 min so if you're pressed for time for dinner those are great in a thin bun or on it's own. I make them for lunch sometimes too if I haven't gone grocery shopping.


My check-in:

  • I went to spin Friday and Monday.  I planned to go this morning but I had ONE glass of wine last night for our anniversary and had a terrible headache all night and this morning
  • I haven't had a drink since our camping weekend on Aug 15th and had a mimosa and one glass of red wine at my best friend's bridal shower on Aug 23.  Other than that I haven't had any alcohol and when I had that one glass of wine last night it ruined me for this morning, it's almost 1pm and I still have a headache!  Safe to say watching my alcohol intake won't be a problem
  • My diet has been on point, even on the weekend where I worked an event I brought my own food in cooler containers.  I treated myself yesterday to some chocolate-covered strawberries I made
  • I have done weights on Thursday, Friday, Sunday, and Monday so far since my last check-in
  • I forgot to mention in my last post that my planning goal was to organize the wedding planning and figure out the to-dos - happy to report that I sat down for a couple hours and made myself a book with tabs etc to help me stay on track.  It felt good to have it all sorted but also made me realize how much there still is to do! Also went over the budget with Colin and tried to figure out some numbers.
  • I unsuccessfully have jumped on the scale everyday, not because I'm addicted but because I'm curious, it has dropped 1.5 lbs since last week - I guess slow progress is better than none

Goals for the upcoming week:

  • Spin Friday morning, Saturday morning and Wednesday morning.  Will miss Monday morning due to the bank holiday
  • Continue to keep diet on track.  I will be working at Burlington ribfest this weekend, 13 hours on Sunday and 9 on Monday.  I will be preparing and bringing my own food with me and ensuring I'm not snacking on any of the food they provide.
  • Continue the current weight workouts, my goal was 4-5 a week and I'm doing just that.  Lifting heavier and changing it up and I have been sore every day, a good sore :)  I plan to go this evening if I have time left after my hair appt
  • Treat the scale like the ex you couldn't completely walk away from and break up with the scale but check-in every week... I'm going to change to bi-weekly than monthly but will start with once a week to wean me off.  Every Monday morning.
  • Wedding Planning:  continue to update my book and I plan to start my planning thread on BDW in late-Sept/Oct


Sorry for the novel!  I love being able to honestly check-in with you ladies, and that there is no judgement here!


Thanks!!!  Dee xo

Edited by deecol
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Guys... I'm going to be totally honest, I ate Goldfish and Crispers last night.  I don't know what happened, I was going to get my hair done at my girlfriend's and stopped at Walmart for some Perrier, then BAM - I bought snacks... my stomach feels awful and bloated today, totally paying for it  :wacko:

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