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@ Thanks so much!  I couldn't sleep last night because I was so excited for spin this morning lol.  I'm a really excitable person and having these fitness goals makes me... well, excited  :P  MMM sparkling water!  I don't normally like flavoured water or putting anything in mine but I love the Grapefruit Perrier!


I started writing down fun dance songs for the reception in my planning book anytime one comes to mind, and I checked out the playlists some of the girls posted on this forum. I want to start to at least load those since we don't have any of our other songs picked except for my entrance song.  I figure the couple of months leading up to the wedding will be so busy with making final plans and my best friend is getting married 28 days before me (and 3 weeks before Col & I leave for Mexico) and I'm her MOH so the more I can get out of the way the better.


I am so excited to start my thread!  I think about it everyday lol.  I'm not as creative as you but hopefully some will still find it helpful.  I sent you a DM on instagram asking about your beach bags, msg me back when you get a chance :)

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@@ashhtayy also love diet coke or coke zero!! I had to LOL. I used to drink a lot. Now I get one as a treat once I drink my 3 liters of water. Or if I'm out for a meal :) def something I won't give up.



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@@ashhtayy I'm so glad you joined us! You sound like you live quite an active life already with all the sports you play. With most life changes like a new job and moving, it can get pretty hectic so don't be too hard on yourself. Plus, I'm sure you're burning a lot of calories moving boxes and lifting things! And based on your pic in your wedding dress, you're looking quite hot already ;)


@@deecol @ thanks for the support. This weekend will definitely be bad on my liver

@@ashhtayy I'm so glad you joined us! You sound like you live quite an active life already with all the sports you play. With most life changes like a new job and moving, it can get pretty hectic so don't be too hard on yourself. Plus, I'm sure you're burning a lot of calories moving boxes and lifting things! And based on your pic in your wedding dress, you're looking quite hot already ;)


@@deecol @ thanks for the support. This weekend will definitely be bad on my liver. My workouts have been incorporated in my weekly schedule so it's not hard to get myself to go. I've basically gotten to the point that my week feels incomplete if I don't go to my workout classes.


As for pop, believe it or not but I can't burp. Since I can't burp, carbonated drinks just make me feel bloated and it eventually hurts my stomach. People always thought I was faking and that I was just pretending I couldn't burp to be more "ladylike". I set them straight when I explained to them that if a person can't burp, there's only one other way gas can come out and that's not very "ladylike" at all! Lol That basically settles that argument quickly

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Hi ladies!


It was suggested to me by @@deecol that I come and visit your page.  I think this is a great idea and wish it was around a couple months ago when I started my weight loss. 


A little about me, I was dx’d with PCOS when I was 13 and have been on and off BC ever since.  They say weight gain is a common problem with PCOS and as much as I would love to just blame my weight gain on that…it’s not entirely true.  Plain and simple…I love food.  There were times, when I would eat lunch at work (11am) and then get out around 2 and swing by McDonalds and get the biggest meal I could get.  Just to turn around and eat dinner a couple hours later.  I swear my car has a magnet on it that makes me turn in there.  I know I am not supposed to, but man…I love it lol. 


I got engaged October 2014 and set our wedding date for 10/27/15 (46 days away…eek).  So, like many other people I said, ok January 1st it’s on!   Unfortunately, my life was turned upside down the first week of January.  My younger brother who lived in Florida got really sick, so I had to fly down there and then of course, because of convenience, ate junk food nonstop.  Sadly, my gram passed on February 4th and my baby brother passed away on February 27th – not knowing how to deal with the loss of my best friend, I put all my time and energy into my weight loss and wedding planning. 


During the cold weather months, I did the Stillman’s diet, which is lots of protein (eggs, lean meats, etc).  Once it got warmer out, I then started walking the lake every day.  Here we are a couple months and I am down 30lbs.  I had my first dress fitting in July and the seamstress was not as impressed with my weight loss as I was lol.  Sunday is my next fitting, and I can’t wait to see what it looks like now.  If you want to see some before pics, here is the link to my thread. 


I know this will come off as so cliché, but I can’t stress enough, if I can do it…anyone can!   It certainly isn’t an easy struggle, and as I typed this…in the back of my mind I keep saying…one burger can’t hurt.  But stick to it ladies!!!



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@@JoannaBanana don't be too hard on yourself, it's impossible to be good 100% of the time. It's important to treat yourself every once in a while, what's more important is how you get back on track!


@@Wafflesmom well done on the killer bootcamp and pilates workout! You are crushing it. Again, don't be hard on yourself, it's all about how you recover from the cheat! I cheat too and will usually feel bad but the next day in back at it and feeling good about the reset! I'm so glad that I've inspired you to try some new meals! If you need and recipes or ideas just let me know!


@@ashhtayy welcome! Well done on the year round hockey and basketball! That's wicked! I wish I still payed team sports (soccer). I love your goals! You sound so determined and motivated! You can definitely get back on track with mfp, I also quit it for a long time but I'm back using it and it's helping me take control over portion control!


@@RivieraBride15 welcome to the group! I'm so sorry to hear about your brother and your gram. It's a tough time and I'm sure you are still feeling the loss. Well done on the 30lbs weight loss! That's a huge accomplishment.



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My update: this week I finished a full week of my workout program Insanity! I was sooo...sore and struggled a bit in the first few days, but now I'm feeling awesome and so glad to be back at it. My eating has been really good since the weekend too! Trying out lots of new recipes which have been awesome for adding variety. Unfortunately I stepped on the scale today and it went up a bit and I was so disappointed that my hard work wasn't paying off. But I'm not going to let that get me down. I know that starting a new program I'm rebuilding lost muscle and retaining a lot of water to help with the recovery. I'm hoping to see some serious results next week as its one week away from a friends wedding and I want to look good!



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Watching back to back episodes of Say Yes to the Dress is the best way to make cardio go by faster - Tried, Tested & True



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Cinnabons will kill the best of us!!


Soooooo, I got on the scale yesterday and woot woot! Happy to finally report a 2.2lbs loss :)

I did make it to the gym the 2 times I said I would :)


I wanted to do more weights this week, but I slept in. Was going to call it a day and went on MFP and saw a friend on there had a fantastic loss this week, so I hauled my arse out of bed and did another round of step!


Plans for the week

- do weights atleast once, but if I can move after will aim for 2

- atleast work out 3 times this week

- NOT get on the scale everyday (will be huge for me to accomplish this)

- actually measure myself   (haven't done this once thru my whole journey, which is crazy mind you)


A big one for me will be mindless snacking, so far so good -- not sure if any of you know this (I know @@acw271011 does) that I finally quit my job in June. It was a miserable place to work and management was getting worse and worse. Took a stress leave after I got engaged and made it this far.   Nursing is tight right now for jobs. I am working 1 day at a week at this awesome new job, but I have a lot of free time.  Sooooo I decided to finally get my nursing degree (I am an LPN with a diploma) soooo I just started 4 classes and it's all online. So you can imagine sitting here thinking 'I should eat that' or 'what could I snack on'   But so far so good. Wish me luck!

Edited by calgarybride2015
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@@calgarybride2015 You go girl!! Good for you for working hard to get what you want. You're going to get that nursing degree and you're also going to try your best not to mindlessly snack because you just lost 2.2 lbs and that is awesome! :D


I'm using you as my motivation. I need to get my bum to the gym tonight after work.




To further motivate you, I got up this AM and did 1 hour of Body Pump (endurance lifting)..... sooooo hopefully that will push you to go after work!  I know it's hard when you are tired.  That's why I've been pushing myself to go in the AM's when I have the option - we don't always do, I understand that 100%!


Now I am off to work on Statistics, booooo.... lol  


but it's a cold rainy day here, so nothing much else fun to be done!

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