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Wafflesmom Moon Palace Planning Thread - January 23, 2016

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I picked up another décor yesterday that I'm so in love with. This will go on our sweetheart table and will complete the look




@ has also finished all of our table numbers. Once I've printed them, I'll be sure to post them. Thanks again @. Waffle says thanks for making sure she's included in the wedding ;)


I've also finalized our music list for our DJ and have emailed that to them. Woohoo, another one off our list.


Today my coworkers threw me a lovely bridal shower at work. I was honestly so touched that they organized such an awesome shower with lots of food, cake and gifts. Clearly they know me all too well, hence the cute cake topper.post-279721-0-20249300-1452230318_thumb.jpg

Edited by Wafflesmom
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I love the sign for your sweetheart table! That will definitely complete the look! So cute!


Aw I'm so happy you got a bridal shower from your colleagues! It looks like it was really fun and thoughtful! Congrats!



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I recognize this is not wedding related but can we talk about how awesome that table is in your living room? I love it! Please tell me that is a keg.


Printing out lyrics from your first dance song is a great idea. Idea officially stolen. Thank you.


I really like your ring box too. So cute and you can totally use that again. This is probably a really stupid question, but it is legitimate. I can’t remember if you have a ring bearer or not but if you do, will he carry the rings down the aisle in the box?


Your table numbers are so unique and perfect. What a great way to include your fur baby Waffle in your special day J Perian killed it again!


What a great find with the sign for your sweet heart table! And again, a great keepsake.


Amazing coworkers you have. That cake is beautiful! I bet it was delicious too. Tell us you had a big piece?


You’re on a roll! Can’t wait to see photos of everything all together.

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@@Wafflesmom Love all the decor you've put together. That @ is one talented lady  :) The ring box is so beautiful. I haven't seen anything like it before (although I haven't looked, either). Love having Waffle in the table numbers. So sweet. 


I have a Vancouver question for you. Are you getting legally married before you leave (sorry if this is somewhere in your thread)? I just realized I probably need to book an officiant for our legal ceremony and don't really know where to start. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Thank you!

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Everything looks absolutely fantastic. I can't wait to see it all come together. You've done so well :)


Your last couple weeks are going to fly by!!!!! Super exciting.


Love the ring box. I want something similar but larger to showcase/store my wedding jewelry. Will check out that website.



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@@calgarybride2015 I really want The Mrs box. It's a beautiful velvet monogrammed box. Check it out!

Ohhh thanks I will.

I found one on one site (can't remember which) and it was similar to your ring box but had a hinged lid and it was also monographed.



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@ I'll be sure to send you photos of the finished table numbers in frames. I'll be getting them printed this week, probably Thursday. I can't wait to see them too, you did such an amazing job on them. I even showed them to the vet and she loved them


@@yycbride2016 thanks for the compliments :) I love our sweetheart table decor, and it's super light too so it's great for packing


@@ashhtayy I read your post out loud to Der and he said thanks. He made that keg table and spent hours polishing it. And feel free to steal any ideas, that's how I've planned a lot of my stuff LOL I love the printed song lyrics, I'm going to be hanging it on our wall after the wedding. oh and yes, we do have a ring bearer and he'll be carrying that ring box down the aisle. And thanks for the reminder, I've realized that I never posted his outfit. I bought it from J Crew, it's a grey gingham long sleeve (which will be rolled), charcoal shorts and a coral bow tie that matches Der's tie.



@@vancouverpetunia we're actually getting legally married in Mexico. My friend just had a really low key wedding recently so I can ask who her for the name of her officiant. It was actually a cute story, she and her fiance have been engaged for a while and she was never into having a huge wedding nor was she into wedding planning. So her fiance just booked an officiant and surprised her during a family dinner. Yup, just like that, they got married LOL


@@calgarybride2015 thanks so much, I love my ring box. Unfortunately they don't have a bigger box so not sure they'd have what you're looking for.




12 days till we wed!!!!


Ok so I finally finished my OOT bags!!! It's funny because I actually bought my bags in 2014 during a Black Friday sale from Weddingchicks. So we decided to give a bag to each couple or single attendee but made sure that each adult had one full hangover kit (I think they'll need it). Our OOT bags include: hangover kit (inside it is a pack of gum, 2 packs of emergen-c, a container of advil, 2 pepto bismol tablets and 2 strips of bandaids), our welcome letter/itinerary bundle, a package of tissue, playing cards, hand sanitizer and a bag of lollipops which have stickers on them that say "we're suckers for love". Again, so cheesy that I love it. Do you think that's enough?





On Saturday I had my final dress fitting. Although I've been really good with my workouts, I was pretty bad with my diet during the holidays so I was a little worried about this fitting. Well I'm happy to report that it fits :) Everything looked so beautiful and my seamstress did an amazing job. She showed my sister how to bustle my dress and fix the skirt portion once it's bustled. Next time I have it on will be on my wedding day!!!!


Yesterday my family and bridal party threw Der and I a joint wedding shower. We honestly didn't think we needed a wedding shower but with none of Der's grandparents attending, we thought it would be a great way for them to celebrate with us. I honestly didn't know what to expect and both Der and I were blown away. Der was really surprised at how much fun he had, he confessed later that he thought it was actually going to be lame (thanks??). My family was in charge of food and booze and if anyone knows my family, there was plenty of both. Throughout the night I think I prepped my liver for Mexico/ 3 glasses of champagne and 10 shots later, major detox is needed this week to give my liver a little bit of a break. My bridesmaids were in charge of decor and all I could say was wow. One of my bridesmaids spray painted wine glasses gold and stenciled our initials on them. Mine and Der's glasses said "Mr and Mrs", it was beautiful. Oh and I always dread the games at showers but honestly, we had so much fun. During one game, we had couples participate where the guys first answered questions about their significant other and the ladies were then asked in front of everyone. Like the newlywed game. Well Der's parents made this game awesome. One of the questions was, "where was your first kiss?", Der's mom answered, "in his car" and his dad's answer was, "in the shower....naked" LOL Oh and one other question was, "what's your favourite app?" Der's mom said, "pinterest" and his dad's answer was "sausage rolls". We all looked at each other confused until someone blurted out loud, oh he thought app meant appetizers LOL During another game, Der and I took turns being blindfolded. While blindfolded, six ppl would kiss us on the cheek and we were supposed to guess which kiss was from our fiance. Well Der's grandpa took it to a whole new level. He thought he'd be one of the six to give Der a kiss. When it was his turn, he kissed Der on the lips LOL Der said he knew it was his grandpa because he felt stubble. FYI - his grandpa's nickname growing up was Merv the perv


Here's a few pics from the party



So with a week before we leave, my to-do list includes:

- hair appointment (scheduled for Saturday)

- wax and threading appointment (I need to schedule this for Monday)

- nail appt (I need to schedule for Monday)

- print table number photos and other engagement photos for display

- label decor items for wedding coordinator

- print out travel itineraries and correspondence with vendors and coordinator

- already gave my bridesmaids the placecards so she can write in calligraphy. Will need to pick them up next weekend and attach them to the napkins

- fold the rest of the napkins

- pack

- write thank you speech

- exchange money


Looks like it will be a busy week before traveling!



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Everything looks fantastic - love the bags.  I think you did a great job on your OOT bags. I personally feel it's enough, but if you wanted to add more maybe Tums? You can get travel size 3 packs at Walmart for cheap.  (hahah I think of this as I had nasty heartburn a couple times in Cuba and glad I had packed them!)


Your party looked fabulous. They did such a great job!  I had to laugh at Der's dad's comment - in the shower naked, sounds like maybe he had 10 shots too? hehehe!!!!


I really can't just wait to see it all come together. You will be such a beautiful bride!!!

This last bit will fly by......

@@calgarybride2015 I really want The Mrs box. It's a beautiful velvet monogrammed box. Check it out!


On weddingstar? I can't seem to find it - will keep looking!

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Thanks Kim for the suggestion! I had thought of tums since they may be a necessary thing at an all-inclusive. How was Cuba by the way? Did you have fun despite the rain?


And Der's dad was actually sober, can't wait to see him in action when he gets few shots in him. He's hilarious when he drinks


And thanks for the compliments, I'm so excited but also a bit scared of how quickly time is flying.


P.S. your 1 year is in 10 days

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