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Joannabanana's Planning Thread - May 12Th 2016 - Grand Sirenis

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Sorry I'm a little late on this but I love the lace dress. It's really pretty and can be worn again. The other one is nice but looks like a 'day at the office' dress.


My FI is the same....We are eloping...In secret... so other than a few close friends no body knows. Well he told a friend about this on facebook (private message) and now he wants to come with another lad! I have never met these friends as it was before we got together so would feel very uncomfortable. Luckily FI understood so told his friend not to come but would meet up after we get back! Men!!



14 /10/2015 - R R C, Mexico

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So I'm experiencing a little DRAMA, low grade, but drama nonetheless.  I never should have said anything to anyone about this legal ceremony.  We just wanted it to be us and witnesses, no fuss and frill.  Then as I mentioned it turned in to a little group.  I told my mother and two sisters.  We don't keep much from each other.  So last night my sister starts poking around with texts and I can just feel the judgment radiating out of my phone.  "I'm confused, why aren't you doing it just before Mexico"  "Well you're going to be married for 8 months is secret is there going to be a celebration or honeymoon?" "Well that kinda makes it anticlimactic"  at which point I snapped and unleashed.  That this was the reason I wasn't supposed to tell anyone and why would she question our decision and make me feel bad about it.  The next morning she asked me if I was okay and I thought well gee, maybe I was a bit hard on her.  But then I talked to my other sister and my mother and apparently she was calling them and asking if they were offended to not be invited, and just stirring shit up, saying "wont Dad be devastated?".  ...At 1:30 in the morning apparently.  Anyway.  My other sister and mother both assured me that everything is fine, and my father just laughed it off (he's the one who has told me all my life to just elope or go to City Hall) and that they are just looking forward to the *real* ceremony in Mexico.  Sigh.  I'm excited, but now I have pretty chronic anxiety and that's kicking in now.

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