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Turning Maybeoneday's Dream To Reality...

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Sorry I have been missing in action! Work has been hectic and with the summer holiday season here I am constantly covering everyone else's work then a have a massive backlog with mine! To top it off we have recruited 3 times but can't seem to get it right even with the help of professionals!

I have still found time to read everyone thread (even at 4.30-5.00am like it is here) which keeps me in wedding mode! Otherwise the date will be here without me noticing!


A few things have changed or been updated since my initial posts.




FI has decided he is not keen on the Orange so we have opted for purple as main colour for flowers and other little bits




FI's Suit


He now has it...yay! It is a custom made suit as he can never find one that fits so we have gone for grey in a lightweight fabric. He has the waistcoat as well along with all other wedding attire. He is still looking at different shades of purple ties but has one as a back up.

However....He will not let me see him in it as he says if he can't see me in my dress then I can't see him in his suit! Men!!




I am using the resort photographer as they have an outside vendor fee of $850.

I received lots of emails/quotes from other companies but with the vendor fee they all work out too expensive!


The packages are not brilliant either but actual photographers look pretty good.


Legal ceremony


We have a meeting at the Registry office tomorrow to put the wheels in motion and will be suggesting 23 September for legal ceremony. We have only told a few close friends about our Mexico Wedding (not legal one) so will be asking a very close friend to be our witness (with a plus one) at the legal ceremony. Will post more on this once confirmed.


I haven't managed to get any personalised items yet but will get on to that this week.


If I remember anything else I will let you all know! Happy planning everyone!!




14 /10/2015 - R R C, Mexico

Edited by maybeoneday
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Love your update!! The flowers are beautiful and I really do like them better than the other ones. I'm not partial to orange lol but that's just me so I agree with FI! My husband ended up in grey as well but a light grey and turquoise in the waistcoat and tie. He looks super in it! Good you have your legal date and that will have that done before you go. Yes the photographers can get expensive with the outside vendor fees. It's too bad that's what they do. Hopefully you'll get some nice photos. I don't know anything about the ones at Royalton but I'm sure there is a review here that would help you out!


Looking forward to more updates!!

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@@maybeoneday I just read your thread and wow.  You two have been through so much together.  I wish you all the best and look forward to hearing even more about your upcoming special day.


I think putting together a box and getting a few DIY items (beach bags, itineraries...etc.) is a great idea!  It's something you guys can look at often and of course show the grandkids ;)  You could save a bit of sand from the beach in a bottle too, with a little "message" inside that has the date of your wedding or something... I'm getting carried away lol


Just saw the purple flowers - love!  Gorgeous colour :)

Edited by deecol
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@maybeoneday  How have I not read your planning thread before? 

What a story and what a testament to your love and your relationship with your FI.  You have lived so much, lost so much and are choosing to move forward together, forever.


I'm so proud of you for sticking to your dream and vision.  I hope it is everything you have hoped for and given everhything you have been through, it will be so epic.


A few ideas for your Wedding timecapsule... he he.  You could save your hair piece, if you are wearing anything decorative in your hair.  Save a few flowers from the bouquet.  You could also get a nice little cake topper.  We had a papel picado one made to match the mexian décor theme we had.  I know the resort has towels, but you could design a fun little towel that says mr. and mrs. 

weddingchicks.com has sooo many fun things.  You guys could design a fun tote to commemorate your special event.

You guys could also design a fun tumbler with a logo and have the bartender refill your drinks in your tumbler.


awww, I'm really happy for you and I love the new revised bouquet colour! 


Here are a few pics of the topper and tumbler to give you some inspiration.





Edited by veryvalentine
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@@acw271011 Re the flowers - I agree! The more I looked at them the more I wasn't to keen either of the original colours. The shades of red was too much so thought I'd go for a 'tropical ' colour. FI decided to let me know his thoughts weeks after I'd originally showed him lots of options. Men! So purple it is!

Great Doug has decided on his suit! I love turquoise! They will look great together

I was soo annoyed about the photographer vendor fee as I had Dean Sanderson in mind! Communication was great aswell. The link to the resort photographer is http://photopro.mx/royalton/


Will definitely try to update more often xx



Hi @@deecol Congratulations on your wedding next year! Thank you for reading my planning thread! Doesn't seem to have been a lot of planning so will pull my finger out and get personalised stuff sorted! Thanks for your thoughts on this! The message in a bottle with sand sounds great


I wish I'd known about this site beforehand! It has been a god send!



Hi @@veryvalentine Thanks for reading! Love your ideas about the wedding capsule. I hadn't considered a cake topper as the cake is only for 2 . Might need to check with WC re size of it but the picture you have added looks great! The towels sound good and the tumbler. Will definitely be looking into that idea x


Can I just say that you looked absolutely stunning on your wedding day! Everything about the day looked and sounded amazing xx so glad it was Epic for you ????



14 /10/2015 - R R C, Mexico

Edited by maybeoneday
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@maybeoneday  How have I not read your planning thread before? 

What a story and what a testament to your love and your relationship with your FI.  You have lived so much, lost so much and are choosing to move forward together, forever.


I'm so proud of you for sticking to your dream and vision.  I hope it is everything you have hoped for and given everhything you have been through, it will be so epic.


A few ideas for your Wedding timecapsule... he he.  You could save your hair piece, if you are wearing anything decorative in your hair.  Save a few flowers from the bouquet.  You could also get a nice little cake topper.  We had a papel picado one made to match the mexian décor theme we had.  I know the resort has towels, but you could design a fun little towel that says mr. and mrs. 

weddingchicks.com has sooo many fun things.  You guys could design a fun tote to commemorate your special event.

You guys could also design a fun tumbler with a logo and have the bartender refill your drinks in your tumbler.


awww, I'm really happy for you and I love the new revised bouquet colour! 


Here are a few pics of the topper and tumbler to give you some inspiration.

attachicon.gifgiveaway bag.jpg





Those are great suggestions and ideas! I was definitely at the back of the line when they handed out the creative gene!

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Thanks everyone! They are definitely great ideas and am looking forward to starting a few projects this weekend. I have now ordered some fans with our names and wedding date on it. Plain fan photos below post-281816-144010356254_thumb.png




I ordered 10 in total - 3 cream, 3 lilac, 3 purple and 1 in black (for FI)


Legal Ceremony


Yay!!! This has been set for 23 September. Even though I was not planning on making a big deal of it , I still want to look good. Is this too much?





It's just going to be 4 of us for the ceremony and then we will go for drinks and a bite to eat! May need to go home to change first!



14 /10/2015 - R R C, Mexico

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I'm so happy you decided to start a thread!  I love you and your FI's journey, you have been through so many highs and lows and your relationship is still strong.  I love everything you've posted so far.  The dress is just gorgeous!  I liked the purple flowers more than the orange-y ones (I'm a little biased though as my favourite colour is purple).  I love the idea of putting together something special to remember your special day.  If you want to keep costs down or avoid shipping fees I think shopping local is a good idea.  I'm sure there are a lot of great local vendors where you are.  As for your legal ceremony, I agree with vancouverpetunia, you can never be too over dressed.  

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