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FH Finally Gets It!! (kinda LONG...)


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Tom's parents live at the beach -- about 4 hours from us, in SC.


My parents live at the beach -- about 9 hours from us, in MD.


We have spent holidays and weekends and whenevers with his family ssoo often since we have been together -- and they come visit us often too. 4 hours isn't far to keep in touch that way.


Tom has been up to visit/meet my family once and my family has come down to visit us once. The distance is just far enough that it makes seeing each other difficult -- and it's not cheap either to fly or drive.


So, this year ... we have a free weekend (unexpected coming up starting tomorrow), so I suggested driving 4 hours to see my uncle, who lives at the beach in NC. He loves my uncle and that beach, so he agreed quickly. YEAH!!!


We were planning to fly to NYC for Thanksgiving b/c he wants me to meet his extended family and hasn't been back to his hometown in several years -- but he is traveling for work that week and doesn't fly back in until the night before Thanksgiving. So, he suggested we drive up to be with MY family for Thanksgiving. I couldn't BELIEVE it -- because it's always about how his family is closer -- but he said he knows I haven't seen my family as much as I want to and he thinks it's important. (Yeah! A breakthrough!!!)


Then, a military friend of his is getting married close to where my folks live the weekend before Christmas, so we're going BACK up to visit and staying a few extra days to celebrate an early Christmas (again, shocking!)


Shocking, especially when his Mom acts all hurt that we aren't spending Thanksgiving with them. Ugh. We've already seen his folks 4 times since August!!


Anyway, just venting a bit -- but a good vent. I'm so happy we can make the trips to see my family a few more times before the wedding!! Yippee!!!bunny_4.gif

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That's great Tami! I'm hoping to have a similar breakthrough myself. His parents live 5 minutes away and mine live 2.5 hours away. I see his parents ALL the time but he's beginning to get that we need to make the trip to see mine more often. His having to work every other weekend isn't helping the cause though!


You'll have a great time spending the holidays with your family! Enjoy!

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Yah! I love visiting with my parents. Sounds like fun for you!


Oddly enough, I'm kinda guilty of the same thing but I don't take the entire fault. haha My parents live 4 hrs away and his lives like 20 mins away. I see my parents all the time because they come to visit...A LOT! His parents are only seen on holidays/other special occasions. FI seems hurt about it, but I feel it's not really my responsibility to plan his family outings. Yikes, that sounded mean, but honestly, after 3 years I can't say I feel really close to them. He, on the other hand, has a great relationship with my parents.


His mom makes comments that she doesn't see us often. Pick up the phone and make a dinner date, right?


Yikes, hijacked here. Sorry. :)

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