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Ashhtayy's Planning Thread - Azul Fives - June 7, 2016

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I didn't marry at your resort but the service was so fast I would have to chug half my drink as they passed me my next. If you are getting open bar at your reception I personally wouldn't pay more for wine on the tables - since you get open bar they may put some out for you for free.


I don't think it would make anyone scramble. I would assume with 15 mins to go before start time the decor should be done IMO. Either way I think most people will be on time. So either say it's 15 mins earlier or say it starts sharp!


We didn't have a podium for our MC. They just stood by the head table! If you want one of course feel free but if it's super pricey I think you may be surprised that they don't really need one :) so happy they accepted your request.


We had 4 of us for hair and make up. With that and a light rushed lunch we started at 9am and didn't get back to the room till almost 2pm. So I would say (and I think every bride on here will agree even @ who mentioned it recently) give yourself way more time than you think you need. It's not fun to feel rushed and possibly miss stuff you may regret.


Soooo close. Hope your WC calls tomorrow



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Thanks for always being so helpful, Kim @@calgarybride2015.


We do have open bar for 5 hours so depending on the cost, we may forego the wine on the tables. I don't remember reading any past brides complaining about the bar service so if they are as quick as they were at your resort, sounds like we won't have an issue and can put that money elsewhere...like towards a podium ;) I know it isn't necessary but sometimes it's just awkward standing there and I feel that moreso when there are two MCs. Again, pending costs this is one thing I'm pretty set on. Knowing AF, it will probably be $2500 to rent a podium lol


Good point about the rushing. I just worry the longer I have my makeup and hair done, the earlier it will start to look bad lol I should pick up some of that setting spray the ladies have been talking about - maybe that's the trick.


Fingers crossed our WD just got caught up and I don't get the ever so frequent "X is no longer with the Company - X will be your new WD". Seems to be a trend going on with the Karisma Wedding Department :(

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@@ashhtayy I had a few nightmares pretty early on, like 8 months ago. Nothing of late. Now I just wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep as I work through my to-do list


Obviously I haven't had my wedding yet, but here are a few thoughts on the topics you are contemplating:


- I hadn't thought about wine on the tables. I think between the wait staff and open bar, people will get what they need. But not speaking from experience...

- Our MC is my sister's husband and she is in our wedding party, so I am just putting him at the head table as well. That gives him a "home base". Makes our table uneven, I guess, but I really don't care


- Our WC and salon have suggested that it will take 2 hours for hair and make-up (and they seem to have enough ppl to do us all at the same time). We are scheduled for 12, supposed to be done at 2, first look at 3:15, ceremony at 4. But there's only 3 of us and our resort is pretty small so we won't be far from the room to head back and get dressed.


- We are doing place cards in different colours to indicate choice of meal and/or special meal. We also had to include names and specifics in the planning document. You are lucky if you have no dietary issues. With 35 adults, we have at least 7 off the top of my head.


- I haven't put in any buffer on the start time for the ceremony. Hope that doesn't bite me in the ass.


- Oooh, good idea to have a drink served as people arrive. I'll have to ask about that!


Hope the dress worked out. Pix please!




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Here are some of my thoughts:


@@ashhtayy reading your thread is taking me back to my planning days so it's nice to relive it through you!  :)


My wedding nightmares started about 2 months before the wedding I think. Ironically I think I had more wedding nightmares for my friend's wedding where I was a bridesmaid. I kept dreaming that I was the one holding up the wedding, that everyone was dressed (including the bride) and I couldn't find my dress or shoes anywhere - It was a stressful nightmare! haha


Here are some thoughts about your list:


-Wine on tables: I personally don't think you need to worry about this one, especially if they are going to charge you extra. I don't think I ever saw a single guest up at the bar because the servers were so quick to serve drinks and top you up. I think I had 3 drinks going at all times. They don't like to leave you empty handed!  ;)


-Podium: We didn't have a podium and didn't really miss one. That being said, if you want a home base spot for your MC(s) I would maybe just ask for a little table. It won't have the height of a podium but they won't charge you for an extra table, whereas they will charge you for a podium. Might be an easy switch to save some money!


-We started our appointments pretty early. Like @@calgarybride2015 said, I really didn't want to feel rushed during the day. I started out with my maids of honour at the spa for mani/pedis at 10:00am and then had my hair and make up at 11 and 12 for our 4:30pm ceremony. We also had a first look so that bumped up our time we had to be ready (3:15pm). I would suggest having one of your bridesmaid order your lunch ahead of time or at the spa while you're getting ready so that it will be ready when you get back to your room. That was my original plan but then the wedding department dropped off mimosas, gourmet bites and quesadillas so I wasn't sure if we really wanted to still order a full lunch after. We ended up ordering room service after all and it took a little while. 


-Cocktail Hour - Do you know if there is another wedding on your day? If not, I would suggest the Zky Bar as it is right below you and it should be open as of 5pm, which would work out well with your ceremony time. Otherwise the Cantina would be great but it's on the other side of the resort. Both of these bars are kid friendly, the Gin Bar is adults only. There are the other little poolside bars but they will be closing around the time of your wedding. 


-Dietary restrictions - I would let them know when you pay your resort bill (1 month prior) although really if you have any changes you can tell the wedding department onsite and they will make the necessary arrangements. 


-Ceremony - I just left the time as is on paper but our WCs onsite told us to tell our guests to arrive 15 min prior, although most people knew to do that anyway. We also started a bit later...although I have no idea how much later (I had no concept of time that day unless someone said we were running late). They kept me waiting downstairs with my wedding attendant while they lined everyone up in the bridal party but the WCs onsite are a well oiled machine. They get everyone organized and where they need to be to make it run smoothly. (for example: Angelica came running downstairs while I was waiting to tell me that the bridesmaids were facing the sun directly and asked if I was ok with them wearing sunglasses and I said of course, but it was nice that they checked with me first)


-Sky Deck video - do you mean a hardcopy or just a link to the video online? @@TinkerSofi will probably be the better person to ask about this. I know you can access your video on the ustream site. 


You're getting so close to your big day!! Very exciting! :)

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@@vancouverpetunia Take some melatonin - you need to get your sleep leading up to your wedding! Your to-do list is pretty much done; you'll be just fine :)


I don't have any updates because I haven't heard back from my WD. I called today (I've never called!) and they said my WD hadn't been in in two days. I know one of the WDs is no longer with the company as of this week and I hope that isn't the case with mine as well. Seems like there is a ton of turnover in Karisma's wedding department.


I'm still interested to see what they will charge for wine on the table but I feel more and more comfortable with saving that money now. Seems like we won't go thirsty ;)


Erin - that's a good idea to put your MC at your table; that never even crossed my mind. We are at capacity for our head table (12) and can't squeeze him in so I'll need to get a little creative if the podium rental is outrageous.


Thanks @@snswedding2016 - maybe a high cocktail table would do the trick! Only problem is I didn't plan on that table to decorate so I'll have to come up with something if we go that route. That idea may have saved us a lot of money!


Sounds like I should stop over thinking things and leave the hair and makeup appointments as is. We won't be squeezing in a first look so I guess we will just eat a lot if we are done early and pray I still fit into my dress. OH! My first fitting is next Thursday. AHH! My mum, MIL, nonna-in-law lol are coming and my MOH is going to try and make it.


I have no idea if there is another wedding on our day. If I hear back from my WD I will ask her and hope that she can tell me. The Zky Bar would be the perfect location to host an informal cocktail hour. I will double check that it opens at 5 - that would be the easiest place for people to go and cool off :)


I changed the ceremony time on our website to 15 minutes earlier a while ago. I think I'll keep it that way JUST in case. I LOVE that the onsite staff came and asked you about sunglasses. That's so sweet and a question I would appreciate being asked. They really do think of everything, don't they?


Today I popped into Yorkdale after work and I'm glad I did. I picked up a white dress from Banana Republic and two bathing suits from Victoria's Secret. I imagine I will get to wear this dress twice - once for my shower and maybe for our rehearsal dinner. It's hard to tell in the picture but the bottom fits similar to a pencil skirt and the top is oversized; kind of looks like a crop top and skirt but it's all one piece. Try and picture it with a big necklace and some heels.



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@@ashhtayy love your dress!! I'm still searching for my bridal shower dress.

I think I am going with your idea of eliminating the cocktail hour. It just seems like the logical thing to do and use that money elsewhere.

@@snswedding2016 my ceremony is set for 5pm and my WC is suggesting hair appt for 2:30. I think that is way too late. I don't want to be rushed and I just think that is cutting it too close.

I am curious to know if anyone else has had issues with their wedding coordinator? I am so disappointed with this company. I called earlier in the week to speak with my planner and to my surprise she is no longer with the company. I am on wedding planner #4 now which is completely ridiculous in my opinion. And #4 is actually only temporary for 2 weeks until my wedding is reassigned to wedding planner #5!!! This is so frustrating and i am wondering if any other brides have experienced this as well. @@calgarybride2015


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Love the white dress from BR. Super cute!! I think that will make a perfect dress for a bridal shower/rehearsal dinner. Definitely wear it with a cute statement necklace and you're set.


And informal cocktail hour is a great idea. I wish that I did the same thing. I had a set cocktail hour in a different location and it wasn't really necessary. Some people even ran back to their room after the ceremony so honestly, I think just giving your guests a little buffer time in between won't hurt. They can go off to one of the bars or get ready for the reception.

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@@ashhtayy love your dress!! I'm still searching for my bridal shower dress.

I think I am going with your idea of eliminating the cocktail hour. It just seems like the logical thing to do and use that money elsewhere.

@@snswedding2016 my ceremony is set for 5pm and my WC is suggesting hair appt for 2:30. I think that is way too late. I don't want to be rushed and I just think that is cutting it too close.

I am curious to know if anyone else has had issues with their wedding coordinator? I am so disappointed with this company. I called earlier in the week to speak with my planner and to my surprise she is no longer with the company. I am on wedding planner #4 now which is completely ridiculous in my opinion. And #4 is actually only temporary for 2 weeks until my wedding is reassigned to wedding planner #5!!! This is so frustrating and i am wondering if any other brides have experienced this as well. @@calgarybride2015


Sorry I wasn't married at your resort but my experience from this board is that the turn over isn't uncommon.


I think 230pm for a 500pm ceremony is much to late. You'd need at least 2 hours for hair and makeup for you. Then getting back to room and everyone getting ready. And the photographer getting those photos. Seems really short for time. Getting ready and those photos should be allotted an hour. But if you are having a first look you'd need even longer.



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What a cute dress @ashtayy! You're legal ceremony date is coming up sooo fast!


I can't speak from experience yet but I say the more time the better to get ready. Rushing even to go out for drinks and finish hair and makeup at home is the worst, you don't want that pressure on your wedding day!



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Edited by deecol
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My mum found her dress today from David's Bridal :)





Just needs a few alterations and she's all set. David's was a zoo but our consultant was great. My mum is super hesitant to wear a dark colour but I think it works perfectly. My mother in law is wearing a short navy sequin fitted dress with cap sleeves and I think they will complement each other nicely.


I also bought some straws to be served with our welcome drink (peach bellini). Super unnecessary but cute :)


I forgot them in my mum's car but they look like this (slightly lighter pink than the picture).



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