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Ashhtayy's Planning Thread - Azul Fives - June 7, 2016

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@@ashhtayy okay I'm catching up!


Chargers - I'm glad you were able to find them somewhere else - hopefully they're lightweight!


Guest Book Frame - I was trying to explain it to Colin and he couldn't picture it - could you please post a picture when you get it so I can show him?  Something like that would be perfect for us.


Suits - I forgot to mention we got ours from a place called 4 Men United in Vaughan, very affordable and great quality, if you're still into looking at options.


First Look - we're not doing one, only because we are both really looking forward to that moment when we see each other down the aisle, so I can't offer an advice but I think it's really sweet Mike is looking forward to that moment so much - sometimes you don't think they get as sentimental and mushy as we do, but they totally do, they just hide it better sometimes.


My bridal shower is the same size as yours and I'm super excited for it, small and intimate.  My best friend's had 60 women and she spent most of the time taking pictures and making small talk with the older relatives she hasn't seen in a while and didn't really get to enjoy it.  And don't worry about your love for Beiber, since his roast I now follow him on instagram and love his music!  I would love to see him in concert!


Congrats on ordering your bands!  The style of your e-ring and band is similar to mine so I obviously love!


That's such a nice idea to have your legal ceremony when Mike's family are over!  Are you surprisingly them completely like when people plan surprise weddings or telling them it's happening once they get there?


@ Thank you for the powder tip!  I'm freaking out about how hot I'm going to be in my dress and now hearing that it's like wearing a duvet - oh lord.  Last time I was at the bridal shop I decided to look at just how many layers there are and I counted at least 4...

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@ashhtayy  Your wedding band is beautiful!! It's going to look gorgeous with your e-ring. Mike's too! Doug is into simplicity as well and having them engraved is sweet. That's something I never even thought of!


Navy will work just fine and it's going to look great with your colours! I've always thought a navy suit looks really classy and it will absolutely pop for your photos!


That's so sweet too about Mike's family being available for your legal wedding. It just makes everything that much more special!

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@@deecol I'll be sure to send you the sample pdf once I get our first draft. They're busy so it could be anywhere from 2-3 weeks. I actually decided to go with a different etsy vendor. I loved HereAndThereShop but in the end it was going to cost us much more than we wanted to spend. We saved about $60 by going with MissDesignBerryInc. Did you show Colin the etsy shop? I basically took variations of each design we liked and asked her to create something special for us. I still have asked it to look exactly how I outlined in a previous post. I also think you should look at TheOliveTreeDesigns. When Mike moved to Ontario I had something made from her shop. I'll post a pic. Even if you don't use something like this for your guest book it's a great keep sake. I'm going to order another one with our wedding date and Mexico in the heart :) Super inexpensive too.


I can't remember - is Colin's suit linen? We will check that location! Thanks.


@@acw271011 & @@deecol & @@vancouverpetunia thanks for the compliment on the bands. Sometimes simple wins. We love them. I tried on another band because I think I had convinced Mike that I should have one for our legal wedding but it just didn't look right. The combination was all off. I'm not done looking but I think I may be happy with just my e-ring and one wedding band.


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@@ashhtayy hahah, oh men. I'm lucky that I have a guy who loves to shop and who loves expensive things (for better or worse haha). I still ended up scanning a bunch of things that he didn't agree with, and vice-versa. His response was, well, if we don't ask for the good stuff now when are we going to do it? Plus, we get 10% off for a year on the stuff that people didn't get us, so we kept in mind things and price ranges that we would be able o afford later on.


We needed absolutely everything since neither of us lived on their own, so that made it a little easier. Our registry ended up being 12 pages long! I had a lot of fun doing it, but I definitely did what the assistant told you. I added a bunch of things in store but then I found similar products for half the price on their website, so I added those and deleted the very expensive items. Just make sure you have a bit for every price range. Don't take it too seriously, after all it's just a wish list, but it doesn't mean you're going to get all those things ;). A girl can dream right?


I really like your rings, and I like the idea of engraving it. I was going to do the same, but in the end we decided to take that money to Mexico and spend it there. The wedding plus a move in the horizon kind of limited our funds haha. Maybe for our first year? I think it's a very cute idea, and useful, you know, for those moments when one of you forgets your anniversary date but you're too afraid to ask bahahah (in our case that would be Juan :P

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Hey @@ashhtayy! They are all so similar but I think I'm being drawn to #4... #2 would be my second choice. I love the babies breath mixed in.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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OMG. I just asked Mike...


A - "Which one do you like best?"

M - "They're all the same?"

A - "No, look closely; they're all slightly different".

M - "Oh, yeah! Hrmmm I like #1".

A - "Why?"

M - "It's...captivating?!"


LOL so helpful! :)


@@deecol thanks! i have no idea...

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