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The sneak peek pics are great and the serpent dance looks really fun! I like the suggestion of having a conversation with your sister about the bracelet and letting her know how you feel. I definitely wouldn't photoshop it in. But I think you'll find after a conversation that everything is fine. Sisters are just able to do that for you. They can really make you feel better about things.


Your wedding looks like it absolutely was epic and I can't wait to see more of your photos! I understand what you're saying about the photos that you didn't get to take, but look at the memories that you do have! Sometimes time just works against you as well, and the fact that you didn't think about it or have it as as list item for the photographer I think means that it wasn't a major concern. I think the photos that you will have will be absolutely beautiful and you won't have anything to regret once you see them!


Take it from someone that came too close to only having one year of marriage - please don't regret anything. I know when you've spent so much time planning and trying to have everything perfect it can make you second guess. But in the grand scheme of things, they're things that really don't make a huge difference. As you said, it was an epic wedding and the best time of your life. I think that says it all.


Congrats on being a Mrs!!

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First, you looked amazing and I am so happy to hear that generally everything went well.

I can relate on some of what you are feeling. I think for me, and maybe for you, the whole "this is never going to happen again" thing really worked on me. I am very happy with how everything went but when you think that this will never happen again, I think that pressure makes you look further into things and place importance on things that really overall, aren't that important. Who knows...maybe if we changed the things that we keep thinking about that went "wrong", it might have changed something else that went right. Maybe more time on individual photos might have meant less time somewhere else. 

To this day, I still get teary eyed thinking that I will never get all of those people together in the same place, in a great mood, and having a wonderful time. BUT I try to remember that that is what made my wedding so special. 

I think once you get your wedding photos and you see what WAS captured, you will feel better about the whole thing. 

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Thanks for the support ladies!  It was nice to read through your posts and I totally agree with and appreciate your feedback.  @ @@Sabes44 @@Wafflesmom @@vancouverpetunia @@beckys98 @@acw271011


It was starting to feel like the wedding took over our lives with the planning and financially and time wise so I am really grateful to have my schedule back and try to get back to normal again now being a Mrs of course. 


I had done a lot of prep work and reading but I guess I had never read too much in the forums about post weddings other than reviews and photos...so I just wanted to be really honest about how I felt because while I'm so happy and grateful I also felt those other feelings. 


Having been back now for about a week now it's easier to look back and really be grateful for everything and just agree that those little things won't be important years to come and they don't define our marriage and nobody will even care about them. 


It was epic in every sense of the word and expression and what everyone pointed out was that you could feel the love in the room, not just between me and the husbter but also between our guests and the genuine care and that everyone was so present in the celebration.  Our photographer said that pictures turned out amazing because everyone was like smiling like a 5 yr old in a candy shop.  So I guess when it comes down to it, gratitude is the word of the day. 

We didn't get rained out, everyone was healthy and able to attend, we had a safe trip back home, the resort was safe and beautiful, I can't ask for more.


As for the flowers vancouverpetunia, I didn't think I was going to do my own flowers but I asked for a quote and I got really annoyed with the flower prices at the resort.  It was approx. 1000usd.  I loved our venue for the reception and like most of my friends who had been married before told me, I didn't need a lot of décor.  The venue itself was enough.  My dad bought me the cute little vases, they were smaller than I expected but knew it would be fine. 


I asked the WC to give me a clear definition of what a vendor was and I realized that if I went to Walmart or Chedraui and bought flowers that these stores are  not considered a vendor under their definition.  So my intentions were to buy the flowers at Walmart because I had gone earlier on in the week and they had a ton of roses but by the time we went back the day before the wedding they were all gone.  I found a flower market and the lady had just about everything I needed.  I spent about $258 and even if I wanted her to put them together she couldn't because she was so busy with wedding season. 


I told our WC that I was going to be putting together our flowers and our centrepieces and she didn't say anything.  I had been a little frustrated with them about a few things and I don't know if they just didn't feel like arguing me with me or if in fact, what I did was fine, because I didn't necessarily go through a vendor by their definition. 


We got a huge garbage bag and put everything in there so when we arrived at the hotel we just took it up straight to our rooms.  I filled up the bathtub with water and had everything soak in there.  We had a production line with all the ladies at night to put together the bouquets.  I am experienced in the flower industry so I had an idea of what I was doing.  I overestimated the flowers that I would need so we did have leftovers and I added it to the BM bouquets to fill it up more. 

The centrepieces were perfect for what I wanted.  I saw some of the centre pieces they did for other weddings and they were so tropical tacky, I don't know if that makes sense but trust me, it was not  pinterest approved.  hahaha


So I was really happy that we pulled that one off.  I wasn't in love with my bouquet but at that point there nothing I could do as it was included in our wedding package. 


@MrsCtoB  I think you nailed exactly how I felt.  I hope brides-to-be read this just to have an idea of what kind of feelings you expect.  I dont' miss the planning because to be honest, I was so ready for this wedding and so ready to just do it.  I just feel so overwhelmed with joy and sad it's over and the reality is that now I am going to be focusing on other stages in life and while this one was epic, it is not in the past.  We are so grateful though and are encouraging our friends to do destination weddings.  haha 

Edited by veryvalentine
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@@Wafflesmom I think that's a completely normal concern, that people will get bored. I keep thinking the same thing but then my friends tell me "we're going to be in Mexico! If you get bored there, there's just no hope for you" hahah, and it's true. I've been there when it rained for most of the week and I still had a blast. 

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@@TinkerSofi @@Wafflesmom


When your wedding week begins and all your guests start to arrive at the hotel you will see that they will just do their own thing.  We had a bit of a wedding week itinerary and left it free for the most part so that people could fill it in. 


We were really impressed with our guests...everyone arrived on a Wednesday and by the Thursday the older generation guests went on an excursion, we had the bachelorette on the Thursday which took up the afternoon.  by the time Friday came around I think people were happy to have some free time before the wedding on Sat. 


We planned an excursion for the Monday and the majority of the group went and then some also went into Playa del Carmen on their own.  Since we laid out the schedule of the week ahead of time people planned their own things to do.  People booked spa appointments and snorkelling.  It's their vacation too so I don't think they are expecting you to entertain them with our weddings.  


In the planning stages I think I felt like I would be responsible for entertaining everyone but as people started to arrive and check in and get settled in, everyone is going to do what they want to do and they are not going to wait around for you to spoon feed them entertainment.  I really liked that about our guests.   As soon as you arrive your party will have a life of its own and it will be awesome !  :)

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I agree, all we had was the welcome drinks, rehearsal dinner (bridal party/family) and the wedding and everyone was more than happy to do their own thing.  Lots of us met the next AM at the beach and from there people kind of did their own thing and/or formed groups.  I found lots of the older people stuck together, then there was odd groups of other people.  I generally had the same crowd around the pool by our rooms, then I know the people on the other side had their crew at their pool, then there was a beach group.   We moved around though to see everyone.  People talked amongst themselves to get excursion groups or stuff on site (dolphins, snorkeling, etc.)  If you ever walked into a buffet or whatever and people you recognized were there, they would call you over to join them.  As I said before my only regret was maybe not spending enough time with a particular person, honestly people had the time of their lives. They did what they wanted for their vacation and we all mingled - some with the same crew, others as we wandered thru-out the resort.   I had heard NO bad comments from anyone, only how awesome of a time they had. And believe me, I am sure a lot of our guests also feel the sadness that we won't all be together again either - just think, your families (aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.) probably don't see eachother all that often, especially in paradise, so these weddings are also a reunion for them as well.     I think more of the guilt is what we feel, but in all honesty people are just having the time of their lives. And you'd also be amazed at how quick people make friends. I know that my group (minus one) jived VERY well and made friends for life.

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I totally agree with @@calgarybride2015 and @@veryvalentine - our guests did a great job entertaining themselves, planning their own vacation, and doing what they wanted to do.  The only things we met up for were cocktail hour and rehearsal dinner (and the wedding, obvs), and everyone was off doing so many things that I almost felt bad interrupting their days for even that stuff! I had toyed with the idea of other events, but I'm definitely glad I stuck with just those things. I think almost every single person went on some kind of excursion, from deep sea fishing to Tulum to jet skiing to a jungle tour to cave diving to ziplining...I think I may have been the only person to sit on my butt all week!  :P I think as long as you direct them to who they should book excursions through at the resort, everyone makes it into their own vacation.

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@@vancouverpetunia you and I have the same fear! One of my bridesmaids had a destination wedding 5 years ago and it was so fun. That's one of the reasons why I wanted one in the first place, but since my friends have been to one that was fun, I don't want people to compare them. And worst, I don't want ppl to say ours was not as fun


@@TinkerSofi I guess you're right, we'll be in Mexico, on vacation. Who doesn't have fun in Mexico? I still can't help but worry...I'm a worrier by nature though


@@veryvalentine, @@calgarybride2015 and @@rachelia160 thanks for the reassurances about lite guests. We've actually only booked our wedding and a welcome bbq as events and wanted our guests to enjoy their vacation. It makes me feel better that my assumption is right in that it's better to leave them alone and not worry so much about having to plan every day we're there.

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As for the flowers vancouverpetunia, I didn't think I was going to do my own flowers but I asked for a quote and I got really annoyed with the flower prices at the resort.  It was approx. 1000usd.  I loved our venue for the reception and like most of my friends who had been married before told me, I didn't need a lot of décor.  The venue itself was enough.  My dad bought me the cute little vases, they were smaller than I expected but knew it would be fine. 


I asked the WC to give me a clear definition of what a vendor was and I realized that if I went to Walmart or Chedraui and bought flowers that these stores are  not considered a vendor under their definition.  So my intentions were to buy the flowers at Walmart because I had gone earlier on in the week and they had a ton of roses but by the time we went back the day before the wedding they were all gone.  I found a flower market and the lady had just about everything I needed.  I spent about $258 and even if I wanted her to put them together she couldn't because she was so busy with wedding season. 


I told our WC that I was going to be putting together our flowers and our centrepieces and she didn't say anything.  I had been a little frustrated with them about a few things and I don't know if they just didn't feel like arguing me with me or if in fact, what I did was fine, because I didn't necessarily go through a vendor by their definition. 


We got a huge garbage bag and put everything in there so when we arrived at the hotel we just took it up straight to our rooms.  I filled up the bathtub with water and had everything soak in there.  We had a production line with all the ladies at night to put together the bouquets.  I am experienced in the flower industry so I had an idea of what I was doing.  I overestimated the flowers that I would need so we did have leftovers and I added it to the BM bouquets to fill it up more. 

The centrepieces were perfect for what I wanted.  I saw some of the centre pieces they did for other weddings and they were so tropical tacky, I don't know if that makes sense but trust me, it was not  pinterest approved.  hahaha


So I was really happy that we pulled that one off.  I wasn't in love with my bouquet but at that point there nothing I could do as it was included in our wedding package. 



Good tips! Thanks. I feel like the resort is charging way too much for what I want, but at the same time, our wedding is pretty small and I'm keeping it pretty simple, so our flower costs are around $400 right now. Not sure if it's worth the hassle to do them ourselves to save some money at that point. But I love flowers and enjoy arranging them, although I have no training. I also have a few ladies attending with some training and/or who are just good with that kind of stuff. So we could probably make it work. Haha - tropical tacky. I think I know exactly what you mean!

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Congratulations. Next time when you are going on vacation or celebrating anniversary. You can go Check out PicVoyage. A new vacation photography service company. http://www.picvoyage.com which offers family photos, honeymoon, engagement, elopement and intimate destination photo service. The package is really affordable comapring to a destination wedding photographer. They can also offer local vaaction photo tours experience. I think it is pretty cool idea to save money and also get to tour the city.

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