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Small Wedding

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Hi everyone

I'm thinking of doing a small destination wedding. When I say small, I mean about ten to fifteen people. I want to have music, food, open bar. How do I keep the party started with a small group? Who has done a small wedding.?

Thank you!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello @@Heidz1234 Congratulation for your wedding !!


When it comes wedding celebrations, many couples agree: size matters. Fewer people can mean a more personal celebration. There is more time for the bride and groom to spend with their guests, the group really gets to know one another, and everyone contributes to the event in his or her own way. Intimate celebrations, it seems, have certain advantages. 


Party of course it is very important!! We suggest bring some funny party supplies, maracas, sunglasses, fans  and use it when the party start or when a great song start! You can add a tequila or shot station, also you can bring glowing sticks, sky lanterns or sparkles light  to have an awesome and bright night . 


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I think it will be great! I've had parties at home with that many people and as long as you have some partiers in your group it will be a lot easier to get it started because they make it super fun. 


I think it all comes down to having good music that will get people going, and a bit of alcohol doesn't hurt to get the social juices flowing. It's always fun if you have some party props like the post above mentioned, but it's not necessary. I also think that if you and your hubby are having fun, people just kind of follow.


I was at a wedding a couple of weeks ago and the DJ made us play this game called "snowball". So the bride and groom started dancing, and then when he said snowball, they had to get someone else to come to the dance floor, then when he said snowball again, everyone on the dance floor grabbed someone else, and so on. It was fun, and the rule was that people couldn't refuse to dance ;). I think with a smaller wedding, just you and/or your hubby can say snowball if you don't have a DJ. People should be able to hear you. 

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@@TinkerSofi you just brought me back to my elementary school days at our favourite spot "Wheelies". we used to play snowball on the roller rink. we spent every friday night there...and everyone's birthday parties. SO MUCH FUN! i would love to do something silly like that at our wedding because it would bring all my friends back to our younger days. great idea!

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