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No Motivation


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I don't know if anyone else has this problem but I am completly unmotivated to do anything for the wedding. I know I have plenty of time to get stuff done (I Hope) and the big stuff is already done (location, room block, photographer) but still. I am in Grad school, trying to open a new business while still working 50+ hours a week and I just crash at night.


I havent even looked for a dress yet and my friends think something is wrong with me since I havent done that even....just curious to see if I am the only one having this problem!! smile41.gif

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No, I know what you mean. I went so fast and furious on wedding stuff for the past 8 months, that I am wiped out now too and don't really want to do a whole lot right now. I'm going to chill out now through the holidays and start again after the New Year.


I'm still going to do some stuff -- just not as hot and heavy as I have been.


So, I say take some time to focus on other things and then regroup. You are right, you do still have plenty of time!

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I should be motivated, since my wedding is only 2 1/2 months away and rapidly approaching. That being said, I've done virtually nothing in the past month. Its bad, but I know I'll get it all done. Soon... that's what the procrastinator in me says.

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