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Is It Inappropriate To Ask Parents For Help With Wedding Expenses?

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My mother said to me about the expense of attending a destination wedding "well... We wont be able to give you much of a wedding gift" and it just broke my heart to hear her feel stress of the obligation. I told her just their being there was all I want.

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My mother said to me about the expense of attending a destination wedding "well... We wont be able to give you much of a wedding gift" and it just broke my heart to hear her feel stress of the obligation. I told her just their being there was all I want.


I agree, that is why I won't ask my dad to follow thru on the honeymoon promise. I know it's on his mind and we will leave it there ;)   We had a few large sum money gifts and one I actually said I had a hard time accepting - she told me she wasn't taking it back and to move on.   I know sometimes that is a bit taboo too, but it was really weighing on me.

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You are definitely not alone, My fiance and I are paying for the whole wedding ourselves without any help. I love my parents and I am very close with them but they are just not well off or fiscally responsible. I have paid for everything my whole life including college and even starting at 19 they have been borrowing money from me. My fiances family will not help at all and made the whole experience in the beginning a nightmare. His mom freaked out at us and said we were being selfish for have a DW. Now his stepdad is not going and not sure about his sister and brother since they are not sure they can save up, which hurts because they are supposed to be in the wedding. Its hard not to feel bitter that we have to pay for everything ourselves and I even have to pay for my parents to go but at the end of the day I am excited that I am going to have a beautiful wedding that is exactly what I want. Don't follow the norms or be forced into doing anything you don't want to do and dont let money ruin your big day.

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Thanks for sharing :) Good on ya girl for being so independent and working so hard for the things you want. Hearing your story makes me feel even less inclined to want to ask for help when it comes to our wedding. I feel that my FH and I made the decision to have a destination wedding, and as  adults we should be paying for it on our with without expecting any handouts!

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