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So I currently created boarding pass save the dates and truly love them! My plan was to send those out about 10-11 months in advance to get everyone in the "know" sorta speak. Then Send out passport invitations to everyone with luggage tags. My Future mother in law loves the idea but she asked if it seemed a bit backwards... She stated it may be better to send out a simple save the date with possibly just a picture of us and the date and our website and then send out the passport with the boarding pass as our response card.  To make the whole "travel" theme stick. Im not sure how i should go about it..  I wanted to send something as a STD  to make everyone excited about it. And I feel that sending a normal post card STD seems boring. But in a way i understand what she means by it being a bit backwards.. boarding pass and then a passport. any suggestions would be great!! :)

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we did passports for STD which are about to be sent out (11 months before wedding), and are going to do boarding passes for invites probably around august. The reason for this is - being a destination wedding, we want people to have as much info as possible early on to book travel, and therefore we felt like we could include a lot of info on the passports and not enough on the boarding passes. we are also having a wedding website with booking instructions and more detailed info. We wanted people to get excited about the destination from the STD so it was important for us to include some pictures and some info on the passport itself too. I know its not traditional, but having a destination wedding is not traditional anyway and we really like the whole travel theme. We used Vanessa's destination wedding passports for our save the dates and they came out absolutely incredible. we only had 4 inside pages, as her 12 page templates are meant for full out invitations, not save the dates, plus we included a lot of the information on dining and activities on our website. We are going to use her for boarding pass invites too (however we plan on asking people to RSVP online so not using the luggage tag option for RSVP). highly suggest vanessa. http://weddingpassports.com/ 

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I think you should do WHATEVER you want! The fun thing about destination weddings is you can pick and choose what rules to follow :) We aren't even doing anything via mail! We did an electronic STD directing to our website and let people know we wouldn't be sending a mailed invitation.


We had people RSVP on the website, which I cross-referenced with my TA booking list. We are 83 days out from our wedding with just about everyone confirmed and if people are thinking that not getting snail mail is weird they sure haven't said anything. We figure we're spending that money on our guests in other ways in Jamaica so everybody wins.


But, my point is not to forgo it. That is just what worked for us. My point is there are no rules so you can make your own :)

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We sent out postcards STD about 11 mos in advance, had a website up and ready and used boarding pass invites. I did like the passport idea but i just didnt want to spend too much $$ on that. People were still really excited, simply because it was a destination. I love them both and my website too. To my surprise, my TA will be sending each guests (after final payments) a travel package that will include a case for their travel documents, luggage tags and travel tips w contact info. Also once we have the final rooming list, we are going to create a private facebook page for only those guests and i am going to update it with lil fun facts about Mexico and little FYI's to get people really excited. You cant go wrong. Your guests will be excited no matter what! Moms will be mom's. Did you already order and pay for them? If you did, dont second guess yourself. post-278682-142672778834_thumb.jpgpost-278682-142672781512_thumb.jpg

Sorry about the fries in the background. Its been one of those weeks

And we only sent invites to those people that booked a room or expressed interest. Some people didnt show any interest at all so why bother. I mean c"mon?

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We have already given a verbal save the dates to all the guests. Our TA gives us free save the dates. We are using them as our invites since we already know the dates and venue. It will direct people to our website. Guests will RSVP on the website and book with the travel agent. Then, after the final payments for the guests, we will send out a passport with all the final details/information for the trip. We wanted guests to have a keepsake, but didn't want to spend tons of money sending multiple items. This required multiple conversations between the FI and I to decide on our plan of attack!

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We sent out postcards STD about 11 mos in advance, had a website up and ready and used boarding pass invites. I did like the passport idea but i just didnt want to spend too much $$ on that. People were still really excited, simply because it was a destination. I love them both and my website too. To my surprise, my TA will be sending each guests (after final payments) a travel package that will include a case for their travel documents, luggage tags and travel tips w contact info. Also once we have the final rooming list, we are going to create a private facebook page for only those guests and i am going to update it with lil fun facts about Mexico and little FYI's to get people really excited. You cant go wrong. Your guests will be excited no matter what! Moms will be mom's. Did you already order and pay for them? If you did, dont second guess yourself. attachicon.gif20150318_200517.jpgattachicon.gif20150318_200634.jpg

Sorry about the fries in the background. Its been one of those weeks

And we only sent invites to those people that booked a room or expressed interest. Some people didnt show any interest at all so why bother. I mean c"mon?

 I love your boarding passes!! They look great! Did you make them yourself?? And luckily i didnt order the passports yet. As I am seeing it is going to cost us big bucks just to get those when we can save so much money by me making my own invites at home. My Fiance and I now totally against the idea because we received an invite yesterday to a friends wedding and realized what he himself did with it.. He read it and then tossed it to the side. " Hes like we cant spend 100s on invites and then have people just toss them just like i did. " LOL so i see where hes coming from. I created really nice postcards last nice with our engagement pics and will make those into magnets and then send boarding passes to those that state they will be coming with more info. :)



I have a friend who didn't mail anything for her DW. It was all electronic. And you know what? I didn't even notice until much later. It worked!

Funny you state this because Ive gotten that from a few of my friends and Im totally ok with this idea with everyone who is computer and smart phone savy but for those people who arent constantly connected to their phones or like some of my aunts and grandparents who aren't even sure how to turn on a comptur i think this is the safe way for everyone to be reached.



We have already given a verbal save the dates to all the guests. Our TA gives us free save the dates. We are using them as our invites since we already know the dates and venue. It will direct people to our website. Guests will RSVP on the website and book with the travel agent. Then, after the final payments for the guests, we will send out a passport with all the final details/information for the trip. We wanted guests to have a keepsake, but didn't want to spend tons of money sending multiple items. This required multiple conversations between the FI and I to decide on our plan of attack!

We've attempted the verbal and continue to get a million questions. Its why we deiced to send out a save the date and have everything listed for people to search .. well the computer savy bunch that is lol

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@@racht33 The only reason it worked for my friend is because she had a small group.  I don't think it would work for me either. 


I love the boarding passes, but I think they might be too much effort and money for STD.  I think I'll do postcard STD, and invite Boarding Pass only to those who seem interested.

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