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What was your favorite Bach party memory/gift?

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Favorite memory: having a co-ed bach party when I got to Mexico at a club on the beach.


More specifically....probably when a super drunk fool at the club stumbled through the crowd and landed on the bed I was on. (someone has a pic, I'll try to find it and post it) He starts grinding me and we were cracking up. Funnier part is we were pretty sure he was gay but I guess he was so drunk girls looked good...lol *keep in mind Will and the GMs were there too....so they jokingly try to explain to him to stop straddling me, but he is too drunk to hear anything.


He wanders off and later we move to an elevated canopy bed and here he comes again with a "Wassssssup" and tries to climb on, lands on top of me, leans on Will for a sec, then he falls off and just lays there on the sand. He eventually stumbles away and lands on another group's bed.


About an hour later a GM goes to the bathroom and says this guy was in there passed out on the floor. As we're leaving the club he is passed out on top of a table. Good times :o)


Favorite present: Lingerie...my girls surprised me with a few different outfits that night :o)

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Tara I changed the name of the thread a bit


honestly having a lot of my close girlfriends all together (all of whom were from different parts of my life) was amazing.

Also the night I flew in my plane was delayed and when I got there four of the girls in my bridal party had been there all day decorating (at my mom's house) and got so drunk and even though I was tired and cranky from my flight, it is something I will never forget walking in to their dance party with boas, and drinking an entire handle of vodka. The next day they all felt like crap, but it was a blast.

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I posted this once before, but my fav was the list of things I had to do, like get a guys undies, write my name on a guys chest, pluck hairs from a guys chest, ask for condoms, get phone #'s.....then call them...all was so much fun!!


My fav gift was some white boys shorts and a white tank with "Bride" in pink rhinestones.

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We went to a "dueling piano bar" for my bach party. I got lots of cute lingerie...and I loved the veil Monica made for me! It was super cute and I swear it had every flavor of lube EVER in the world on it! lol!


I guess the best part was just having fun w/ the girls. Singin' and dancin' and just being girly. Although probably the funniest part was in the middle of the party, I was pretty drunk, and we all had to draw from this deck of cards w/ dares on them. I had drawn one about getting a guy to talk dirty to me. But I wasn't sure how to do that...and honestly, was drunk enough to get distracted REAL easy! lol! So Monica (my MOH) figured she was helping and recruited some guy to come over and talk dirty...but I didn't know she had sent him. So he's whispering ALL kinds of stuff in my ear...about how he's going to do this or that...tounge ring...blah blah blah... (in a CUTE spanish accent, btw!) and I'm like, "Yo! I'm pracitally married...you can't say that stuff to me!" lol! I was totally nice in that super sincere drunk girl kind of way. But I lectured the crap out of this poor guy! LOL! he was a good sport about it though. he finally realized I had no clue what he was doing and said, "here, let me buy you a shot." And then he toasted a long and happy marriage to me! When I told Monica later about "this random guy that came up and starting saying all this crazy stuff to me..." she cracked up and told me that she'd sent him to help me w/ my dare. She didn't realize I somehow didn't connect those dots! lol! We still laugh about it on occasion. :-)

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Originally Posted by redwards View Post
We went to a "dueling piano bar" for my bach party. I got lots of cute lingerie...and I loved the veil Monica made for me! It was super cute and I swear it had every flavor of lube EVER in the world on it! lol!

I guess the best part was just having fun w/ the girls. Singin' and dancin' and just being girly. Although probably the funniest part was in the middle of the party, I was pretty drunk, and we all had to draw from this deck of cards w/ dares on them. I had drawn one about getting a guy to talk dirty to me. But I wasn't sure how to do that...and honestly, was drunk enough to get distracted REAL easy! lol! So Monica (my MOH) figured she was helping and recruited some guy to come over and talk dirty...but I didn't know she had sent him. So he's whispering ALL kinds of stuff in my ear...about how he's going to do this or that...tounge ring...blah blah blah... (in a CUTE spanish accent, btw!) and I'm like, "Yo! I'm pracitally married...you can't say that stuff to me!" lol! I was totally nice in that super sincere drunk girl kind of way. But I lectured the crap out of this poor guy! LOL! he was a good sport about it though. he finally realized I had no clue what he was doing and said, "here, let me buy you a shot." And then he toasted a long and happy marriage to me! When I told Monica later about "this random guy that came up and starting saying all this crazy stuff to me..." she cracked up and told me that she'd sent him to help me w/ my dare. She didn't realize I somehow didn't connect those dots! lol! We still laugh about it on occasion. :-)
That is HILARIOUS!!!!! Sounds like something that could happe at my bachelorette party! lol. Great story!!!
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