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Acw271011 So This Is Not A Planning Thread.... But

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Geez this overtime is killing me! So want to get rid of this cold, but it looks like it's going to be another 60 hour week!!! Aahhhhh! I'm too old for this!!!

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Geez this overtime is killing me! So want to get rid of this cold, but it looks like it's going to be another 60 hour week!!! Aahhhhh! I'm too old for this!!!

I don't know how you do it. I'm having a long week and can't wait for it to be over! hahah 


I'll give you my brother's recipe for colds: 

- a few shots of jagermeister (enough to warm you up haha)

- you put on some sweatpants and a sweater

- you have a nap with as many blankets as you can


He says it works like a charm every time and he feels so much better when he wakes up hahah. 

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honestly at this point I'm tempted to almost try it!! lol  break is over. back to work. I was going cross-eyed with the documents I'm working on. I needed my eyes on something else! Kristy's pics definitely did the trick!!! (except for the tears.... lol)

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  • 2 weeks later...

After 110 hours in two weeks, I finally have the chance to stop in here and see what you ladies are up to.


We had some news yesterday that is a bit concerning but hoping it works itself out. I was back in the ER a few weeks back. Panic mode thinking it was another blood clot in my lungs. Thankfully it wasn't but it prompted some other tests in two ways. It turns out I have something up with the tendons in my shoulder - calcified something or other so now we're off to see an orthopedic specialist. Family doc says surgery is usually a last resort.... yeah from your lips to God's ears! So we're waiting on that. But the other thing is now an investigation has started for my breathing, which still hasn't gotten much better from last fall. The thinking is that there may be some residual damage to my lungs from what was a second pulmonary embolism so they're looking into pulmonary hypertension. I've been trying to read what it is and my brain is just mush from all of the overtime I've had over the last couple of weeks. The hospital yesterday has moved really fast (surprising) and the first tests are Thursday, the second next Wednesday then the results on the 21st. At this point I'm not even allowing myself to think past the 21st. We'll deal with whatever we have to then.


So on that note, I actually got our key card holders started on the weekend. The suggestion from @@Meandhim to put a card on the outside I think worked out pretty well and I tied it on with our colours of ribbon. I know the card will just get tossed so I didn't want to be too fussy about it, but the idea from @@TinkerSofi for photo paper also did the trick. So here they are - a blank and the finished ones. Sorry for the lousy pictures. It's not something I do well! lol





 I also got the lanterns for the table at the restaurant from IKEA and I got "ocean" scented blue tealights to go inside. Not a big deal but it's sort of fun to pick up little things even though we still have a long way to go yet.


Resort Update:


So I found a resort that I'm waiting for a reply from our TA about - Platinum Yucatan Princess All Suites Resort. It's a stay at one and play at 3 part of Grand Sunset and Grand Riviera. The reviews are really good and so are the food reviews plus it's adults only. A big plus for us. But most importantly it solves our bed issue and we can all get king sized beds! The price point is better than Azul Fives too. So we'll see what the TA says. I left a message today and hopefully will hear back tomorrow. Right now it's probably a good idea to wait until after the 21st before we book anything but...... see what happens.




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@@acw271011 I'm so sorry to hear you are having more medical problems after all you've been through all ready!! I'll be sending all my good karma your way.


The key holders look awesome!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Sorry to hear about what you are going thru!  You are a strong lady and I have no doubt, but the process must get so frustrating for you, so hugs!


The key holders look great, they turned out fantastic!!!


My boss has stayed at the Yucatan Princess, just late last year.  If you want her review I can email her today, but I never heard any bad, so I have to assume she had a great time!

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Thanks ladies. Well the fun just never stops. Spent the day in the hospital today. Took a fall in the subway station at 830 this morning and landed on my face. Results are a concussion and broken nose. What next? To say I'm done is an understatement. Don't know why I can't catch a break anywhere. if it's true that God never gives you more than you can handle then hey to the man upstairs, I'm just about at the end of my rope.

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