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Ring-Proof Ring Finger

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So... I have a challenge.  My fiance does not want a wedding band, but for a pretty good reason.  He once broke his finger and did not see a doctor (stubborn man).  As a result his ring finger healed in a permanently bent position.  There is no flex at all. On top of that he is a Automotive Technician, so no rings allowed at work.  I told him I don't care if he doesn't wear a ring day to day, but it is important to me that he at least wear one for the ceremony.  I have no idea how this is going to work out.  He says he wants a "wedding watch" which I just scoffed at, because he just wants to feed his watch addiction.  It's important to me that he have the ring if not to wear, as a symbol of our marriage.  So what do you ladies think would be better, a ring that's a couple of sizes too big just to get it on his paws during the ceremony?  Or a regular sized ring to be worn on the right hand?  Has anyone ever encountered this kind of problem?


Here's the finger!


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My husband (almost said fiancé) can't wear his ring at work either but does like to wear it on the weekend.


If it was me, I would get him one a couple sizes to big to go over his knuckle. If you didn't think he'd wear it often I would buy a cheapy. Tungsten styles can be under $100. They aren't the nicest of their brand/styles but hey! If he won't wear it often anyways.


Never heard of a wedding watch!! Men and their ideas hehe



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@@JoannaBanana I thought I was the only bride who has encountered a fiancé who wants a "wedding watch". I read your post out loud to him and his reply, "I like her fiancé, he's a smart man". He's in construction do also can't wear a ring at work but I told him that i want him to still wear a ring because of what it stands for. Plus, I'd like to exchange rings during the ceremony, not slip a watch on her wrist! He can't wear any jewellery at all to work so that argument won't work for me!


We don't quite have the same problem as you with the ring finger so we've agreed to get a ring, just one that's not super expensive. We still have to go get rings do not sure what he'll choose. As a surprise, I am getting him a watch as a wedding present. I'll have my nephew bring it to his room before the ceremony and I'll have a tag on it that will say, "I can't wait to see you at 3:00, when we officially become husband and wife".

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He wants a watch for his reasons you want a ring for your reasons lol! Get them both! I know $ doesn't grow on trees but maybe save a little here and there and get him a watch for a wedding gift and also a simple band for the ceremony. He could wear a proper fitting ring on his right hand during the ceremony. It doesn't have to be on his left hand to be meaningful. But yes no rings around machinery! Very dangerous!

P.S. We are honoring our children in ceremony with a watch and a bracelet everybody gonna get a watch! Haha

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He wants a watch for his reasons you want a ring for your reasons lol! Get them both! I know $ doesn't grow on trees but maybe save a little here and there and get him a watch for a wedding gift and also a simple band for the ceremony. He could wear a proper fitting ring on his right hand during the ceremony. It doesn't have to be on his left hand to be meaningful. But yes no rings around machinery! Very dangerous! P.S. We are honoring our children in ceremony with a watch and a bracelet everybody gonna get a watch! Haha

I love that you're honoring your children during your ceremony! absolutely love it!!!

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I was thinking putting it on the right hand could be a way out and it will still look nice during the ceremony. My fiance doesn't like wearing rings either so we are considering the idea of getting a chain for him to wear it around his neck haha, Frodo style :P

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@@TinkerSofi Your nerdiness is showing!  :P


Muhahahah he's in trouble now!  I just googled "hinged rings" and this IS a thing!  Okay, so this one is $2000 and probably not the best investment considering.  But it's good to know such a thing exists.  I just have to find a reasonable one now and figure out what size his finger is... somehow...


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