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I love the passport idea however I'm stuck on if it it will look tacky to use a passport for both or if I should only do it for one. Thoughts?


Also I know the save the date should go out ASAP, but what info should be on it? And how far out before the wedding are you sending out the invites?

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I made my own... I did Luggage tags for save the dates and boarding pass for invitation....


I used Microsoft word and then clipped images i found off google images or clip art etc.


I think you could do passports for the invites and boarding passes for dave the dates? or luggage tags??




Edited by breezie
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I would suggest a passport invite and maybe a boarding pass or luggage tag STD???


I honestly only did an invite. We booked our resort 9 months out and sent the invites 8.5 months out.  For us, there wasn't time to do both.


I would include the wedding date and week.... the resort, and also your wedding website if you have one made by the time you send them out.  Do a search on here of STD and you will find a tonne to reference. 

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I concur with everyone that you maybe do a simpler STD like a boarding pass or a luggage tag.


I was going to do boarding pass STD/passport invite, but decided to scrap the STD and just send our invites super early.  I'm using the boarding passes as the invites now.  Saves us some money on fancy paper & printing, plus it saves me a pile of time.  After spending hours and hours on the boarding pass, I realize it's no small feat doing DIY invites!


We're getting married Jan 6, 2016, and we're hoping to have the invites ready to go out this weekend.

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Just my personal opinion, I would do the passport for the invitation. You will want to include more information in the invitation most likely so the passport set up is awesome for including a lot of details. 


I kept the STDs pretty simple. It was just a postcard with a picture of the destination, the date, a bit of resort info, and our wedding website. Those went out a year before our DW. I was super intent on giving people lots of time to plan & save so that may be excessive for some.


The invites were sent out in October for my March wedding. It all worked out pretty well because most of my guests had already confirmed that they were attending by October but it gave some a reminder to deposit/reserve and final payment was due at the end of the year so it was pretty good timing. 


I'll attach our save the date... it was a BIG hit with guests. They honestly liked them more then I had expected. 


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