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Tinkersofi's Planning Thread - Azul Fives August 13, 2015

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@@Wafflesmom yeah, i thought so too. Unfortunately the person I spoke with was the owner of the place so there was not much else I could do. I just took that money as a loss, despite the "discounted price" I still ended up paying like $180 after counting the tip and everything. 


Yesterday I went to another place for laser, the lady was very knowledgeable and the place was actually recommended to me from a friend, so I hope no one just quits hahah. I asked her about lashes, since they do them there but they didn't have anyone to do them right now. She said that I have long eyelashes already so I probably wouldn't need them. She asked me if my eyes were sensitive, which they are, even eyeshadow irritates them after a while. She said to just get fake eyelashes to be applied the day of. She mentioned that she has sensitive eyes as well and extensions make her eyes look a little puffy. I think that's what I'm going to do. With possession of the house right around the corner I'll probably need those $200 for something a little more useful :) (although darn, those lashes look amazing). I'm heading to MAC either today or tomorrow and I'll see what I can find :). Maybe I'll get mine tinted, since that's pretty cheap and because the end of my eyelashes are blonde I think it will have a nice lengthening effect :)

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Hey so it's called Ochre Studio and she sees Meena. She does mink and silk. Generally there is a sale for a full set for $55-$65. Fills are $30-$50 depending on how much you need filled. I think my coworkers look great and they are noticeable because I asked her how she got such great lashes lol


Ps - I just did flash lashes and the notice was large as well because I'm not used to wearing more than mascara. So I think you will be just as happy!


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Edited by calgarybride2015
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@@beckys98 thank you for those words. I think that's exactly what is happening here and what will happen when we move in. I'm scared and he's so chill. But then again, I don't know how chill he really is, he tends to really hide his emotions and it seems like nothing affects him but I know that he's probably feeling the same thing I am. He has lived with someone before so he kind of knows what to expect, even though according to him his previous relationships were very different. I think the first couple of weeks will be bliss and a little bit weird because I basically have to make another house my home haha, but it will be our home, something I've been dreaming of for years, so I don't know why I'm so scared. The dating phase will be a good memory but it's time to move on and open a new chapter :)


@ashhtayy @calgarybride2015 thank you guys! I still can't believe it's pretty much a week before we leave! I honestly thought it would never come haha. This week and next week I'm swamped with appointments to make sure I'm wedding ready :)


I'm considering eyelash extensions. Now the only issue is the money. I have PCOS, so I get facial hair. About a month ago I went get laser hair removal because it takes about 3 months to grow back so I thought the timing was perfect for the wedding. When I went there was a new technician so she didn't put the setting too high but I was supposed to have a follow up two weeks later just to make sure it worked. Long story short, In between the two appointments she quit, the treatment didn't work, I tried to get a refund for the treatment because I have hair again, and the lady (I'm being nice here, as countless, less nice words, come to mind) at the salon refused to give me my money back saying that I had already paid a discounted price and I got a treatment out of it anyway. They haven't hired a new technician so they can't give me a follow up appointment with someone else either. So now I basically have to somewhere else and pay again to get the same treatment, money that was supposed to go for my eyelashes. I'm so angry about this. I called them being really nice and asked to see what we could do and she got really rude really fast, without any provocation. I lost it on her in the end, I might have said some nasty things and hung up the phone on her haha. In the end I might just have to go with fake eyelashes :(



I have PCOS too and I also grow some facial hair.  I thought about doing the laser treatments, but was hesitant because of the price.  I'm sorry to hear about your experience and now that you're so close to leaving this is probably the last thing you need.  Are you still thinking about eyelash extensions?  I've seen some brides have it done and it looks really awesome.  Our best "woman" is a make-up artist who is doing my makeup for free and I'm doing fake lashes.  We did them at my trial and they looked really good and natural.  Good luck hun!

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@@TinkerSofi I'm still shocked at their rude customer service. It always shocks me that these types of owners are unaware that the best and worst advertising is word-of-mouth. Well I'm sure they'll lose a lot of business.


And if your eyes are sensitive, being that it's so close to your wedding date, I agree with your decision to hold off on lash extensions. But if your eyes are sensitive, will your eyes be ok with the glue/adhesive for the strip lashes? If you're getting your lashes tinted and you have naturally long lashes, you may not even need them. I have a friend with blond lashes and everytime she gets them tinted for the first time, her eyes just pop! It's as dramatic of an effect as false lashes.

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@@TinkerSofi I can't believe they did that to you.  I hope you're putting out tons of reviews and spreading the word on their horrible customer service.  And so close to your big day :(


I want to high-five you for how positive you're being.  I've heard countless times that everything will work out in the end  :)


eeeeeee 15 days!

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Hey so it's called Ochre Studio and she sees Meena. She does mink and silk. Generally there is a sale for a full set for $55-$65. Fills are $30-$50 depending on how much you need filled. I think my coworkers look great and they are noticeable because I asked her how she got such great lashes lol


Ps - I just did flash lashes and the notice was large as well because I'm not used to wearing more than mascara. So I think you will be just as happy!


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk1 

that's such a good price! I can't believe I was thinking of spending double! haha. I think I'll stick to the tried and true method for now and go with fake eyelashes, but I might have to try these extensions for something else when I come back! 


@@diadiamond honestly, laser is so worth it, as long as you go to a place where they know what they're doing, which can be a lot harder than you think. My hair was quite thick, almost teenage boy beard kind of thick in a few places haha (gross), but after laser I have a bunch of bald spots now and the hair is very very thin. At least it doesn't look like it belongs to a guy's face anymore, so that's a success in my books! Because the cause of the hair are hormones, chances are that it will never fully go away, but I think 3 months in between laser treatments is manageable. I used to go more often at the beginning, but now I do every 2-3 months. 


@@Wafflesmom fake eyelash glue also irritates my eyes a little, but since I wear them only a few hours at a time I can manage it. If it gets too bad I can just go and rip them off after the pictures haha and then just wear mascara for the rest of the night :P. I'm afraid that because I can't take off the extensions on my own and having that on everyday all day, my eyes will end up all puffy. I think since I am so close to the wedding I better not try anything new.


@@deecol that's what I keep telling myself. It is what it is, and yeah I wish they hadn't screwed me over with that money, but oh well. I wasn't expecting for them to return the money I paid on tips, but the treatment didn't even work! so technically no, I didn't get a treatment "for cheap", it ended up being really expensive. In a way it didn't surprise me the way she reacted, every time i've gone to that place she has been kinda rude but I kept going because the laser was good. Bad choice on my part I guess. 

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Omg Ive been so disconnected from this site. My forum has no pulse :(    So I had to jump on other sources to mingle with brides at my resort.!! I cant believe how close your wedding is!! How are you feeling?? :D :) @@TinkerSofi

I'm good! I'm getting a little overwhelmed by all the small details. I've been trying to go to the gym this whole week and haven't been able to. I know it sounds petty, but that's my biggest source of frustration right now hahah. By the time I leave work, head to my daily beauty appointment, and get home, I'm exhausted and there's no energy left for the gym. Other than that, things are pretty chill :)

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@@TinkerSofi aww!! I know what you mean :(  its hard to get any time for yourself when so many other things are going on. But try and escape here and there and get a session in. it will help  with clearing your mind :) I'm glad its been easy going so far!! 2 week mark AHHH!!! You guys must be so excited!! Let the pre packing begin haha!!

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@@TinkerSofi aww!! I know what you mean :(  its hard to get any time for yourself when so many other things are going on. But try and escape here and there and get a session in. it will help  with clearing your mind :) I'm glad its been easy going so far!! 2 week mark AHHH!!! You guys must be so excited!! Let the pre packing begin haha!!

i haven't even started packing! haha. Well the wedding decor is packed for the most part but not out clothes. I don't know when this will happen, probably the day before lol. 

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