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Tinkersofi's Planning Thread - Azul Fives August 13, 2015

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Awe you are so cute.  He won't get tired of you -- you are married!!!!!   (or will be in 19 days yay!!!) 

You don't have to let go of all that, you two  will just reinvent the way it works...  


Sometimes it's hard to believe I've been married for 6 months now, I sit in disbelief sometimes that I am married and this is my life forever. It's exciting :)   You have your partner in crime to forge ahead with, to dream, to set goals & achieve them, to start a family, etc.  It's an amazing feeling... 

that is true! I'm getting really excited now and can't wait :) 

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@@TinkerSofi My husband and I moved in together 3 years ago but I was TERRIFIED. I really loved living alone and he had previously lived in a dumpy apartment with 3 other roommates that was always disgusting and messy. It was the definition of a bachelor pad. More like a fraternity house! I know I can be a little uptight and particular about things and he is pretty laid back so I just wasn't sure he'd be able to handle me every single day. I was so scared and then I got so scared that I was scared. Why was I so scared? Did that mean that it wasn't the right decisions? And on...and on...and on...I would spiral.


Never for a second was he nervous. Basically he made the decisions that he wanted to live with me and never gave it a second thought! Fortunately his confidence gave me faith that it was the right choice and we took the plunge.


Well, I can distinctly remember a moment about 2 months into it while we sat in our barely furnished living room and it hit me. What was I so scared of!? Sure, I'd like it if he was a little tidier but he sure comes in handy when I'm trying to reach tall things! ;) Coming home to him every day just felt so natural that I couldn't imagine what life was like before! Surprisingly, I became less up tight because he brought that out in me. Even when he goes out of town for work now I get a little excited to have the house to myself and eat what I want and watch what I want on TV, but when I actually come home and he isn't there I am a little sad. I have a hard time sleeping when he isn't there. I just like it better when he is around! As simple as that sounds, I like everything better when he is around!


I totally understand the nostalgia for the "dating" phase - I frequently spend time thinking back on the memories because I don't want to forget the experience - but knowing that we are officially family just makes me so content and grateful. I'm 100% sure you'll feel the same way! It'll be even better than you imagined and it'll quickly feel like HOME and where you were always meant to be :)

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@@TinkerSofi happy 16 days! so crazyyyyy. when i got on this site you were like 6 or 7 months out and i remember thinking "i hope i'm as organized as this girl!" and now it's almost time! stay strong these next few weeks. your day (and your week) will be perfect - i mean, it has to after all the thought you've put into it!

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@@TinkerSofi happy 16 days! so crazyyyyy. when i got on this site you were like 6 or 7 months out and i remember thinking "i hope i'm as organized as this girl!" and now it's almost time! stay strong these next few weeks. your day (and your week) will be perfect - i mean, it has to after all the thought you've put into it!



I totally agree!!!  This time last year I was like 'man I have 7 months to wait' and you had a year!!!!  Where does the time go?  Can't wait to see everything come together!!  We haven't had a review in awhile :)

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@@beckys98 thank you for those words. I think that's exactly what is happening here and what will happen when we move in. I'm scared and he's so chill. But then again, I don't know how chill he really is, he tends to really hide his emotions and it seems like nothing affects him but I know that he's probably feeling the same thing I am. He has lived with someone before so he kind of knows what to expect, even though according to him his previous relationships were very different. I think the first couple of weeks will be bliss and a little bit weird because I basically have to make another house my home haha, but it will be our home, something I've been dreaming of for years, so I don't know why I'm so scared. The dating phase will be a good memory but it's time to move on and open a new chapter :) 


@ashhtayy @calgarybride2015 thank you guys! I still can't believe it's pretty much a week before we leave! I honestly thought it would never come haha. This week and next week I'm swamped with appointments to make sure I'm wedding ready :)


I'm considering eyelash extensions. Now the only issue is the money. I have PCOS, so I get facial hair. About a month ago I went get laser hair removal because it takes about 3 months to grow back so I thought the timing was perfect for the wedding. When I went there was a new technician so she didn't put the setting too high but I was supposed to have a follow up two weeks later just to make sure it worked. Long story short, In between the two appointments she quit, the treatment didn't work, I tried to get a refund for the treatment because I have hair again, and the lady (I'm being nice here, as countless, less nice words, come to mind) at the salon refused to give me my money back saying that I had already paid a discounted price and I got a treatment out of it anyway. They haven't hired a new technician so they can't give me a follow up appointment with someone else either. So now I basically have to somewhere else and pay again to get the same treatment, money that was supposed to go for my eyelashes. I'm so angry about this. I called them being really nice and asked to see what we could do and she got really rude really fast, without any provocation. I lost it on her in the end, I might have said some nasty things and hung up the phone on her haha. In the end I might just have to go with fake eyelashes :( 

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@@TinkerSofi Sorry to hear about the technician and not being able to get a refund. That is so frustrating. As for saving money by going with false eye lashes I think you could totally do it. They are so cheap and you can buy them in bulk. I'd suggest buying a pack of them now and try them out a few times before your actual wedding so that you get the hang of wearing them. I wear them on special occasions or when we are on holidays (in Mexico). You can also get the falsies mascara to wear them with. I wear the falsies or collosal volume mascara and my eyelashes are really big! Everyone thinks I wear falsies all the time. So imagine that plus false eyelashes! Definately worth a try since is an inexpensive fix! Good luck!

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Ugh that is absolutely frustrating!! Did you ask to speak to the manager?  I know sometimes there is probably no point. I just had that the other day with a clerk at a medical office for continuity of care, I was so shocked at what was going on I just agreed and hung up. Should have asked to speak to her manager!


That said, refresh my memory (sorry I read so many threads haha) is the resort spa doing your makeup? If yes, they may do the fake eyelashes as a part of the package!  Mine did ... she just asked me while doing my makeup if I wanted them and I said yes. I know sometimes ladies bring them and have the spa apply theirs! 


I have a friend who sells this special 3D mascara. I think it's $35 but when she is wearing it I can tell and I am shocked how well it works. I keep meaning to buy some and forget.   Trying to remember the name of it.

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@@calgarybride2015 is it younique 3D fiber lashes? my friend sells it as well but I haven't tried it yet.

That's the one! I usually don't buy into stuff like that unless I have proof lol but hers are def noticeable when she's using it.



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@@TinkerSofi that's such poor customer service! Since they didn't technically do the service completely, they should refund you the money. You shouldn't be at a loss for something that's within the control of the business!


So I've mentioned it to you ladies already but I was not blessed with full long mashes so I gave tried almost anything to lengthen them. In addition to lash extensions, I've also used strip false lashes (which I'm using for my wedding) and younique fiver lashes. Younique dies work like @@calgarybride2015 said. I suggest you try it out to get used to it though. If applied incorrectly, it can look a little like spider legs lol. Google younique fails and you'll see what I mean. But once you get the hang of it, wow, the lashes are super long!

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