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Tinkersofi's Planning Thread - Azul Fives August 13, 2015

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The countdown is on! 


I feel like I'm way too chill for this haha. 


Last night they gave us our possession date for our home, Sept 11! So that means, only 3 weeks after we come back from Mexico. It will be great because I'll have something else exciting to look forward to instead of the wedding blues :P. Last night I started with the nightmares again haha, I dreamed that I started packing at 2pm and we had to be at the airport at 2:30. Then my bag felt so light that I knew I was forgetting everything haha. Then my house was all weird and they had done a bunch of things wrong. It was just terrible haha. 


Today I booked all my appts to get beautified before the wedding. I feel like a gremlin right now, trying to let all my hair grow out (from everywhere) so that I can wax and thread properly in a couple of weeks and nothing grows out while I am in Mexico. I feel gross right now. The only appt missing is just the mani and pedi. 


I also worked on the timeline for the wedding day, again. I am so paranoid about this thing! I'm pretty sure I've asked this question before, for those already married (probably only @@calgarybride2015 hahah), how long did you allocate for getting ready pictures? These are important but I'd rather spend less time on these and get more pictures of the reception. Is half an hour ok? Do you think we'd be able to get both, girls' and guys' getting ready in that time? We have two photographers by the way, or one photog. and the assistant. I don't know if that makes a difference. 


I also e-mailed our Canadian officiant today. Since we're not doing special vows or exchanging rings here, we decided to do a reading. We're also not doing a reading in Mexico, so I think it's a nice way to keep both ceremonies special :). I picked a quote from The Notebook, because I love that book :)


"I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours.”


My Canadian MOH just texted me today, apparently the zipper on her dress wasn't closing properly and getting stuck, even when she didn't have it on. So she went to the bridal store today and they recommended her that she also get the dress taken out a bit, just in case. It will be done by Aug 5, and we leave on the 9th, talk about last minute! hahah She just said that she wanted to be safe so she could eat all she could at the wedding and not have to worry about the dress being too tight :P.


That's all the planning so far!

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What an exciting time this is!!! The final countdown is on, you've gotten your new home date and you feel like a gremlin hehe


Your quote is beautiful. Sometimes I wish I had done the vows and such but I know I would have been a babbling mess hehe :) will be beautiful.


Omg that is very last minute. I'm sure they will get it done! Was she thinking the dress was too small before?


Here is a 2 part answer... If your photog and his assistant split up 30 mins each is perfect. If they don't you need the whole hour -- which will still be 30 mins for bride and for groom. As you have to appreciate they need to travel between rooms as well - although I think your resort isn't massive!! We allocated an hour and it was enough. But she had a good 10 min walk between rooms!!!


Yay super excited for you.



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3 week countdown, woohoo! Good on you for being relaxed, it shows just how organized you are :) I love how you mentioned timing the waxing and threading, I never thought about that. I'm sure you still look beautiful!


And so many exciting changes in your life. That's great you got your possession date. September is a good month, then you can nest in your new home during the cold winter months.


I love that quote you cited. It's beautiful and heartfelt.


As for your MOH, good on her for fixing it. Between the heat and buffets, letting out the dress is a good call on her part!

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Ah 3 weeks is so close! I'm so excited for you! I can only hope to be as calm as you 3 weeks out from the wedding. You must be so prepared and organized! So exciting. 


I love that you claim you are a gremlin! So funny! You always feel your worst right before you look your best :P I remember letting everything go before our trip to Mexico in the winter. Its so tough to just leave it all alone. 


I absolutely love that quote. So beautiful! I would love to be able to do something like that but I would either burst out into laughter looking at my FI saying that or burst out into tears. One extreme or the other haha. 


Good luck with the bridesmaids dress! I hope it finishes early so you both don't have to stress for too long! 

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@@calgarybride2015 I'd better ask the photographer how they plan on doing it, and whether they can split up. I don't want to burn a whole hour on getting ready pictures. I just have a couple of must haves but that's it.


@ Oh I've been feeling emotional haha. I either cry or get angry so easily, not with my family or Juan, just random people seem to be pissing me off lately hahah. I just lose it a lot easier on people than I would normally


@@Wafflesmom I love the fall because I feel like it's so cozy, so I think it will be perfect for nesting ;) 


@@yycbride2016 yes, it's pretty bad, I think i'd have to spend 8 hours at a salon just to fix me up lol. 

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@@TinkerSofi  Hahaha... can so relate to the gremlin comment. I pretty much shave, pluck, wax or laser every part of my body and when it gets out of control I feel gross. But it will be worth it and you will be gorgeous for your big day  :)

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@@TinkerSofi It's so great that you're relaxed.  You have put so much work into your wedding and you've been really detailed and organized.  It's really paying off since you're not rushing to do stuff.  I love your gremlin comment lol you're so funny.  I totally understand the struggle of letting hair grow in so you can get it waxed/plucked ect.  Congrats on your new house the possession date works out really well for you too!  


Love your quote it's so beautiful.  I love that movie!  I haven't even started writing speeches or anything yet.  


Sorry to hear about your wedding nightmares.  If it's any consolation, I've been having them too (I'm exactly 2 months away from my wedding).  In my most recent nightmare I forgot to bring my wedding dress with me!


I think your bridesmaid is smart to have her dress taken out a bit to enjoy herself.   

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@@TinkerSofi It's so great that you're relaxed.  You have put so much work into your wedding and you've been really detailed and organized.  It's really paying off since you're not rushing to do stuff.  I love your gremlin comment lol you're so funny.  I totally understand the struggle of letting hair grow in so you can get it waxed/plucked ect.  Congrats on your new house the possession date works out really well for you too!  


Love your quote it's so beautiful.  I love that movie!  I haven't even started writing speeches or anything yet.  


Sorry to hear about your wedding nightmares.  If it's any consolation, I've been having them too (I'm exactly 2 months away from my wedding).  In my most recent nightmare I forgot to bring my wedding dress with me!


I think your bridesmaid is smart to have her dress taken out a bit to enjoy herself.   

Thanks! I read your comment the other day about getting used to living with someone else. I know it will be tough the first couple of months, but like you said, you're living with the man you love so everything will be ok :). My biggest concern, and it always has been, is what if he gets sick of me? hahah. I guess it's just one of those things that you have to do it to get over the fear :P. I'm the kind of person that doesn't like change, and so whenever something changes so drastically I always feel nostalgia for the life I'm leaving, while also feeling excitement for what's to come. It's a very strange feeling. I always feel like "I need to enjoy my old life as much as I can before moving on so I have no regrets" haha. This isn't just about living with my family, but also our relationship with Juan will change and I want to make sure I squeezed the juice out of dating before moving on haha. It makes no sense because we've been dating for 7 years and I can't even count the times I told him that I can't wait to be married, I'm tired of dating haha. Like I said, it's just the change-phobic in me that doesn't want to let go. 

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Awe you are so cute.  He won't get tired of you -- you are married!!!!!   (or will be in 19 days yay!!!) 

You don't have to let go of all that, you two  will just reinvent the way it works...  


Sometimes it's hard to believe I've been married for 6 months now, I sit in disbelief sometimes that I am married and this is my life forever. It's exciting :)   You have your partner in crime to forge ahead with, to dream, to set goals & achieve them, to start a family, etc.  It's an amazing feeling... 

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