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Kcole123 Planning Thread - April 17, 2015 - Melia Caribe Tropical

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GIRL. You ROCKED your dresses! You and everything looks so beautiful..and happy! YAAAYYYYY!!! CONGRATS!!!!!

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ok so I am going to attempt the review once again. I may have to post a little at a time because I just don't want to have to keep doing it over again.



This I have to say has been the most stressful for me. From the time we put down our deposit until the time we left. My experience with my travel agent has been hit and miss and mostly misses. The only positive I can say about my travel agent was that she had gotten cheaper rates than others I have checked out before hand. A lot of my guests did nothing but complain about her the whole time. They had trouble trying to reach her, she was out of the country for a couple months so therefore she couldn't get back to people as she normally would. This I understood but my guests were frustrated especially when they were trying to put down a deposit or final payments.

There are a couple of examples I will explain to you with regard to troubles. I had three older ladies that wanted to share one room (three sisters) and we had a single guy guest. Anyway the travel agent had the brilliant idea of putting the single guy in with one of the older sisters, just on paper, so that the single guy would end up paying the double rate as apposed to the single. This would have been a great idea if the older lady didn't have problems with the room once she got on the resort. Because she was physically sharing a room with her two sisters, when she showed up there was everything there in two's just because on paper the resort had two in that room and not the three. Every time she called and requested a third towel or anything extra in the room she was given a hard time over it. They also tried to charge her when she signed out of the hotel when we left. They said because of the "extra's" they brought to the room, they had to charge her. Anyway, I don't know what happened but she ended up not paying extra.

Another example which I wasn't happy about, I had requested numerous times that I wanted to stay at the adult only section of the resort. This was one thing Nathan and I wanted just because originally we had wanted an adult only resort and changed that because of some family members wanted to bring kids. Well, two weeks before we left I found out that we weren't booked in the adult only section, but we were booked in the family suite on the family side of the resort. Like how could she mess that up? I called her and told her I wanted the adult only and she could tell I wasn't happy. Anyway they only had a couple rooms left in the adults only that we were able to get something. Luckily we were able to get the room we wanted in the adult only section.

So yeah my travel agent experience was not good at all and I will never use the company again (Centre Holidays in Ontario).  Like I said the only positive was the cheaper rates but honestly I think myself and my guests probably would have paid a couple hundred extra if we got a travel agent that was consistent and knew what they were at.



So even though our group travelled with Air Transat, Nathan and I had to fly with Sunwing because we had to book air and land separate. Apparently, Air Transat didn't depart from Edmonton to Punta Cana between April 13 - April 20th and they only leave from St. John's, Newfoundland on so many dates. We didn't find Sunwing too bad going down at all. They had a overhead compartment specially for wedding dresses, they didn't weigh our carry-on's going down and even though we were a little over weight we weren't charged extra (I think we got an extra 10 kg or something for being bride and groom anyway).

Going back though we didn't get these perks...lol We were overweight in our carry on's so I emptied what I could into what I thought were lighter bags. We were still over weight on our carry on's and also on our luggage going back. Even though I left some things down there like bags, cups just to lighten the load. All and all we ended up having to pay an extra $300 US extra for our baggage going back just for being overweight.



This resort is amazing and beautiful. The grounds of the resort alone are perfection. Basically the reason why I chose this place in the first place, well that and it having and adult only section. The resort is huge thought although we had no problems getting around. There were golf carts and trains to pick you up all over the place. I didn't have any problems getting anywhere. The staff were super friendly, the food (well lets say I gained a couple pounds), the pools were clean, the rooms were immaculate. This was simply an excellent choice. We have guests that actually say they would like to go back there.



Wow, Wow, and more Wow. We met with our coordinator, Geraldy a day after we arrived. This man knows his stuff and you can tell he has been at this for a long time and simply loves what he does. We met with him and just went over the stuff that we had requested in emails. He was so well organized and not a thing was missing that I had requested. He asked what my songs were for the bride walking down the isle, the bridesmaids, and also what song for me and Nathan walking out to. I told him I didn't have anything and that he can just use whatever. I honestly didn't care about this so much and figured the walks weren't going to be that long anyway to play a full song..hahah I just figured dum dum de dum and that would be it. Anyway, he said "girl you have got to have a song to walk to, I know exactly what I will play for you, and you're gonna cry." I said "but I don't want to cry. Well he played "1000 years" by Christina Perry in his office and I cried. I told him it was perfect. We had our first dance song actually was "thinking out loud" and you know the song that really sticks in my head for our wedding is 1000 years by Christina Perry. Funny because it was so random. Nathan also said it was perfect too as soon as Geraldy played it.

For the bridesmaids he picked "over the rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo. Nathan thought this song was cute for the girls. I also thought it was great. Then Geraldy picked our song for walking out and he picked "It's a beautiful day" by U2. We also said yes to this song. Weird how we just said yes to each one without even having to think about it. Geraldy was saying a couple times how laid back we were and how we didn't make him stressed at all...hahaha

We had our wedding at 2pm in the day and it was hot but to be honest I guess I just got used to the head and it didn't bother me all that much. I ended up getting the horse and carriage which me and my dad were in taking us to the ceremony. my mom and bridesmaids were in golf carts that we had arranged.

We had our cocktail hour right next to the Gazebo when the ceremony was over and everyone raved about the food we had there. Even thought cocktail hour was done at 4, Geraldy came over and told me they were bringing over more food and for me not to worry about it because it was my wedding. Us newfies likes our food. I thought this was so sweet of him.

I can't stop raving about Geraldy and everything he did for us. He even held an umbrella over my head as I was walking from my room to the horse and carriage just so I could be shaded. Now that's service.


We had Pastor Rick York for the ceremony and I have to say he was quite awesome. He was funny and everyone loved him. I would def. recommend him also. Like I said everyone of my guests was saying how great he was and that I made a good choice.



I booked Krystie Ann for my hair and makeup and honestly this woman is so good at what she does. She is truly talented in both hair and makeup. She did myself and three of my bridesmaids and my mom. Everyone said that she did an amazing job and we couldn't stop looking at ourselves after the fact. One girl even said when she was going through my pictures she didn't recognize herself (in a good way). Krystie Ann came to my hotel at 7:30 that morning and left probably around 12 noon. I didn't feel like she rushed through each of us at all to get it done by a certain time. Each one of us girls felt like time was spent on us to make us look beautiful.


HDC Photography

I am so happy with my pictures and glad I have made the choice of going with HDC for my pictures and video. I haven't got my video yet but I can't imagine it being anything short of amazing. We had Milan take our pictures and he was honestly the best photographer I have ever dealt with. He has a passion for what he does and he doesn't even have to think of the next pose he just does it. Nathan was also very impressed with him (and you all know the troubles I had to convince him that someone other than our guests should be taking the pictures). We had Milan from 12:30 up until about 7pm. He also did our trash the dress photos for us two days later. Nathan says he made a friend because Milan added him to Facebook. He truly is remarkable at what he does and so glad HDC chose Milan for our pictures.

We had Elvis as our videographer and he was also so personable and patient. Nathan and I are camera shy especially knowing there is live video footage. So depending on if it's good or not I may have to post the highlight video on here fore you girls to see. Of course me saying if it's good or not is based solely on how we are looking in the video (mostly me) haha



So I booked La Barcaza based on a review from a past bride on this site actually. And man are we ever glad we booked our reception with them. We booked from 5-8 and I didn't end up extending like I thought I would. We thought maybe end it up at 8 and head back to the disco on the resort. The kids on the boat were getting a little cranky and it honestly didn't bother me not extending. I think if I had to extend I don't think an extra hour would have made a world of difference. Everyone honestly had a blast and said it was the best wedding they have been to.

Remember I was so franctic and stressed over centre pieces for the boat. Well I didn't use any after. I figured awwww no one will notice that and it's too much hassle having to give it to the boat guy or having to set it up ourselves. So all I had was the straws which had names on them for the place settings, had my cake on a separate table, signing book on a table and that was it. But when I walked on the boat I seen they had little centre pieces already there. They were just little glass pieces with star fish and sea shells. I thought that was cute.

But you know what, no one talked not once about centre pieces or the lack of décor instead everyone talked about the great company, music, and how they jumped into the natural swimming pool. I stressed at times over little things that in the end doesn't really matter. It's the company and the celebration around you that makes it the best wedding ever.

We had mixed grill for dinner on the boat and it was amazing, even though I didn't eat much. I was a little tipsy at the time dinner was coming around and I just wanted to get up and dance....lol

So overall girls Nathan and I (and I am sure a lot of our guests) had the best week ever. We were so happy with everything and how it turned out. The week just went by so fast and it's actually sad now that it's over. All the planning that we stress over and in one week we try to relax and just take it easy and then it's all over and no more big wedding planning. We are trying to plan a honey moon now for next year so we will have something to plan. We are thinking possibly Europe. We figure we will combine our honey moon with our one year anniversary.

Oh and Nathan won't admit it but I think he knows I made the best choice ever with the photography..lol


If any of you has any questions or need any help, even though I am not a bride anymore in the planning process, I am ever so glad to help any of you out.

I honestly couldn't have got through the planning, stress, and drama without this site. This site and the girls here have been so helpful to me and I am and will be forever grateful. I feel like it's not just a forum where I chat with people, but I honestly feel I have made friends along the way even though I have never met any of you. Again I thank you.


I hope I didn't miss anything, but if I did I will add it tomorrow.

For future brides on this site, please don't stress about the small things cause in the end they don't matter. It's easier said than done but if you keep this in mind it should make the planning process go smoother.

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So glad all went well :) now that you've been thru it you can totally relate to say that the small stuff doesn't matter at all!!! Ladies it's true, try to relax and trust us when it's getting the best of you hehe

Love 1000 years - that's what I walked to but in instrumental.

Haha!!! About You winning the photo debate. Your pics are gorgeous. What about the groomsmen gift debate? :P

Enjoy planning your honeymoon. It's such a lull after that that'll be fun for you guys.

Ohhh -- how did everyone love all your OOT stuff?

Congrats again.



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Oh yea Nathan gave the guys watches which they appreciated and loved. He also feels now he should get something else for his best man soemthing a little extra because he did so much for us when we were down there. He said he is going to pick him up something and send to him.


With the OOT bags, I handed them out at our welcome dinner which was the night after we arrived. Everyone loved them. I seen the bags throughout the week because some of the ladies forgot to bring their own. The biggest hit I have to say was the key card and tip holders. Everyone said it was an awesome idea especially for the pool. Everyone also thought the cups were useful and the lemonade packets were cute. I had people ask if I had extras just so they could bring a couple of them home with them. Luckily I had a few extras with me.


I forgot to mention about the bandage on my arm. Well two days into our trip and two days before the wedding, we went to the Buffett and I was reaching for French fries. I ended up burning my arm off the pan cover that was holding the fries. I had a pretty bad burn. Nathan thought it was a first degree burn. It was so red and just stung so bad. My mom, being a mom, had polysporin with Her so I nursed it with that in the monring, covered it with the band aid and then took the band aid off and cleaned it in the night to let it air out. Yup this was all painful. It bothered me a little having to wear a band aid on my arm the wedding day but I honestly disn't have a choice. The photographer asked actually if I was able to take it off and I said "believe me when I say it looks better on than off." The burn just looked so raw. Anyway it's getting much better now and starting to heal. I am so clumsy so something like this was bound to happen to me before the wedding. And come to think I went zipling before the wedding day also. Hahaha

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I knew he had gotten them watches but reluctantly at the last minute so was curious if it ever came up again. Sounds like he now realizes the importance of those gifts if he wants to get the best man more :) see we know best lol


Ouch on the arm!!!!! Glad it's starting to heal. Lots of our people were banged up and bruised too!



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Oh yea Nathan gave the guys watches which they appreciated and loved. He also feels now he should get something else for his best man soemthing a little extra because he did so much for us when we were down there. He said he is going to pick him up something and send to him.


With the OOT bags, I handed them out at our welcome dinner which was the night after we arrived. Everyone loved them. I seen the bags throughout the week because some of the ladies forgot to bring their own. The biggest hit I have to say was the key card and tip holders. Everyone said it was an awesome idea especially for the pool. Everyone also thought the cups were useful and the lemonade packets were cute. I had people ask if I had extras just so they could bring a couple of them home with them. Luckily I had a few extras with me.


I forgot to mention about the bandage on my arm. Well two days into our trip and two days before the wedding, we went to the Buffett and I was reaching for French fries. I ended up burning my arm off the pan cover that was holding the fries. I had a pretty bad burn. Nathan thought it was a first degree burn. It was so red and just stung so bad. My mom, being a mom, had polysporin with Her so I nursed it with that in the monring, covered it with the band aid and then took the band aid off and cleaned it in the night to let it air out. Yup this was all painful. It bothered me a little having to wear a band aid on my arm the wedding day but I honestly disn't have a choice. The photographer asked actually if I was able to take it off and I said "believe me when I say it looks better on than off." The burn just looked so raw. Anyway it's getting much better now and starting to heal. I am so clumsy so something like this was bound to happen to me before the wedding. And come to think I went zipling before the wedding day also. Hahaha

I'm so sad to hear about the burn, but to be honest I didn't even see the band aid without you actually mentioning it! It actually didn't look that bad ;)


I just finished reading your review. I started last night but it was too late haha. It seems like you guys had a great time! Now that you mention that the extra hour wasn't a big deal it makes me think maybe I shouldn't stress out about that and just keep it at 4hrs and then go to the hotel club rather than paying an extra hour.


I love it because Juan is very much the same, he fights for all these things he doesn't want but then when he sees everything put together he admits that I was right and it looked good or it was good that we got that haha. 


I love how you're so laid back about the songs! I'm a total control freak hahah so I'm basically giving the coordinator a detailed sheet of instructions of who is walking to what lol. What a bridezilla, i know :P. I love the song of 1000 years, it's so romantic :). I think all the song choices were great. 


Congratulations again! I'll try not to stress over the little stuff but like you said, easier said that done :P

Edited by TinkerSofi
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Yeah I cut down the décor on the boat just so I could have the money for the extra hour on the boat, and I didn't even use that. I found it great the way it worked out. And a lot of the guests, except the older guests, went to the disco with us. So it actually still was a party just had to go somewhere else for it. lol

Yeah so I think you will be fine with the 4 hours but maybe you can decide that once you are there? That's what I did, I left it until we were on the boat rather than pay for the extra hour ahead of time.

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Yeah I cut down the décor on the boat just so I could have the money for the extra hour on the boat, and I didn't even use that. I found it great the way it worked out. And a lot of the guests, except the older guests, went to the disco with us. So it actually still was a party just had to go somewhere else for it. lol

Yeah so I think you will be fine with the 4 hours but maybe you can decide that once you are there? That's what I did, I left it until we were on the boat rather than pay for the extra hour ahead of time.

I don't know if we can leave it until that long because i know the hotel needs to book the waiting staff. Anyway, I can always make a decision based on how fun the club is over at the hotel :)

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