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Kcole123 Planning Thread - April 17, 2015 - Melia Caribe Tropical

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ok not going to panic but I forgot to take out US money today at the bank. I am hoping there is a CIBC bank open tomorrow in Edmonton. That's the bank I deal with and I have the money in my account right now anyway that I need to get changed into US dollars and withdrawn. I totally forgot all about it today. I just now remembered that it was Friday and that most banks aren't open tomorrow.

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There absolutely should be a bank open tomorrow!! TD even has branches open on sundays now. There are quite a few open here on saturdays. You should be fine. Just keep in mind though that if you're getting a large amount, some banks will ask you to contact them ahead of time. Not all, but some.

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It's easy to go online and find a branch open. Usually just your postal code and it will direct you! What day is fly day?

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Fly day is Monday morning at 6:00. Whoooo hoo


Oh that's exciting! Now you'll see all your planning come together and pay off. It's going to be wonderful, I'm sure of it. How's hubby? Has he been back to the doctor?

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What a busy busy day. First off I was up at six for the two hour long drove to edmonton to get my eyelash extension fill. This appointment turned out good because the lady said she has never seen someone first time doing lashes and come back with them in such good shape. I told her I didn't sleep much and if I did I woke up wondering of my lashes were down by my feet.

So this appointment was only 45 minutes as opposed to an hour/hour and a half cause she said I only needed a touch up. They are once again looking fab and full.

When I left there I found the closest bank and they were open. So I did my exchange and then left and headed on the two hour drive back home.

When I got home Nathan greeted me at the door and said he is going to just pick up the groomsmen a gifts that he ordered. He bought 4 watches at the local jewlery store and it only

Cost him $330. I am so glad he bought them soemthing. I didn't care what it was at this point as long as it was something. He couldn't get four the same so he got four different ones. Which it doesn't matter anyway if they are the same.

Finished with that then we both went an hour the opposite direction outside of town and he went shopping for some down aouth clothes (see how last minute he is). When we got back I went grocery shopping. Had to make sure our house/dog sitter had enough food.

Have to finish packing tonight. All I have packed is the carry ons. I honestly don't even know what we are allowed. I have a purse (which I am hoping is not included as a carry on), a carry on and my dress. Nathan will have a carry on. Hope the purse won't be the carry on or we are screwed. Haven't gotten any of the tumblers or our daily attire or anything packed yet. We are leaving tomorrow around 1pm to head to Edmonton. We are staying there over night as our flight leaves early Monday monring.

Anyway here are the watches. Better late than never.


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He did a good job!!! So you're down to the wire now girl. It's all absolute fun from here on in!!!!Relax! Enjoy! Take it all in! So absolutely can't wait for your review!! Never been to the DR and likely never will so really looking forward to pictures!! Safe drive tomorrow!

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