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Kcole123 Planning Thread - April 17, 2015 - Melia Caribe Tropical

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I used a travel agency in Ontario for my group bookings. I went through Centre Holidays.


So Brazillian didn't go like I wanted it too. In other words no Brazillian I just could only get the bikini wax. I didn't think it was as bad as I had imagined but I still found it hurt and I also forgot to take an advil before I went there. So even though I only ended up with the bikini wax I am happy now it's over with and I even booked another appointment for five weeks down the road. Not sure if I will Brazillian. It might take a while to get used to.


So I went shopping today for a purse. I wanted a bigger purse just to put our paperwork and our jewlery in there. I figure I can have a bigger purse along with a carry on then that should help with bringing the important things on the plane with us. You wouldn't beleive how hard it was to find a bigger purse with a zipper that wasn't $100. After going through all the stores I ended up in Spring and they had a few there. The one I bought inthought was really cute. These would make for cute gifts for the bridesmaids too. It almost had a nautical look to it. Thought you girls would like another idea just in case you are searching either for a bag for yourself or your bridesmaids.



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That cute!!! I wanted a large bag too and ended up with a weekender type bag - scored with a Stella and Dot 75% sale and got it for $55! It's massive. I used it and a roller suitcase as my carry ons and noone said a word!


I'm also to scared to get waxed down there so you are braver than I :)


Ohhhhhh it's coming quick. So excited for you.



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@@kcole123 as for the bikini wax...I'm definitely going to start out small and start by going and getting my legs done this week...by November I should have worked my up there...lol....we will see.....lol 

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Hahaha @@Meandhim


Nice hey? Are you getting them. They are a great size for that bigger purse I wanted. And having a zipper was what I really wanted. A lot of bigger purses don't have the full zipper.

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Thanks for that.


We actually

Felt the same way. Nathan turned to me yesterday and said "it didn't seem like much." I told him that's because it wasn't and because we didn't tell anybody or because there was no big deal made out of it, it doesn't seem real. It almost seems like he feels like he is missing out. Then I told him " well the big deal is down there, it wil feel more different then becxuse I will have my wedding dress on, he will have his suit on standing at the alter waiting for me. All our family and close friends will be there. They will all be celebrating our day.

Yesterday was just paper work to put in place for that. That's what I tell myself anyway. I think he feels better now that I explained that more to him but it still feels weird to call each other husband and wife just because it wasn't the "big day" like everyone pictures. But once we do it down there, that will feel more real then. You know what I mean? I am pitiably making no sense haha I know in my head what I am trying to say. Haha


Well my biggest nightmare ever. Don't know if I told you girls this, but this brilliant girl decides to get a crown on her tooth about a month before the wedding. Anyway, my tooth in the front was cracked as a kid and it caused problems down the road and I had to have a root canal. Anyway the tooth was discoloured and the doctor recommended that I get a crown to protect the tooth. Anyway I figured what better time the. Before the wedding because I was really self concious over the discoloured tooth. Anyway made the appointment for my crown, went in, did whatever needed to be done and they ot a temporary one on for me. So my appointment was last week to go back and take the temporary one off and put the crown on. Anyway while the dentist took the temporary tooth off my tooth underneathb basically fell apart right down to the gum. All I heard was "oh Kristy we have bad news." Right then and there I wanted to post pone the wedding haha. So anyway the dentist said basically the crown they had fitted for me would no longer work. So had to get re-fitted for another crown and put another temporary back on. To get re-fitted though he had to put in a post in Order to build my old tooth back up. Anyway I left last week in tears. He said he will put a rush on it just because he knows I am leaving on the 13th and he doesn't trust the temporary tooth. He said a simple bite into a rib or anything could pop it off. To take off the temporary tooth he uses just simple tweezers for Christ sake.


So yeah I am a little nervous about this's. I honestly don't know if I will get the crown in time before I go. They had to send it to a lab two hours away. And then if they do get it back they would have to fit me in for an appointment. I honestly don't have high hopes to get it in time. In the meantime I am being extra careful with the temporary. I honestly don't know what I would do if that popped off while we were there. Front tooth missing would look like....well I don't even want to picture that. The temporary that's there doesn't match my teeth entirely with colouring but it will be better than nothing. Not what I wanted but i will have to make due. Anyway, that is my nightmare over and over again. Another reason I can't sleep well.

But on a better note nathans rash has improved a whole bunch. He is thinking it might have been an infection or something. Anyway his appointment is today to have it checked again.

Oh another thing I am nervous about is looking sad in pics while I am at the alter or having a hunch back. I don't sit or stand straight at the best of times. I have poor posture that I try to remind myself of but I keep forgetting. So yeah I don't want to be hunched over in pictures either. Sounds by this I have the weight of the world on my shoulders hahaha I hope I relax as soon as the warm tempetures and the ocean breeze hits me. Cause God knows if I don't sleep much when I am there the four days before the wedding, the makeup artist has a lot of work ahead of her.


Oh Kristy I feel so badly for you. Just at a time when you don't need extra stressers, to have all of these things piling on really sucks!! I'm sending all the positive thoughts that I can but you need to TRY real hard to keep thinking good thoughts!! See - hubby's rash is getting better! That's a good thing! Don't worry about your posture or sad face!!! Not at all!! That's just putting more stress on yourself!!! You'll be so happy on the day of that a sad face won't even be a factor!! Your face will hurt from all of the smiling!!! The dentist will do his best and you need to believe in that!


Just keep hanging in there!!! You're so close now. Once you're there, you'll pass out from the beautiful weather and the makeup person won't have anything to worry about!! Just like you won't either!!!

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