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Kcole123 Planning Thread - April 17, 2015 - Melia Caribe Tropical

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Oh ok you are pretty much on the same lines as I am with what needs to be done.


That's an awesome idea with the speakers though. Great thinking.


Oh you know the coil rings I ordered on Amazon? Well they said they were supposed to arrive Feb 6th. Still haven't got them and have a feeling I won't get them either. So I contacted the seller to let them know and the tracking says still in transit. So he let me know I can either get my money back or they will send out new ones. Well I aint' going to get new ones sent out now for them to not arrive again. SO I told them I want the money back and now I have to look around for some here in Wainwright. I seen some at the Dollar store so I may get them there. I am going to give it until this weekend maybe and then get them.


I have a lot of things still it seems left to do when I do up my lists. Oh well have a month right?

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@@pddcmc There is a big possibility that I might react like that. When I'm nervous I smile and I laugh uncontrollably haha. 


@@kcole123 are you sure you're not getting married with my fiance?? hahah I am so glad he's not planning this. But I agree with the comment that when they see everything pulled together they like it and they're thankful that we spent so much time on it. 


He also said no to kids' stuff, for the exact same reason! I told him that it's just a few toys for the sand and a beach ball, and there's only 3 kids coming so it won't be much, but it will keep them entertained :). He still said no, but i'm going to sneak some stuff in hahah. He can't say anything then! (I really don't like doing things behind his back either, but I doubt he'll even notice that it was us that gave them the stuff haha)

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I think the legal marriage at home will be good 'practice'. It was for me. I was holding off tears and in turned laughed a lot. But in Mexico I just had a dead stare at my fiancé (at the time lol) and was ok. It was still nerve wracking and I knew everyone was staring but honestly you just zone in and zone them out and forget they are there :)



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Edited by calgarybride2015
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Kim (@calgarybride2015),

I sure hope that applies to me. Why am I most nervous about being a crying wreck. I know how much of a softie I am and it bothers me that I am. So I don't want to be crying in every picture I see after.


Yeah I just think about it now and it makes me fill up. Just because I think I cry cause I think I will cry..hahahaha But you are right, I think that getting married here in Canada first will be practice for us, well more so me, for not crying. I am hoping the same thing happens to me as did you.


@@TinkerSofi, funny that is. I think all men are the same. Well majority of them anyway. Mine thinks nothing is a big deal and that no one will notice if we don't have this and don't have that and don't have gifts or favors for anyone. I agree that they may not notice some things like decorations and stuff but when it comes to what people get at weddings, people notice.

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Update and To Do List


Well girls, just thought I would give you a small update:


23 work days left, 41 days till we fly out, and 45 days till the wedding. Eeeeeeeek still so much left to do it seems.


Here is a list of what I still have to do. Seems like it didn't change much from the last list..lol


March 5th - Second Dress Fitting

March 14th - Final Dress Fitting

March 17th - Immunization needles

March 21st - Lash extension appointment

April 6th - Legal marriage in Canada

April 10th - Hair cut and colour before I leave

April 11th - Lash extension fill appointment


Things still left to book:

Bikini/Brazillian wax - still trying to get the nerve up to book this appointment

Nail appointment



Things left to do:

Music (this was Nathan's task but I have a feeling he will procrastinate until the last minute).


Send paperwork to resort (hoping to get on this the weekend coming)


Contact La Barcaza with final numbers and pay before I leave (hoping to tackle this the weekend coming as well)


Make sure travel agent has everything in place for everyone. Not sure what she has to do but I usually have to keep her on her toes because she is all over the map with everything.


Get kiddy things (my mom is doing this and is bringing it with her. for those that have read "fiancé" story you know that he didn't want me getting these little things for the kids because he thought it was a waste of money and room to bring it down there. So I contacted my mom and asked her to do it.


Make sure I have enough suitcases or check size of suitcases to make sure everything will fit fine.


Figure out a way to pack my bouquets without them squishing up on me.


Finalize the travel brochure. (This will be done once I contact the resort and find out where I can have the welcome dinner).


Get any alterations done on my second dress (Haven't got it yet and starting to panic about that. It is chiffon and probably hard to alter I have no idea) but I hope I get it soon so I could book someone to alter it if I need to. I am hoping I won't need it altered but you never know because I ordered it online.


Do a Skype chat with Krystie Ann for hair and makeup (she asked to set this up so I have no idea what she will be talking about during this time.)


Still try to convince Nathan about getting the groomsmen's gifts. (I brought it up again last night, I took your advice girls and just found a couple other things besides watches that he could possibly get and he said "yeah and maybe I was thinking too of getting them some local beer or something." I don't like this idea but at least he is coming around I think and possibly considering giving them something. Might take a little more convincing though. Or pushing or nagging. Whatever works right?


So that's all I can think of so far. I think I pretty much got it all covered.

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You still have until December. Imagine what you will be like in November? Just kidding I am making it worse...lol

I use humor when nerves set in. I am close now and my fiancé realizes how close we are now and he will bring it up "I can't believe we will be married in a month." then I will silently be there tearing up thinking OMG I am going to cry walking down the isle...haha haven't had no nightmares yet though but I will imagine that will come soon.

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I've already had nightmares... And I'm not not even close to the date yet... I can't imagine what I will be like when it's close like you guys..



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