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So.... Found out that our on site wedding coordinator who has been fabulous up until now, is no longer with the beach club.


She has handled every detail up until now.


I should be more stressed, but I'm not really. We've secured all vendors, dining options, etc.


My only questions are


1.) has anyone had this happen to them?


2.) is there any sort of advice you can give me from EXPERIENCE on what I need to do once the new coordinator takes over to ensure there is less chance of gaps.



Ok thanks :)

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So sorry this happened but it does to necessarily present an issue.


I would first find out who will be taking over and what, if anything was left for her to prepare her with the details of your event.

If the other WC was professional she would have taken and passed on notes about your discussions and necessary details.  It's even possible that the property has the WC keep a form containing all these details.  This can then be the worksheets that the Wedding Dept and other WCs can refer to.


If nothing was left and, as you say, you have arranged for all the vendors, then you should send her the details you have discussed about any arrangements thus far determined.  


See what questions she has and, from that point, you should have a sense of how much what additional attention you may need to give the situation.  If she is sharp, responsive and communicative, she'll be fine.  If you sense that she is not some or all of the above, I would prepare a detailed summary of how you envision the day and keep close tabs on these details with her.


I would hope you would have heard from the other WC first, I would definitely reach out soon to initiate this important communication.


Good Luck!

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Thanks for your kind words. @IvanLuckiePhotography@TAkathy


I talked to my baker who knows the WC and from what I gather she just up and left and moved to Canada. :(


I will take your advice and listen to my gut.


I'm happy it happened now and not weeks before my wedding.


As of now they don't have a WC so I hope they hire someone reputable and soon!

Fingers crossed!!!!


Thanks again!

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I actually had my resort wedding coordinator leave less than a week before my wedding.  The replacement was fabulous and did such an amazing job.  We are still friends 8 years later :)


I would put together a document of what was agreed upon with the other wc and ask to have a call to go over the details.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright so I've been patient. This new wedding coordinator is not so great. I've tried to be patient. She was hired on Jan 22 and did not reach out to us. No biggie, she's prob really overwhelmed. So I'm sympathizing with her.


However; she assured me she had my file and reviewed everything once I contacted her. Then I emailed her last week and she doesn't respond I have to call her, her VM is full :(


I have to email her again asking her to confirm my rehearsal time as previously arranged and do an additional email asking her to please respond.


She tells me that she can so rehearsal but 2 hours before the time that was previously set. No big deal except it is a big deal!! It's the day before my wedding and I have commitments and I can not change everything.


I also mention my schedule and vendors and she said she was not aware I had vendors. Lol. Wtf. She clearly didn't read my file. So I then forwarded her all of my previous emails. To show her what was agreed upon and what Was already scheduled.


Also in the same email she tells me she won't have time to arrange my 3 guests tables.

I mentioned to her I was going to send her a photo of how I needed the centerpieces, table overlays etc set up. I explained there would be a large photo in each box. And for every table there would be a separate box, so all you have to do is pull out photo and arrange each box as photo. Nothing complicated, I'm talking votive holders and table overlays plus a normal place setting.


She's a wedding coordinator what else is she doing before my my wedding? Double checking food? Talking to Dj? Meeting officiant? Good. Yes this is her job and I miss the old coordinator I'm not even mad she went AWOL. Baby come back!!! Lol


Idk I've got a solid dj. He will help with that. Blah.


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