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FI and I are going the DIY route to save money. We're currently at $2.15 per invitation - this includes paper (I picked  high end card stock), printing, welcome reception insert card and travel arrangements insert card. It does not include envelopes or postage. We are doing RSVPs on our website to save money and picked a standard size envelope so postage shouldn't be more than one stamp. They're not passport invitations, which I know can get pricey. Is $2.15 a lot? I feel like for DIY I should be at $1.50 or so. Maybe I'm crazy. 


I know people who have spent upwards of $20 per invitation which I personally cannot justify (no offense to those of you who have spent that much...I'm sure your invites are gorgeous!) 



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I don't think it's that expensive at all. You said you purchased upgraded card stock so you have to factor that in. I'm one of those that spent approx. $20+ per invite but I purchased several upgrades. I did not fully DIY my invites, I ordered boarding pass and passport invitations and did everything else myself. Part of the reason mine were that price was due to me upgrading the cardstock (for the boarding pass jacket); a custom stamp (for the passport); an airplane charm for each invite, upgraded envelopes with custom printing and custom stamps. My envelopes with custom printing was about $150 for 40 envelopes (#10 and A1). And I spent about the same on the stamps. I needed $1.61 stamps since my invites were heavy and I also ordered stamps for the RSVP cards.

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We did a bit of both DIY and print shop. We did pocketfolds with the invite and then 3 inserts (booking info, at home reception and RSVP).  We also have a separate AHR for those that aren't invited to mexico or we know can't come (Grandparents and some of the parents friends etc.).  For all the printed inserts, invites, envelopes and pocket folds we are at about $2.50-3.00 per invite.  We are going to try and hand deliver as many as possible as they are $1.15 each to ship within Canada. Quite a few have booked already so its not as urgent for them to get theirs and others we will be seeing over the holidays, so there aren't too many to ship.  

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Mine were just about $3/each shipped (70 cents to ship due to the charm...)


I have a breakdown here:



I ended up making more invites after this post, but didn't really cost anything but shipping (since I had the supplies already) so my cost per invite went down.


You can definitely do it for $2 or less per invite and they look great!

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I think for what you've done that your cost is great!


Mine were just over $1 each but they weren't overly fancy and only included the boarding pass and ticket jacket.


Then I paid postage.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I spent about 5$ total on it. I had someone create the invite and inserts, bought the pocket , bought card stock ( actually saved a lot printing ourselves) , ribbon , envelope liner, starfish charm. Lots of effort but end result is too cute! ( I guess I didn't factor in cost of the punches but hope to resell them )

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I spent about 5$ total on it. I had someone create the invite and inserts, bought the pocket , bought card stock ( actually saved a lot printing ourselves) , ribbon , envelope liner, starfish charm. Lots of effort but end result is too cute! ( I guess I didn't factor in cost of the punches but hope to resell them )


I hear you on the punches.   I bought one to use 4x total, yes 4x.  Now I am sitting around wondering when the heck I can use it again - Christmas tags, birthday gift bags, etc.   I may be insane, it's true!

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We spent about $2.60 each for ours + shipping. We sent out around 100 so didn't want to spend a ton.  I made passport pre-mailers w/ CDs and luggage tags to people that booked - those cost quite a bit more but we were okay to spend money on people actually coming


@@calgarybride2015 - Haha I made more tags for things in the OOT bag because I wanted to get more use out of my punches!!

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I was just wondering how much people spent on invitations. I'm not a DIY-crafty person at all. :( I don't have to make them so I rather pay them to have them printed but they are soon expensive for the most simple invitations. I will have to check out Groupon though.

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