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Calgarybride2015's Planning Thread 15/1/21 Grand Sirenis Riviera Maya

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After seeing your engagement pictures I'm now wondering if maybe we can do them! I really liked yours and the price for your photographer was so reasonable! I know that's going to take some convincing with the fiance but I could just be like "It's my valentine's gift" and then he has no excuse haha. 


I think it's all coming together so nicely. We're also having a buffet because of prices and because it's just easier, if people don't like one thing they can get up and grab something else. We had gone with the cheapest option (because I was also cheap as hell) but once I realized that we were saving money on other places we decided to get the one that's a little more expensive but with a lot more choices. Also, the cheap one had corn on the cob as the side and I just didn't want to put my guests into that sticky situation of the corn spraying everywhere/getting stuck between their teeth haha. My fiance suggested putting some floss by their plates hahah, not happening. 


Every time someone says best day ever it reminds me of he movie tangled haha. I love that phrase :)

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Yay you started your thread! Can't wait to keep reading and seeing all the fun stuff :)


I LOVE the palapa at your hotel!! I wanted to have my reception somewhere like that but had difficulty finding something affordable. Are you going to hang the Chinese lanterns?


Can definitely empathize on the difficulty with the TA/finding an affordable resort, etc. I seriously lost sleep during that time and it was a big sigh of relief once that was finished. 


I love your twisted band! I looked at some twisted bands on etsy as a possibility of adding to my eventual ring stack :P


Quite honestly I haven't considered the chinese lanterns.  If they offer them for rental at the resort and the cost isn't over the top, I might.   They do look fantastic though.    I can see myself on the internet later looking haha! (thanks :P)


Sheryl is your hairdresser!? haha She's also my dad's. The second I saw the mirrors I was like "wait, I know that place!" That's the place where I go to get my waxing :P. Calgary is such a small town sometimes haha. I used to go with Valina and Ella to get my hair done over there too but now my friend who is a hair dresser does it :).


Anyways I enjoyed reading your thread. I thought it was funny, the accessories I suggested are pretty much what you're thinking of getting. I think your hair looks great with more relaxed bangs :)


You e-pictures also look great! I don't know why you say you look bad smiling, I think you have a great smile and you should show it off :)


I like the groom's shirt. I think the blue one looks better than the white, or he just looks happier with it haha. 


Your gifts for your fiance and kids are so cute <3. 

Looking forward to the next post! 

Yes! I met Cheryl by accident some 9 years ago!  She was working a random Sunday and I went there as a walk-in.  She is fantastic and I couldn't imagine having another hairdresser.  She offered to come do my hair haha!  That was a really quick trial run, but I think it can be easily duplicated.


Thanks for your email about accessories! I think I will check out that store, even if just for fun!

After seeing your engagement pictures I'm now wondering if maybe we can do them! I really liked yours and the price for your photographer was so reasonable! I know that's going to take some convincing with the fiance but I could just be like "It's my valentine's gift" and then he has no excuse haha. 


I think it's all coming together so nicely. We're also having a buffet because of prices and because it's just easier, if people don't like one thing they can get up and grab something else. We had gone with the cheapest option (because I was also cheap as hell) but once I realized that we were saving money on other places we decided to get the one that's a little more expensive but with a lot more choices. Also, the cheap one had corn on the cob as the side and I just didn't want to put my guests into that sticky situation of the corn spraying everywhere/getting stuck between their teeth haha. My fiance suggested putting some floss by their plates hahah, not happening. 


Every time someone says best day ever it reminds me of he movie tangled haha. I love that phrase :)


I LOL about the corn on the cob!!!  I actually considered putting dental floss picks in our cups!  At the table, hmmm I agree with you on this one.  I promptly looked at our buffet menu, and ya, it includes 'corncob'  but we don't get a choice in buffet.  It's either buffet or plated. It's already $32/PP, so we will stick with it!  


Thanks for the compliments on our pictures. I do love them :)   It wasn't a hard sell with Shawn, I think because he knew we had no quality pictures of us together.  The price didn't hurt either -- good luck hehe!

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Oh man :( I proof read my items 100x and had 3 other people do the same and I found a blip on the brochure.

I used 'used' not 'use' ... should have read USE bottled water in Mexico.

Ah well, can't change it now!

Hahah I hear ya! It's like we know what we WANT to say and just read it as such!! I'm sure no one will notice... Though I will laugh if someone wonders what you are supposed to do with used bottled water!


Your thread is awesome!!!!

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Our resort charges $8.45 per Chinese lantern.  Something to think about.

And believe it or not, I went back over our extra price list and for 4 units of fireworks the cost is $375! It's listed as 'cold pyrotechnics' I had no idea they offered this!!  Not something I think I would pay for, but maybe if we win the lottery I will throw it in hehehe.

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I love the planning thread Kim, great ideas


here's my idea that I got from the destination wedding I went to- they had glowstick necklaces and bracelets, but they also had these little black plastic connectors (will have to research where to buy) to make glasses out of the bracelets- it was so much fun wearing them and taking pics! 

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Oh man :( I proof read my items 100x and had 3 other people do the same and I found a blip on the brochure.

I used 'used' not 'use' ... should have read USE bottled water in Mexico.

Ah well, can't change it now! 

That always happens. When I wrote my thesis for school I swear I read the thing 100 times and had other read it and still found mistakes after printing it. It was too late then so I wouldn't worry about it ;), people will understand your message regardless

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