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Spray Tan?


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I would also stay away from Mystic Tan and have it done with the professional airbrush. It's a little more pricey, takes longer (and you'll need more than one application to get some color) but the end result is worth it IMHO.


My dermatologist receommnded Fake Bake for me (b/c I was using the tanning bed) and I LOVE it! It's a self tanner you apply on your own (it comes with gloves b/c it will stain your hands) but you need someone to help you get those "hard to reach" areas, which is the only reason I don't use it religiously.


Tanning products, fake bake, tan perfect, sunless tanning products, tanning lotions


I will do my arms & legs in the wintertime with it, b/c the "hard to reach" areas aren't seen in winter -- but if you'll be wearing a backless dress or something like that, get help to apply.


I can not tell you how awesome this stuff is! It makes you TAN, not ORANGE at all! And it's recommended by dermatologists! Mine actually has it in-stock at the office, but after my first bottle (I use the foam application) I started buying it online b/c it's cheaper than at the doctor's office.

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Originally Posted by cheese_diva View Post
I heard if you go in the pool with either the hand applied or machine applied, it streaks off and looks like little squids (aka splotches) on your skin... make sure you aren't planning on going in the pool or sweating alot.
Oh yeah, one of my BM's had a self tanner cream on, and on the morning of the wedding we were in the pool and it started to come off in spots and left her blotchy. She had to stay in the pool till she rubbed it all off so you would not see it for the wedding. Luckily she only used it on her legs and the dress went just below the knee so it was not a big issue. I totally forgot about that Angela, thanks for reminding me.
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Ok so I have had some experience with both the hand airbrush tanning and the mystic tanning.

First, I would not recommend the mystic before any special occasion. Andy and I both went before we went to Cabo last December and it totally flaked and faded out in a not so cute way. I was super blotchy and peeling between my boobs and my real tan from the sunshine wasn't showing as well. We both said there is no way we would do that again before our wedding or before a vacation


I also got hand airbrushed spray tanned before the BD pic shoot in September. I actually had to stand in a little paper covered room booty a$$ naked and have some gal spray me. Despite the really awkward encounter...the color turned out really good and saved my a$$ literally from looking scary. However...that night of the spray tan you can't shower and it was by far the most uncomfortable feeling...super sticky, you look like you are a completely different race, and it smells sick. I couldn't wait to shower the next morning, then it looked fine. I did feel a bit orange, and with my blonde hair I felt like a wannabe barbie which is not the look I'm ever going for!


Basically, I don't use tanning booths and wouldn't get either method of spray tanning done again. It just does not fade well....you will peel and look scaly....not cute. I use the jergins natural glow or the Dove one is good too. That would be my advice...stick to the color nature intended for ya!

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Originally Posted by tvt View Post
ok i think this is enough to make me not to do it rolleyes.gif I was thinking the booth thing - i'm not sure i want some random person spraying tanning stuff on me!
the spray wand works really well. the mystic tan is a little tricky. just need to exfoliate and make sure you use the "blocker".
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Tara- I was wondering where you were. I haven't seen you on the LC thread.


My mom had the Mystic Tan. I wanted to get it done but she warned me that it peels bad and she looked horrible. She said my dad ruthlessly made fun of her for a week.


I'd stick to your jergens. That way you aren't pasty. PLUS who is suppose to be super tan in November anyways. (I guess unless you live in a sunshiny state. Everyone is pasty here so I'm comfortable.)

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My wedding is december and I'm always pale. So I'm not sure what to do either. It's too cold too lay out. I do have the I think its jergen where it's lotion with little self tanner. But if i get in the pool will it streak off? Acck now I"m worried. I don't want to be TAN but I don't want to be white in a white dress.

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