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Hair And Make Up Timeline For Wedding Day

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Hi Ladies,


I'm having trouble trying to decide on when to get hair and make up done on the big day. My ceremony is at 4:00pm. I just don't want to get it done too early or late! I was thinking of getting started at noon but now I'm thinking that probably won't be enough time.


I'm not sure if I am getting it done at the resort or bringing someone in to do it, but there will be six people getting their hair and/or make up done (me, 3 BM, mother and MIL). I'm planning on paying for it myself as part of a gift to my BMs.


Any advice would be appreciated!


Thanks in advance!!

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My resort does the time for us, or that is what I have been led to believe.

That being said, if your wedding is at 4pm and you have 6 people,  12pm WILL NOT be enough time!

I would assume you are going to take easily 1.5-2 hours (if you have long hair), then you have to factor in time for everyone else. Let's even say if they took 45-1 hour you'd still be cutting it way to close.   Also, you should see how many people work in your resort's spa, because there may not be 6, so you may go one by one or in groups of two or what have you.  Personally, I wouldn't start any later than 10am, just to be safe.  My wedding is at 3pm, and I am thinking if they book me later than 10am I may panic and make them change it lol!


That being said, I have never done this before.  But from reading reviews, brides sound like they take well over 1 hour.    If you had a trial, I would assume your wedding day hair/makeup would be quicker because everyone knows what they are doing/what you want, etc.

Edited by calgarybride2015
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I agree 12p is not enough time! I am having my ceremony at 6, and am thinking of starting the make up and hair around 12 or 1 (i only have myself and one or two others getting hair and make up done). But factor in eating lunch, and getting dressed (those dresses and undergarments take some time!), plus putting on accessories. Then extra time just in case you need to fix any part of your hair or make up…I would do 10am just to be safe. If you are having your hair and make up professionally done, it will last through the night!

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I think it will depend on if you have it done at the resort or if your bringing in a team. Once you know which direction you are going in, you will have an idea of how many hands will be on deck. I do agree that noon is probably a little late in either case. I am a hair and MUA for on location bridal here at home and normally for 6 people having hair and make up done, I will send a team of two strong stylists who can perform both hair and make up, or 3 stylists (one will focus on the bride, one for hair only, and one for make up). Generally, I will set aside 2 hours for the bride. I know that sounds excessive but it allows time to make sure everything is perfect and in most cases, brides get more time consuming services done (eyelashes, airbrushing). This also allows for the bride to be done first in case the photographer wants some shots of the bride while the rest of the bridesmaids finish up. For the bridesmaids, I like to allow 1-1.5 hours depending on hair length and density. Again, if you have 2-3 stylists on hand, one will be prepping hair and another starting make up so it can run pretty smoothly once the rotation begins. Good luck!

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My mom & I were the only two getting our hair done, and we had 11am appointments for a 4pm ceremony time. Wish we had started earlier. We barely had time to eat, get make up done and then get dressed. My advice with a party that big is to start as early as you can. You can always relax in your room, get something to eat, etc. in between if there is any downtime. 

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We got married at 1pm and it was just me. The salon at the resort made the appt for 10:30 and I barely squeaked back in time to get dressed and get pics done before the ceremony. With a group as big as yours, I would make sure you start early!!


And I agree  - find out in advance how many staff will be allocated to your group, or if you're bringing in outside people, how many are they bringing? They're the professionals so talk to them and allow them to make the decision, then push it back by half an hour just to be absolutely certain.

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Our wedding is at 4:30pm and I only have 2 girls standing with me. I have 3 friends coming (2 hairdressers and 1 make up), so I figure if we start at 11 or 12, we should be okay. My one bridesmaid is also good at make up, so between all of us we should be good to go! 

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I had my appointment for 12pm for me (hair and makeup), 5 bridesmaids (just hair), mom (hair), grandma (hair) and MIL (hair) for a 4pm ceremony.  Trust me this was not enough time.  I used an outside hair and makeup vendor and 12 was the time they suggested but in hindsight I would have started much earlier.  Me and my girls all have long hair and the hairstylists under estimated how much time it would take to finish everyone.  I was very rushed at the end and literally just threw my dress on and it wasn't the feeling I wanted before the ceremony.  It was also just too many people in the room asking too many questions and I felt very flustered.  We also didn't get to get all the pics I wanted with my bridesmaids and mom or a minute to really just relax before the ceremony.  So the earlier the better then you have time to really take it all in and not be running around.  Other than the the craziness of hair and makeup the rest of the day was perfect!! :D    


Oh and I almost forgot the best part around 3:30 pm when my sister/bridesmaids hair was finally done and I was still getting my makeup finished her dress zipper broke as she was putting her dress on.  My mom had to call up for sewing kits and literally sew her into the dress.  With all the setbacks we started our ceremony around 4:15 so we were late which pushed everything else back.  So add time for any mishaps because things will go wrong. lol At the time it wasn't that funny but now I can smile about it. 

Edited by NJBride2014
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