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Postponed In Cabo By Hurricane - New Date On Everything?

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hi everyone


i had everything planned....was one month away from the big day....


and a hurricane hit cabo.  clobbered my hotel and ceremony site.  i'm devastated.


my first thought was for all the great people and their families who work at the hotel...and hopefully they will be able to rebound quickly.  i am thinking april 2015 for the new date.


however, my letterpress invitations, welcome bag, welcome bag items, napkins, favors.....everything has the old date on them.


what should i do?  i don't really want to pay to change everything for 50 people.  Can I just have everyone pretend it's October 2014 still? :)


maybe just send out a save the date for april, and keep everything the same?  


thanks for your advice!

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Wow! That's a hard one! First let me say how sorry I am that you are going this this experience. So not fair! Now, have you asked your honey about his thoughts? I would also look to the parents...(especially the MIL) for their advice. They may have the best solution. I would think of doing something with the name of the hurricane... Odial came through and said...oh dear, you'll have to change your date...I dunno...something corny and cute that will allow you to keep and use your purchases! 

Good luck ... 

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So sorry you have to go through this!


For the already printed items - I would keep them.  Could you just do some sort of overlay/sticker:

of a wave or cloud with the new date   OR

a Capital "O" that says O Darn - we have a change in plans?  


Corny I know but you get the idea.


I'm sure everyone would understand.  And it's a unique way to draw attention to the new date.


There are enough time, energy and costs involved in changing everything and re-grouping.  I would keep it simple for yourself.


Good Luck!

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These are great ideas! I definitely think you can keep the same printed items; like the other ladies said just do a play on the hurricane for the new date. I know it was completely unplanned but April 2015 is a fabulous date!! :)

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You might be able to get affordable stickers for some of the items from Vistaprint if it bothers you. Assuming the guests already knew the first wedding date, I would probably just leave it unless the stickers were pretty cheap.

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I agree with the overlay stickers and playing around with the fact that Mother Nature had different plans for you and your future hubby. I think people would understand



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I'm just going to say I agree with everyone else. These are all great pieces of advice and I think it all works. I'm sorry you've been affected by all of this.


Good luck and I know it will all turn out and you'll gave a wonderful wedding!

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