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Brides Parents Not Attending

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Just to let you know that you are not alone, my parents, aunts, and uncles are not coming to the wedding due to either financial or religious reasons. My parents don't believe in 2nd marriages. Therefore, my son will walk me down the aisle.

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I'm so sorry to hear that :(. I think walking alone would be fine. I've seen other brides do it :)


As for the security in Mexico, yes, quite a few people fall off balconies but if you've seen the state some people are in it's not surprising. It's still sad, but people need to stay off balconies if they're super drunk! There's also the random crime, but every city has a crime rate, whatever country you go to. Actually the riviera maya in Mexico is extremely safe. Bad luck can strike anyone wherever you are and bad things can happen to good people in any place at any time, but unless you go to Ciudad Juarez or Tijuana you probably won't come across the cartel stuff. 

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@@RandL2015 I love that your son will be walking you down the aisle - I think that's better than your father  :)  


You could go on vacation in your own country and be just as at risk. Find a website with the same stats for Canada or the US and I am sure it would be similar. Mexico is in focus a) because it's Mexico B) people like to fear monger and c) promoting insular tourism to boost the home country's economy. 


Risk of danger is in most everything you do everyday; but people equate safety with familiarity. What they don't realize is that when you are away and in an unfamiliar environment you tend to be more vigilant and aware of your surroundings - at least that's the case for me!   

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I'm sorry your parents won't be coming, but you are absolutely right, they will be the ones regretting it in the long run. And I don't think walking solo is weird at all. if it were me, I'd probably ask either FI's dad or the best man to walk last and walk with me. That's just me, I definitely would not think it strange to see you walk alone when everyone knows your folks aren't there.

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@@ANM3 my mother changed her mind about going when my father decided to attend (they're divorced) and fiancée's best friend refuses to come because...I really don't know why. So, I was planning to walk down alone originally and he was going to be w/o a best man but things changed a bit and we are very happy to have the day we want, the way we want it, where we want it. I wish the same for you :)

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I would walk down alone! The day is about you and your soon-to-be-husband. I think the moment will be even better between you two when it is just you two looking at each other with no one else to worry about!  :)

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I walked by myself. Our plans completely fell apart so in the end it was just my husband and I that went to Jamaica for our wedding. The nice part was walking down the pathway.... all I saw was him at the end. It was second time around for both of us, so a little bit different but it was what we wanted. So all the people that cancelled - it was their loss.


The most important thing is that you're marrying the man you love in a beautiful setting.

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