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Dress Dilemma. .can't Decide

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Did anyone else have trouble picking their dress? I finally went shopping and I expected the 'awe' moment that I would know 100% that it is the dress. Well it didn't happen :( I am a very indecisive person. I have found 3 dresses and cannot make up my mind. It doesn't help that everyone I have showed the dresses to pick the dress that to me is simple...its gorgeous and perfect for beach wedding but I just feel like it's too plain on the front..but it looks amazing on. The other one I love...but then I can't decide if it's really the one either...

so I went to another store and found a 3rd dress but had no one with me to get their opinion.. its very similar to the one I like..

I just can't decide :( I hate this! why am I having such a hard time commiting to the dress.. im scared to pick the wrong one.......

I've attached pics..my boobs are falling out in the second dress because it was a little small and I'm still nursing so they are huge but will go back to there normal size before I get fitted..


so the pics are not uploading well..they make me look "squished" but at least you can see the styles kind of....


Edited by MJTK
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They are all beautiful!

I think #1 and #3 accentuate your body the best, but you can't go wrong with any of them.


I had 2 I loved from all I tried on, and one was just too far out of my price range and maybe a bit more formal than I was going for. It brought me to tears though.  I stand behind you can find more than one you love.


If you love them all, think about what you want for your wedding? what is your price range? how much alterations to each?  Maybe take the more practical route to help decide?




maybe you need to go put a few more on. But you look gorgeous in all of them :)

PS - if you thought #1 was to plain what about throwing on a sash that is the color of your wedding to give it a pop?

Edited by calgarybride2015
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Oh my gosh I love #2, even if the ladies are hanging a little! lol  I think it's a stunning dress and the bling is gorgeous! All 3 dresses are beautiful so you could definitely take any one of them for a beach wedding!

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calgarybride2015 it's dress 3 that seems to plain..

and the pics are distorted when I upload them so it's not giving the complete looks..they all do look amazing on me...guess that's one reason I can't decide...As for budget I don't have one..but the less I spend of course is better but finance says don't puck a dress based on price...and since he's paying I won't hehehe I know that's also one reason I'm having hard time because dress 2 is half the price of the others. .

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Lol well my solutions don't help then ;)


If I had those 3 to chose from, I would choose #1.


Maybe go back and try them all on again? I put the one I bought on about 5x in the 2 hours I was there :)



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by calgarybride2015
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first - all three look beautiful on you! I like the top two better than the bottom one. And between the top two, I like the one with more bling on the right. 

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