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Cancelling Bridesmaids?

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So I could just be having an ultra pissy day, but my bridesmaid has done f-all to help me out. I'm getting married in 2 months and still don't have dresses. They have been difficult when it comes to agreeing on styles, and I have looked everywhere I can possibly think and have ordered online (I had to return them) and now feel like this is the biggest, most unnecessary stress. I'm so over looking, and frankly, sort if feel like I just want to tell them I don't want bridesmaids anymore. Is that totally bitchy of me?



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I have had the same issues with mine and all I can say is hang in there. I would just decide on some and tell them they either get the dress or they aren't apart of your wedding. I haven't asked my BM to do anything really at all and when some of them gave me trouble about getting the dress, I got pretty upset (there is a thread about it in venting on here) because I wasn't asking much. I wouldn't tell them straight out to sh*t or get off the pot but I would narrow it down to a certain dress and color and then tell them that's it, if they don't like it, they can bow out.

Check our donna morgan dresses. Those are the ones I chose for my girls and I just picked a color and let the girls order whatever color they wanted :)

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I second the donna morgan dresses they have a great sale section on their website with different styles and colors.  My girls just went to their local nordstrom where they carry Donna Morgan bridesmaids dresses, tried on sizes and styles and then we just ordered them online once we knew what each girl wanted/liked. They were so cheap I ended up just buying them for each girl and just making them pay for their alterations. 

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I know!! I feel like I have a million things to do still....can't wait to just be hanging out by the pool!


When do you leave @@NJBride2014??

Sorry @@chelseapaige37, I don't have much advice to give as we decided to not have a wedding party.  Good luck and as if its worth it to you to have them in your wedding, I say stick with it too!

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@@chelseapaige37 Definitely seems like one of those times where it doesn't pay to try to accommodate everyone. If you choose to cancel them all together, your choice! They would probably pull it together after that cause they may feel super guilty for being so difficult. I would either make the choice for them or give them the color, fabric, and length to choose from and tell them to decide based on that or don't be in the wedding. Period. lol 


For my bridesmaids, I had printed out styles they can choose from. At first I was ok with them having different styles as long as color, length, and fabric was the same but in the end decided they should wear the same dress and my MOH will have a different variation. The consultant at the bridal shop pointed out which was the most flattering for all body types and we went with that one. 2 of my bridesmaids got no say as they were further away. I sent them the pic of the dress I was getting for them, asked for their sizes, and that was it.


People give more push back when they have a lot of options, so don't give them many lol Hope that doesn't sound too harsh, but sometimes that's necessary!

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I would put your foot down and pick the color, fabric, designer, and styles you like. Let everyone know ahead of time that a decision has to be made as time is winding down and you've narrowed it down to your favorites. Lets face it, we have all been in weddings where we haven't LOVED the dress or it wasn't a dress we would choose for ourselves. If they cant pull it together and realize that its stressing you out unnecessarily, I would be pretty straightforward that you don't NEED bridesmaids (if that is indeed true)

weddingtonway.com was a great tool for me... I didn't order the dresses from there but it allowed me to collect all my favorites in one area and all the girls could view them.

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