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Should We Get Venue Prices On Our Own Or Wait For Wc To Do It?

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Hi all!


We need some advice and the cumulative wisdom on this forum seems to be enormous, so I'm hoping you can help.


We've had a couple of independant wedding coordinators tell us that we should wait for them to get us numbers from various RIviera Maya venues (after we sign a contract with the WC, of course) and not ask for pricing from the venues directly.  I guess the theory is that if the wedding venue gives us one price directly - the MSRP so to speak - then it's harder for the WC to get better pricing for us... or something.   


I'm having a hard time understanding that.  I can't see how a venue would be less likely to give a better price to a WC just because they already quoted a higher price directly to the client before the WC was contracted.  That's what negotiating is all about. 


On the other hand, if we, as the client, know what the venue would charge us directly, it would be harder for the WC to put a percentage for themselves on top of that price.   In other words, us not getting a price from the venue ourselves gives the WC more power to charge us whatever they think they can get away with.  Knowledge is power and all.


My question: is there any realistic scenario in which it benefits us, as the client, to NOT ask for pricing from the venues we're interested in before we finalize a contract with a WC?


Thanks, all!

Edited by Shipwrecked2015
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I hope with my answer that I understood what you were asking, so if I am off base here let me know. The thing with waiting on the WC to get prices for you from the Venue is that they can often negotiate better prices or options for you. You could try and negotiate on your own but as the wedding coordinators in the Mayan know the vendors often personally and deal with them quite a bit, they can negotiate on some things. Also, I have never heard of a wedding coordinator putting a "percentage" on top of the venue price. The venue we ended up going with was the same price as on their website but our wonderful coordinator was able to negotiate us bringing on our own late night snack and better deals on some of the vendors.

Also, with the wedding coordinator coordinating with all of the vendors and venue you use, they all know her and are used to dealing with her, so things run more smoothly the day of. Our super star coordinator Joyce has been communicating with the vendors as well as us, so when the big day happens here in a few months time, they know what is expected of her and what her standard is

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I would ask venues for the prices myself AND let the WC look for prices as well. That way you can compare prices and if you get better rated from the venues you'll know the WC is up charging you and have them price match, if they refuse tell them you don't trust their service and are no longer willing to do business with them. Play the game the way they do, but, stay one step ahead. Don't let anyone tell you you can't shop for prices yourself.

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Do it yourself and then wait for WC to also quote. It's 2014, Internet is a marvelous thing :) you have many options to contact them. I got rid of my WC and changed venues bc I just got tired of the venue quoting me lower and WC higher and so forth. Good luck!

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It sounds like you don't trust the WCs very much that you have spoken with.  If that's the case, you should do the whole thing on your own or find someone you trust to assist you and then follow their advice.


This type of service is very personal and there should be a mutual respect on both sides for the job they do and the assistance they provide. It needs to start with mutual trust and respect - if that's not there, move on.  Once you find someone to work with, let them do their job ---  or do it yourself if you think you can do it better.

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@@TAkathy I disagree.


I wouldn't go as far as to say that she doesn't "trust" them. Trust is earned and not really applicable in this case.


Its a business not a friendship. You need to do a little research and make an informed and educated decision.



I think any modern bride with a sense of saviness wants to ensure she is getting the best possible prices and honest answers.


Doing a little leg work is admirable and I highly recommend it :)

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@@TAkathy I disagree.


I wouldn't go as far as to say that she doesn't "trust" them. Trust is earned and not really applicable in this case.


Its a business not a friendship. You need to do a little research and make an informed and educated decision.



I think any modern bride with a sense of saviness wants to ensure she is getting the best possible prices and honest answers.


Doing a little leg work is admirable and I highly recommend it :)

Leg-work and Saviness? Absolutely.... But trust is also a must in ESPECIALLY the business world. I sign multi-million dollars on a daily basis in my business career. Obviously my education and training along with research and Saviness makes me successful in what I do, but without mutual trust and respect by my colleagues AND clients none of the deals would go through.


It's fine to be smart- in fact... It's imperative that you don't go into any financial situation with blinders on... But if you want to hire a Wedding coordinator to work WITH you or FOR you, you have to trust that they are doing what they need to do and are great at their job. If it doesn't feel right.. Find someone that you can trust. - if not do it yourself and hold yourself accountable.

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Just thought I would chip in here..... um @@Shipwrecked2015 is a groom. One of the few we have here unfortunately. It would be nice to see more of the guys!!!


Trust is imperative, especially if you're dealing with a WC in another country! You need to be sure that they share the vision you're after and will follow through with it. If you doubt at all that it's not what you really want, find someone that you do trust. When you're paying someone money like that, you have to be certain the money will work in the way you want it to!!


Good luck @@Shipwrecked2015  Just one question though..... have you set up things up with a travel agent yet? I would strongly recommend that first before anything else. Get you resort prices in line with where you want to be. As well, sometimes a TA has access to special group credits based on your numbers that can sometimes be applied to your wedding events. I'm going to use a wedding coordinator but because we have very odd circumstances and are looking for something very small so I'm definitely NOT saying don't use a WC but enlist your TA's help if possible first in case there are things that you'll have access to that may help with your planning.


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Try both. The sales rep at my resort gave me prices much higher than my TA was able to negotiate. I was talking to both of them at the same time, without revealing that I was considering other options to either of them. I'm no professional but I see no issue in contacting the resort yourself also. You'r scenario almost makes me question the integrity of your TA, telling you not to contact the resort seems a little suspicious, in my eyes. Please also keep in mind that price isn't everything. My resort's sales rep was extremely difficult to contact and the contract wording was not appeasing to me - which was my ultimate reason for choosing to use a TA. Good luck!

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