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Is It Rude To Not Include Both Names Of A Couple?

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mine is the same. He always tells me "why are you asking me if you already made your decision?" so I do get away with a lot of what I want but I try as much as I can to also include his opinions. He didn't want a TTD so we're not doing it. I wanted a pinata but he didn't so I guess we're not doing it (although I have a year to convince him otherwise, muahaha). 


HAHAHAH!!!  very true!  

It's funny though how they also change their minds or love an idea.  He wasn't keen on the OOT bag idea (which I find a bit pricey and cumbersome to travel with) but then I mentioned the hangover kit idea and he LOVED it.  Now we are going to fill our tumblers with items.


Generally if I have an idea I can't justify I leave it for awhile, if it keeps coming back up then I just bite the bullet and do it.


TTD!   I never even asked because it's not something I want to do.  I had never even heard of it before. Is this more a DW thing? 


At the end of the day, this board gave me a lot of great ideas (cost me more money mind you haha) but I think a lot are so unique that we all have a special treat in store for our guests.

Edited by calgarybride2015
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I think some of it comes from your profession -- what do you guys do?

I am a nurse and can soften anything over, it's a skill I acquired or maybe already had? haha!


Hmmmmm maybe!!! I'm a national director for a major beverage company. Plus I've been married before, (planned a very shoo shoo expensive in town wedding last time).....and I'm old! Hahahah... So put that together and maybe I have somehow learned tact! (Trust me- it isn't always the case!)

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@@calgarybride2015 - My fiancé has began yes-ing me to death as he has learned that I ask for opinions but often have already made up my mind lol So this is frustrating when I genuinely want his opinion or feedback!


I had no idea was TTD even stood for before coming to this site lol It definitely seems like it's just a DW thing. I plan on doing it since pictures that I've seen have looked beautiful. At first, my fiancé didn't like the idea but quickly 'yes'ed me on it when I told him I wanted to do it lol 


I'm trying not to get too crazy with the ideas on this site - like you said the price definitely adds up!

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@@Lia33 haha mine does the same! and then he says "we all know what you already decided that this is happening". I remember when I asked him about colors, he sat me down and he's like "ok, what color did you pick?". I was just trying to get his opinion between two color schemes :P

We liked the underwater ones but then we saw some more pictures he didn't like them. He's not a very strong swimmer whereas I am, and I always wanted to feel like a mermaid haha, as silly as that sounds. I think maybe he got intimidated so I'm not going to push it on him. We're having a reception in Argentina next year and there's a part of the town with an old train station and old houses, which I think would make for a beautiful backdrop so we might go with that. 

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@@TinkerSofi  The underwater ones are beautiful but neither of us are fully confident in our swimming skills for that lol So we will stay where the shores and waves are lol I guess I should have him look at pics from photoshoots before making him do this huh loll I think he's afraid of disagreeing with anything lol


Argentina! Exciting! That definitely does sound like it would be a beautiful backdrop for some gorgeous photos!

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**I thought I was responding to another other thread about an invite who was not addressed to one of the posters here, just her FI. Sorry!!!**


I agree and find that incredibly rude, especially for a couple who have been together for awhile and are engaged to be married. It has happened to us several times and I always feel really crummy. One of his good friends who knows me very well did it to me and I tried to not let it bother me but to this day I always remember I was the and "guest" in their eyes lol

but in response to this thread lol I think if they are married its perfectly acceptable to do the "Mr. and Mrs. so and so" and if its a long term relationship I would try and figure out the names. Anyone who is single or in a recent relationship (to the point where I haven't met this person) I put and guest.

Edited by TiffanyMC
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