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So I think I am going to do website only RSVPs....how do you word it to prevent guests from adding uninvited people, I heard that this happens a lot. I will write everyone's names on the invites, but I have some families that are invited all the way to some singles who I am not giving a guest invite to (if they truly are single). I don't want people to write random people's names down, 

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Depending on your website, there are ways to prevent this. I have mine built on wedshare and there is an option to only allow guests to RSVP for names already loaded by you... They can't add names. It's perfect!


Be aware however, that for a DW it may be unrealistic for you to ask people to travel without a guest since many hotels charge a premium for single supplement and since not every moment of the time at the destination will be about your wedding, it may be not considered fun by some guests to use their holiday time but then not be welcome to at least bring one guest to share in their vacation.

Edited by kmk2016
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ah good idea. I see your point, i thought about it for awhile, but since our rooms are through timeshares I have it pretty planned out where people are going and the singles are all going to stay with their groups of friends, making it cheaper on everyone. We don't have too many anyways, and most will be with other singles in their group of friends- if not they will still be with their friends, that is if they decide to come- if they feel strongly about things since these are all closer friends, I hope they would just ask me. I just don't want to pay the couple hundred dollars (wedding plus extras we are paying for) for someone I have never met before. 

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On my website, mywedding.com, I got to pick the amount of people they could RSVP for.

I chose 2 and I made a comment to include the children in the comments section.

The reason I did this was because my fiance has one cousin who felt her invite meant she could invite anyone she wanted in her family.  We have been pretty easygoing with it.  Everyone got (and guest) on their invite, but that doesn't mean 15 guests lol. 


In the end it worked well.

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Also using mywedding.com and using a setting to set how many people they can RSVP for. Gave all "single" invitees an "and guest" so hopefully they understand that means ONE lol so far so good

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Not sure if the knot.com has this type of setting, I will have to look into this. I will most likely have paper rsvp's though but I did make note on the website that booking should be either single, couple invited, or person invited plus one guest unless otherwise specified. 

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