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Social Media And Your Wedding Day...

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I dont know why but this never really bothered me and I feel kinda silly saying that I don't see what's wrong with it (what an ass right?) I wouldn't post someone else's wedding while it's still going on but i don't care if other people do when it's my wedding. The only reason why I wish they wouldn't post during the ceremony is because by the time they choose a filter, add a caption, etc. the ceremony is over! I guess just like I don't see what's wrong with posting things I also don't see the point of posting things as they happen haha. I just wish people would stop taking pictures of everything and instantly posting things and start enjoying the moment but this is more of a general wish rather than just for the wedding.


Knowing myself I won't post anything until I get back because simply I have more important things to do and enjoy than to be on fb during my vacation haha. I know some people can't/don't want to disconnect and I can't ask them to either.



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I dont know why but this never really bothered me and I feel kinda silly saying that I don't see what's wrong with it (what an ass right?) I wouldn't post someone else's wedding while it's still going on but i don't care if other people do when it's my wedding. The only reason why I wish they wouldn't post during the ceremony is because by the time they choose a filter, add a caption, etc. the ceremony is over! I guess just like I don't see what's wrong with posting things I also don't see the point of posting things as they happen haha. I just wish people would stop taking pictures of everything and instantly posting things and start enjoying the moment but this is more of a general wish rather than just for the wedding.


Knowing myself I won't post anything until I get back because simply I have more important things to do and enjoy than to be on fb during my vacation haha. I know some people can't/don't want to disconnect and I can't ask them to either.



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I do agree with you - we did post some on Facebook (and on here haha) because we had a lot of family and friends back home that couldn't come and I knew they were dying to see pictures.   But when you are on vacation, especially with ALL those friends and family, you don't have time to play around on your phone!!!

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My fiance is just REALLY private on Facebook and I'd say I'm moderately private. He posts, but NEVER anything personal and he has to approve anything he is tagged in. He didn't even want me to post when we got engaged, though he didn't go so far as to ask me not to. My post about it was somewhat veiled (it was the day after my birthday so it was part of a post about that as well) and I haven't posted a single thing about our wedding or our plans. We don't actually even have our relationship status on there.


Everyone uses social media differently and that is totally fine. I don't care if our guests post pictures of themselves from our wedding! But since our approach to social media is fairly private, I think it is fair to ask that our guests not post pictures of US right away. I'm not going to be mad if someone posts anyway - I'm just going to put it on the welcome letter and leave it at that for peace of mind. Whatever happens, happens.

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I do agree with you - we did post some on Facebook (and on here haha) because we had a lot of family and friends back home that couldn't come and I knew they were dying to see pictures.   But when you are on vacation, especially with ALL those friends and family, you don't have time to play around on your phone!!!

I think this time might be the exception too because of the family and friends that are going to be at home :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm getting married in Cuba so I don't think this will be a huge issue.  I've been to Cuba twice before and they have internet, but you can only use it in the lobby on their computers.  The internet is slow and I wasn't able to read the CAPTCHA  to get into gmail or Facebook.  I love the experience of being "unplugged" we're so bogged down by information and distraction it's nice to get away from it for a while and focus on the simple things in life.  If somehow my resort does have a good internet connection I don't mind people posting pictures of my wedding on social media.  

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We were lucky, without having to ask, people were very polite and did not post anything until the day after the wedding.


I must say, I am very happy that people did take pictures and share them on facebook for several reasons:

1. I personally didn't take any photos on my wedding day, so now I have a few to hold me over... which brings me to my next point

2. I won't get my photos back for about 7 weeks...and although this a long time, it feels even longer because.....

3. I forgot to look at myself in the mirror! SOOOO... I only know how I looked that day because our family & friends took pictures

4. And finally, through their photos, I am able to share with them people who couldn't attend (that is until we get our wedding photos back)


So, yay! I am happy I didn't ask people to put away their phones. But... to each, their own. Do what will make you and your husband happy and comfortable!



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For me, it's not so much that I mind people posting and tagging us in things (although yes, everyone should have the common sense to wait until after the ceremony is over!) What I don't want is just to look out at all of my closest family and friends while I'm saying my I Do's....and see nothing but phones in front of their faces. A quick snap at some point is fine (I'd probably do the same!) but I don't want people to be so obsessed with taking pictures the whole time to the point that they don't enjoy the ceremony, OR if the photographer shoots the crowd, all he sees is iPhones.  You don't need to take pictures the whole time people, that's what the photographer is for!! I might encourage people to "enjoy the moment" just in conversation, but I'm not going to make an official announcement, even though a part of me would like to.


After my brother's wedding when we were all taking pictures in the church after the ceremony with the bridal party and family, so many guests were so busy running around with their iPhones trying to take pictures while the photographer was trying to work that many of the pictures didn't turn out well because everyone's flashes were going off and ruining her lighting! I was so frustrated for them. Again, the photographer is RIGHT there - I'm sure they'd give you a copy of the good picture that's better than the one you're taking on your phone! Anyway, I'm ranting, and the lighting thing isn't a worry for any of us since we're outside, but I hope all of our guests don't hide behind their phones all night.

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@@rachelia160 That's my view as well. I am strongly considering having an unplugged ceremony (reception is fine, cocktail hour fine and anything before the ceremony is fine with me). It was actually two of our close friends that brought it up to Chester and I and asked if we were having an unplugged ceremony. I didn't even think about it until they brought it up, but now i'm quite happy that they did. I really don't love the idea of Chester and I sharing these intimate words, feelings etc and having a bunch of camera phones out which is taking away from the overall meaning and focus of our guests. I want everyone to be paying attention and not worrying about capturing it or uploading it. In a lot of ways I do think that it does negate the intimacy of a wedding ceremony and what I love most about a wedding is that intimate moment that the bride and groom share in front of everyone. It's like me spilling my deepest feelings and someone is just looking at their phone.. almost kind of insulting.


I totally love this idea.  I totally agree that cocktail our and reception is fine - it's a party and people want to take pictures! But an unplugged ceremony would be lovely - do you have an idea of how you'll communicate that to your guests?

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Now you've sold me with this idea.  I keep literally going back and forth with this idea.  


I think it is very fitting to include it in the programs.  We have two photographers so even though there will be a delay in getting the photos im' sure we can trust them for all the right photos! :) 

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Do you think people will understand that 'devices' also means legit cameras? Unless of course a camera is ok. I found more carried their cameras than phones. I always worry there is the one who is clueless as we have all learned on here hahah



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Edited by calgarybride2015
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