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No Best Man Or Maid Of Honour. Is This Ok?

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I'm not really having a bridal party, either. I asked my sister and my bestie to by my Matrons of Honor. I just need the two of them to keep me calm and as stress-free as possible. As far as dresses, I told them to coordinate among themselves.. they can do whatever they want for style, where they get their dress from, etc. I even told them they don't have to get their hair done. My sis is a newlywed and my bestie just had a baby, so I know my wedding is asking a lot already. 

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I guess what it boils down to is being surrounded by people that love you and support you. But it's easy to get wrapped up in all the shenanigans. I want everyone to be happy but it doesn't always end up that way. Oh well as my FI keeps saying it's our day and if someone isn't happy they can stay home!

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We aren't doing a bridal party and I am also having my dad be my witness. I really want our wedding to be about US and my fiance and I have been together forever so I really want to walk down the aisle together (I'm also very non-traditional so I don't want to be "given away"). So, having my dad be my witness still gives him a special role and he is happy to do it. My fiance will either have his mom or dad as well.


After we drafted our first guest list we came up with a plan that does not include a best man or maid of honor. Our fathers would be our witnesses.


This idea came because my FI did not know who he could ask as his best man without hurting his other friends. As far as my bridal party goes I would take my sister as MOH but for many reasons am not sure she would even attend our wedding. If that were the case I would ask his sister to be MOH but I really don't want her to feel like she is plan B because i really do care about her, she's awesome. 


My suggestion was that we ask our fathers to be our witnesses. That way everyone is on the ''same level'' as groomsmen and bridesmaids. 


Does this make sense to anyone else? If it doesn't feel free to share... i'm brainstorming here! 

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