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Besides Bouquet And Boutonniere, What Other Flowers You Getting?

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@@calgarybride2015 Good idea and I'm thinking about this. I believe I can apply the value of any floral pieces against something else, if I don't want the specific items that come with the package. But I'm thinking of lots of little vases with only 1 or 2 flowers in each of them, running down the centre of the table. So I don't know that I really want bouquets on the table. Of course, I change my mind about every 5 minutes, so we'll see  :P


Something like this:

centerpiece 3

(except spaced out more)

centerpiece 4

(except not grouped like this)


Edited by vancouverpetunia
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Those are super pretty and if you did something like baby's breath you should get more for your buck over things like roses, well you would in Canada anyways.. What type of flower were you thinking for the tables? Beautiful idea.


Even if they doubled for the BMs bouquets your WC could take apart the bouquets to put singles in the vases maybe? Just throwing out ideas.


My stems were too long for our vases so the WC knew to cut them down as she prepped for the reception.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by calgarybride2015
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