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Website To Check Out

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Hey girls,

Most of you probably have checked out this site but you can try:




They have everything on there wedding and non wedding related or even if you wanted to purchase any gifts.


Just thought I would throw this out there just in case you haven't checked it out yet.


Not sure what the quality of these things are. I have ordered only a couple items from here non wedding related and it didn't seem too bad especially for the price you are paying.


Most items have free shipping also.

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A doctor I work with used this almost entirely for her wedding, even her dress (it was horrible and she can't wear it mind you lol)... anyways her advice was to make sure they will ship it as a 'gift' and that they offer free shipping -- most do and that's awesome for us Canadians who seems to pay so much more.   If you don't get it listed as a gift you get dinged hard thru customs.

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