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My Guests Are Starting To Drive Me Crazy!

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So I have about 16 rooms blocked with Travel Impressions at the moment for our wedding next March, and I have had to change the room block 4 times now due to my guests constantly changing their minds - and I'm about fed up!!


People either say their totally in and bail, or they can't make up their mind on what category of room they want. Ugh.


Anyone else have this problem with their guests?? :blink: :wacko:  Thoughts? Advice?


I realize we have awhile, but it is still considered high season, and I see people blocking rooms for early 2016 and it just makes me nervous!!


Hopefully Southwest will announce airfare for March soon so I can get something concrete down for these people.


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Do you have a travel agent? Let them take care of all this stuff, that's what they are there for! If not, maybe you could ask your guests to hold off on any changes until they are absolutely sure? And perhaps make a rule, no more changes! If it's stressing you out and putting work on your plate, cut them off! Good luck!

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I would definitely suggest a TA but that's not always guaranteed to relieve stress. My guest have started asking me booking questions and flight prices (hello that's why I have a TA). I'm constantly redirecting ppl to her. I have also had guest complain that the TA is not clear when she responds to emails (so I then reach out to her ) and find out that my guest are unclear on what they want to do which in turn confused her (I mean she's only human).

In all reality ppl are going to change their mind especially this early. I would start sending out your save the dates (if you haven't already) and set a deadline for booking a room. Keep in mind that life changes and so may your guest.

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Do you have a travel agent? Let them take care of all this stuff, that's what they are there for! If not, maybe you could ask your guests to hold off on any changes until they are absolutely sure? And perhaps make a rule, no more changes! If it's stressing you out and putting work on your plate, cut them off! Good luck!


I'm actually a travel agent so I'm doing it all myself - wish I had someone to do the work for me! lol

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I'm actually a travel agent so I'm doing it all myself - wish I had someone to do the work for me! lol

Even as a travel agent... Or even more so because of it/ I would ask a colleague to over see my folio just to get it off my plate! Being in the industry you can pull favors and know who to entrust with your big day! Any chance you can ask a colleague for help?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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