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Marinah84's Planning Thread - 3/14/15 - Crown Paradise Club Cancun

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I know, I feel like it was just yesterday! I'm so excited but kinda wish I had more time lol

I work better under pressure :)

I'm soooo excited for you..... We have some march and April ladies then a little lul for a awhile. I love living threw you ladies now.



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So my wedding coordinator let me know I can choose vanilla, chocolate (ew) or dulce de leche cake (well, she actually said "3 milks" and said it's "very milky" when I asked if that's what she meant...).


I'm not sure if we get to taste ahead of time or not, maybe?  But anyone who has had dulce de leche cake at a wedding before - is it good?  I'm a big vanilla fan, cannot stand chocolate cake (plus the dessert is brownie & ice cream, so that's already covered) and LOVE carmel.  So I'm torn?


Any thoughts?  I'm hoping I can taste test, but that's on Thursday before the Saturday wedding, and not sure it'll be enough time!!  Then again, it's a small cake so I doubt they make before Friday lol.


It won't let me post a poll...hmmm I swear that was an option before...

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The 3 milks at our resort is delicious!!!! That's what we chose. It can be very sweet so if you have a filling option I would suggest balancing it with something not as sweet. 

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I think you can never go wrong with vanilla but I would clarify about the dulce de leche. 3 leches and dulce de leche are not the same. 3 leches is like a moist, sweet, tasty cake. It tastes like a vanilla cake infused with condensed milk, just delicious. Dulce de leche is also very yummy and it tastes a lot like caramel, but better in my opinion, so you'll love it! :D 


Whichever of those two it is (dulce de leche or 3 milks) i think your cake will be a hit ;)

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@@MrsCtoB @@TinkerSofi


Thanks!  Those are great descriptions, and sound really good.  I'm guessing its the 3 leches, versus dulce de leche.  I'm all about sweet, so it could be a good option!





So before my workout last night, I was playing with the dog and throwing the toy.  I tripped and caught myself in a standing position, but heard a "pop" in my foot.  Turns out I have a fracture in my 5th metatarsal (little toe) and am in a walking shoe for probably 6 weeks.  GUESS WHAT HAPPENS IN LESS THAN 3 WEEKS?!  I'm so upset :(  I'm trying to be optimistic as much as possible, of course.  


The good thing is the pain should subside in 7-10 days, and the shoe is removable so I theoretically shouldn't be too worried about it, for the wedding itself.  The Monday excursion may be an issue, and getting around the resort a lot.  I'll have to see if they have scooters and things, just in case.  I have an appointment on Friday with the surgeon, to make sure it doesn't require surgery.  Until then, I am chugging ibuprofen/icing it and elevating it as much as possible.  Heal, heal, heal!  

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