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Any Weight Watchers Members?


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I love it @@tygrrlily

I have no problem tracking points. They have an app. that you can download as well which makes it easier than just writing it all down. I am never hungry because your fruits and veggies are 0 points with the new points plus system they have. Everything else might be a little bit more in points than the older system buts that because the fruits and veggies are 0 points now. I find if I feel like snacking I will chose a fruit or vegetable. On this system if you use your daily points limit than you will do good. THey give you an extra 49 points per week on top of what's already given to you for your daily points. So I use that and have a treat day. I picked Saturday for my treat day to go have what I want. Last week it was Burger King. You don't have to use these points every week but they basically created this so people can have treats. If you are allowed this and have the treats you are more likely to stick with it. I find it pretty awesome.



That's great though you are sticking with it. That's all part of it. Don't compare yourself to you hubby though because I did that and I get mad hahaha why do you lose so much ahead of me. urgh...hahaha


But we do what we can. I am prepared to notice not every week I will lose. I may end up gaining a pound here or there if I have a bad week. But as long as I keep at it then I should be fine.


I am also hoping to lose 2 dress sizes. That's my goal for now anyway.


Keep up the good work.

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@@kcole123 awesome!! I tried WW before and it worked. I'm also on my fitness pal I lost weight last summer just using that. this year I've enlisted the help of my friend who's a dietitian...so far I've lost 5lbs but haven't started being strict yet... Just focusing on portion size and meal/snack planning first... We should hook up on my fitness pal



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was weighed last night and gained 0.6 pounds. Not much but must keep going at this weight loss.

maybe muscle gain? Have you tried taking measurements. I find sometimes that's a better measure of weight loss. Also, if you didn't weigh yourself at the same time of the day, a .6 gain is very normal. Just hang on there and you'll see changes really soon ;)

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I haven't tried measurements at all. I kind of didn't do any measurements from the beginning so I wouldn't know if I lost any :( I should have though I didn't think of that.


We do weigh in the same time every week. I probably do understand the 0.6 weight gain though. it's that time of the month so maybe that has a lot to do with it besides feeling crappy...lol

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I haven't tried measurements at all. I kind of didn't do any measurements from the beginning so I wouldn't know if I lost any :( I should have though I didn't think of that.


We do weigh in the same time every week. I probably do understand the 0.6 weight gain though. it's that time of the month so maybe that has a lot to do with it besides feeling crappy...lol

that's totally it. I find I always weigh a little more during my time of the month due to water retention. I have an app called track lite to keep track of my measurements. It's not the greatest app ever but it's free and at least I don't have to write everything down on some piece of paper that i'll later lose :). It's not too late to measure yourself! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a lifetime WW member who always returns because it works, Currently I attend the meeting for support and weigh-ins, but I use Endomondo and My fitnessPal to track. The WW food scanner is very limited as opposed to MFP whose database is HUGE!!!! Good luck on your goals, but don't stress over weight. 

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