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Any Weight Watchers Members?


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I have my first weigh in tonight. I am nervous and anxious to see if I lost anything. I will let you girls know.

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I have used weight watchers in the past. For me the program was effective when I stuck to it and exercised. It was personally difficult to always count points and keep track of what I ate (I barely eat).

So for my wedding I have contacted my primary doctor and was prescribed weight loss pills and have exercised 5 days a week. I know the weight loss pills are a bit extreme but I needed the added push and they have effectively worked. I'm hoping to get down 15 lbs before September (for my last dress fitting) and in a month I'm down 10lbs already.

After this next month on my pills I will continue eating more fruits , veggies and water along with exercising.

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Does weight watchers actually work?  I thought about signing up for it online, but I wasn't sure.  Has anyone done the online sign up?  When I lost weight before I used myfitnesspal to log my workouts and eating habits.  

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Does weight watchers actually work?  I thought about signing up for it online, but I wasn't sure.  Has anyone done the online sign up?  When I lost weight before I used myfitnesspal to log my workouts and eating habits.  


I'd be interested in the answer to that too! I keep looking at the online program and wondering if it's worth it..... I'm tackling it on my own again. We have a wedding to go to on Aug 3rd, and I would love to be down at least 5 lbs by then, if not a tiny bit more.

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I tried doing a couple of dietbets. I think it wold be a good addition to weight watchers. Basically you put in $25-30 and bet that you will loose 4% of your weight in 28 days. You can follow your own program, it's not a set diet per say. If you win you get part of the pot! It really helped me shed a few pounds for the summer. I didn't reach my goal by two pounds! but I've been able to maintain what I've lost and working on those last two. 


anyways, here is the website and you can join games that are probably starting in the next few days www.dietbetter.com

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Wow @@kcole123! Kristy - that's great!!! I'm down a whole 3.5 lbs. woohoo! It has been a struggle. Hubs is down... get this - 22 lbs. lmao I hate him!! Why is it so much easier for men????? We've been at it for the same amount of time, and he doesn't even exercise!! It's so not fair! lol But now I'm getting serious. I even turned down blueberries and ice cream!! You have no idea what that did to me!! lol I did have a few of the blueberries though.


My problem is that my health issues and surgery have been stomach related so there are a lot of things I can't eat, which makes it harder. I love pineapple but can't eat it. Hubby has done really well with oranges but I can't have them. Grapes too don't go well. Veggies included. I can do simple things but of course the simple things that aren't as healthy. I'm loving the salads we're having for dinner at night, but hubby adds hot peppers to his, which of course helps to get your metabolism going. I can't have the spicy stuff.


Well - we just hang in there and keep at it. Right? One way or another I'm going to get into a dress for next year that is 2 sizes smaller than what I'm wearing now. (lol I hope!)

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